I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 136 Nan Xiaoniao's interest, Nan Xiaoniao's vigilance (please subscribe~)

The situation at this time was just as Ye Mu said, Nan Xiaoniao had already gone home from school at this time.

It's just the first year of high school and I still don't know about the abolition of the school. Life is still the same as usual, with normal classes, and I chat with Sonoda Haimi and the two at lunch every day.

After I got home, I prepared dinner and had dinner. I read fashion magazines for inspiration when I had nothing to do. On Saturdays and weekends, I went to Takasaka Honoka to play. It was like this.

At this time, Nan Xiaoniao has just returned home. Because of her mother's work problems, Nan Xiaoniao will be home alone from time to time.

As a result, as soon as Nan Xiaoniao came home, a phone call came over, Nan Xiaoniao glanced at it and said with some doubts: "Huh? Who is this calling?

Although she was puzzled, Nan Xiaoniao chose to answer.

"็ Hello Who are you....

"It's Nan-san, right?"

"Huh? How did you know that?"

Nan Xiaoniao was also stunned for a moment. This is a boy? But she is a student of a girls' school. Could it be that she was called by a student outside the school? Did you find her through the students in the 15th school?

That's not right. There are so many people in the school who know her contact information, and even fewer know her phone number. They won't tell the boys outside the school privately, and no one has anything to do with the boys outside the school.

Even though she thought so, Nan Xiaoniao nodded and said, "That's right, it's me, may I ask who you are..."

"I'm Ye Mu, did Sister Hannah contact you today?"

Nan Xiaoniao was stunned for two seconds before she said curiously: "Sister Hannah?! Is that sister Hannah from that fashion company?! 35

"Yes, it's her. It seems that she hasn't told you. I'm a friend of Sister Hannah from childhood to adulthood. Well, you should be quite vigilant, you should call her to chat. Call me back again."

"it is good!

Nan Xiaoniao breathed a sigh of relief. When she mentioned Hannah just now, she was less vigilant, but since she had an unfamiliar number, unfamiliar contact information, and she was still a boy, it would be better for her to confirm it.

"Hello? Miss Hannah?"

"Uh...he has already called, so, Sister Hannah, he is really your friend.

"Oh! It's him! I said why the name sounds familiar, so why did he come to me?"

"Well....he's in Tokyo now..."

"Oh... Well, I see, Sister Hannah, you should have told me earlier. Forget it, I guessed that you forgot because you were too busy. I'd better call you back." "

"Well, I see, but it's better to go to your company, Sister Hannah."

After hanging up the phone, Nan Xiaoniao said with a sigh of relief: "Really, I must have stayed up late again. What an unreliable adult."

Minami Xiaoniao took the initiative to call Ye Mu after heaving a sigh of relief, while the assessment of Tōtsuki's dinner on the other side had already begun.

Ye Mu took a sip with a can of soda in his hand before he said helplessly, "I didn't expect this girl to be able to cook like this.

Kobayashi Rentan leaned over and looked at it before saying in surprise: "Oh! Husband! This Hōjō Miyoko can actually make pickled dushi!

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Well, the ingredients used for pickled dutch are simple, the appearance is good, and it's delicious and easy. If you set the plate well, it will meet the standard of hotel dinners, which is very suitable."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning froze for a moment and said, "But it's not up to the standard. According to the request, shouldn't she use one of the ingredients other than chicken?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "That's right, so I didn't see that she prepared a cold dish to relieve the tiredness when she set the plate? In the same plate, that is the side dish, and this is also A platter layout.

"Oh... so that's a mixed vegetable? Mu, that Nan Xiaoniao called. 35

Ye Mu put down the soda water and turned it on immediately, Ye Mu said with a smile, "It looks like it's confirmed.

"Well, Sister Hanna was too busy and forgot about it. I heard Sister Hanna talk to me about you. If you are a second year high school student in Tōtsuki, then you should be called Senior Ye."

"Of course you can, so, Nan..."

"Just call me Little Bird, I'm good friends with Sister Hannah.

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Did Sister Hannah tell you the reason why I'm looking for you?

"You said you wanted to find me to make a dress, but I'm not very clear about the specifics, Senior Ye, do you have any clothes you want to find me?"

Ye Mu talked about Kitagawa Haimeng, and also said what kind of person Kitagawa Haimeng was, how he met, and how Hannah recommended her.

Nan Xiaoniao said suddenly: "Oh! I understand, of course there is no problem, I just don't have any works recently, that's ok, but I only have time after school and on Saturdays and Sundays. 35

Ye Mu said with a sigh of relief: "It would be best if you could help.

"Because it was entrusted by Sister Hannah, and I have been relatively idle recently, I am also very interested in this Kitagawa classmate, I feel that he is a very sincere person, and I would like to get to know him. In the end, I have never made such clothes. So more interested.

Ye Mu said with a smile: "This is the best way, she is a high school student in Katagiri, and she is the same age as you, you see when you have time, I will take her to meet you, you can chat, and it is convenient to measure the size ."

Nan Xiaoniao thought for a moment and said, "There will be time tomorrow.

"But I'll be busy tomorrow, after all I'm one of the examiners... What do you think about weekend mornings?

"Morning... OK, then it's a good morning on weekends, and the location is at the cafe opposite the fog house."

Inui Hinako and the others all had weird expressions, but they were all too familiar, Ye Mu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll talk to you later.

To contact her, she should have materials on hand..."

"Material? It's fine. I've stocked up a lot of materials recently, but I don't have any ideas, so I have a lot of free time. I'll check it out later. If there are fabrics of the same color, she doesn't need to prepare them. 35

"Thank you for that, I still have something to do, so don't bother, see you later.

"Yeah! Goodbye, Senior Ye.""

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