I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 142 Backstab Master Hisako, Fuyumi Mizuhara to be a guest (please subscribe~)

As Ye Mu said, after dinner, the students all dispersed and took a bath. As Ye Mu said, every room was having a party like the Polar Star Dorm, as if there was nothing at all. Tired like.

Hisako was sent to rest early by Erina, and Hisako was also puzzled. It stands to reason that Erina would definitely talk for a long time.

It wasn't until the next morning that Hisako knocked on the door for a long time before Erina opened the door with a blushing face and yawned, "Hisako, why did you get up so early.

"Sir Erina, it's getting late, and didn't you get up earlier than me? You've come to see Lord Ye Mu.

Erina coughed lightly and nodded and said, "Well, after all, you have a good rest, Hisako, come in and talk.


As soon as Hisako walked in, he saw Inui Hinako and the others chatting, Hisako said in surprise: "Sister Hyuga, you all got up early, but I was the last to get up..."

Xiaolin Rentan and the others all sneered, and Tian Yu Zhan Zhan brushed his hair and said with a rare guilty conscience: "Well, because we don't have an assessment, we're not tired.

"Oh....but still no-sama Erina got up early..."

Erina's expression froze, and Xiaolin Rindan said with a smile, "Isn't this because Erina is relatively strong, and because he usually learns from her husband to practice, so I'm not particularly tired."

"Ah! That's right! That's it! Hisako, keep working hard. 35

Hisako nodded suddenly and then said suspiciously, "But Erina-sama, why are you covering your waist? It feels like it's going to hurt a lot.

Inui Hinako and the others all laughed, Erina quickly said: "Ah! This ah... this... um... um... right! It's because yesterday's beef tartar was made, If you want to set the plate very finely, you have to bend over to see the specific layout, so it hurts a little~々.

"Oh! So...then why are you blushing, Lord Erina?"

"Ah! It's nothing, it's just that the temperature of the air conditioner was a little high after the break yesterday, and I'm not much better than you."

"Oh! Well, then..."

Erina quickly moved over and covered Hisako's mouth and said, "No! Hisako, I don't have any problems, you don't have to worry about it. …

"Uh uh?!

"Huh? Hisako, what did you say?"


Erina was stunned for a moment, then quickly retracted her hand and said, "Hisako, what are you talking about?"

"I just said, Lord Erina, what's wrong with you? Why did you feel a little pain just now?

"Ah! It's just a little pain in the waist, it's alright."

Hisako nodded and said, "Like this, by the way, what about Lord Ye Mu? Why can't you see Lord Ye Mu in Lord Ye Mu's room?"

Saeko Toujima was arranging Akakubo Tao's hair and said with a smile: "Mu, Mu went to see the students, and will be back in a while.

"Oh, so, Mr. Erina has been resting well recently, and her complexion is getting better and better.

"Pfft..." xn

Hisako's back stab skills made Kobayashi Rentio and others silently give a thumbs up, good guy, crit, and Erina froze.

But Erina didn't know another thing at this time. Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Dushima Saeko were also sleeping soundly at the time, and they didn't know it at all. Ye Mu was the only person in the know, but it was estimated that Erina would know soon.

Ye Mu on the other side really went to send the students, and by the way, he also went to send the students. This time, there have been many changes in the dormitory training. For example, Kojiro Shinomiya did not eliminate Tadokoro Megumi, and there was no food. halberd.

Moreover, Ye Mu had dealt with Shinomiya Kojiro at the very beginning a long time ago, and he didn't know what he thought these days, he looked thoughtful.

Graduates all went to find their favorite students, and so did Fuyumi Mizuhara and others.

When Ye Mu came, Dojima Gin and others were chatting with Yukihira Sōma and others. After Ye Mu came over, Yukihira Sōma and others all looked over.

Dojima Gin said with a smile, "You guys are going to stay here a little longer, are you here to send the students?"

Ye Mu nodded and said, "It's all about loosening up the students, after all, in addition to being the senior, I was also an examiner during these six days and five nights.

Yoshino Yuuki hurriedly said, "Senior Ye! Aren't you going back to school?

Ye Mu shook his head and said: 66〃I have no idea of ​​going back for the time being, after all, I still have more things to do, how about it? Tōtsuki is not as simple as you think.

Yukihira Sōma's eyes jumped and she said, "You bastard.... just come back, how on earth did you manage to get five thousand four hundred and one?"

"Huh? This thing... just wait until you can easily break the thousand copies."

Yukihira Sōma and others all twitched the corners of their mouths, Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said: "Okay, hurry up and go back, if you're late, there's nothing you can do, and finally check what's left, I can stay when I go back to school. will go.

"Ah! I seem to have forgotten something..."

"Okay, it's not a big thing if you think about it. I can bring it back for you when I look back. If you miss the car, it's not a small amount for you to go back at your own expense."

"Okay! Thanks!"

"Small thing, just go back, I'll visit Polar Star Dorm when I have time.

"Huh?!" xn

After chatting for a while, Ye Mu hurried to catch the car, Ye Mu turned his head and glanced at it and said with a smile: "Seniors, we have to say goodbye for the time being."

Everyone raised their brows, and Shinomiya Kojiro said, "Hey, what do you mean temporarily?"

"Senior Si Gong, don't you know? You've been thinking about it for so many days.

"Heh...you are indeed a black belly, wait, what do you mean by this guy?"

Guan Shouping sighed and said, "I have a bad feeling...pull"

"Um..." xn

Ye Mu was about to speak when he saw Fuyumi Mizuhara walk up and say with a blank face: "Go back to your house to be a guest..."

“Anytime welcome~”

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