I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 155 The Scared Polar Star Dorm, He Approved (Subscribe~)

At this time, Marui Zenji also recovered a little. A group of people sat at the table drinking tea and chatting, but basically they were talking about the final celebration banquet. After all, the taste was really amazing.

"Ibuzaki, what were you talking about with Isshiki-senpai just now?"

Ibusaki Shun sat on the chair next to him and said with a sigh of relief, "I just reported that I met Kobayashi-senpai and the others during the exam this time."

Yoshino Yuuki nodded suddenly and said: "Oh! I know this! I didn't expect it to be a couple, I was shocked when I came to review!

Tadokoro Megumi nodded and said, "Yeah, yes, I'm really nervous to see the seniors come to the kitchen.

Isshiki Satoshi froze for a moment and said, "Huh? Could it be that Kobayashi-senpai and the others are also going to be examiners?"

Sakaki "820" Ryoko shook his head and said, "No, I came to look for Senior Ye, only after this assessment did I know how terrifying Senior Ye's strength really is.

Isshiki Satoshi tilted his head and said, "How?

Sakaki Ryoko said helplessly: "Senior Ye's final assessment in this assessment is lunch and dinner in the form of a buffet, the format is (thousands of words omitted here) and that's it.

Isshiki Satoshi said in surprise: "Ah, Ye Jun really values ​​you, I also want to play with such interesting exam questions, not only is it very tiring, but it takes a long time to think about cooking. 99

Yoshino Yuuki nodded and said, "Yes, yes, it's too difficult. Last year, Senior Ye was able to handle four dishes by himself in less time than us, and easily got a score of 5,401. Ah, that's amazing, we're so tired we only have a few hundred copies! 39

Isshiki Satoshi said with a smile: "You should be wondering how Ye Jun managed to get so many points, right?

"Hmm!" xn

Yukihira Sōma said in a deep voice: "To be honest, until now I still don't know how he did it? How could he have such a result on the premise of robbing others for customers, it's impossible that you all are not prepared to cook."

Isshiki Satoshi sighed and said: "I want to correct one thing, Ye Jun didn't grab guests from others, and secondly, we really didn't have anyone to prepare the dishes."

"Huh? 39


Isshiki Satoshi said helplessly: "Yes, after Ye Jun shot, all the guests, nearly a thousand guests, all rushed over, that is to say, it is completely impossible to grab, Ye Jun has completely turned into a personal show. .""

"Hi..." xn

Sakaki Ryoko said in surprise: "How did he do it? And cooking, is it basically soup?

"Heh... just wait a moment, there's nothing that you can't see now."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Isshiki Satoshi returned to the room and walked over with his laptop. He found a video in the folder and chose to play it. It was the video of Ye Mu's final assessment.

"Senior Isshiki, what is this?"

"The video of our assessment of that session is what you are curious about. You should take a good look at it."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the next moment they saw Ye Mu's figure, Ye Mu was standing leisurely on the side without saying a word, while the students were preparing in a panic.

Yoshino Yuuki said with a look of nympho: "Wow! Senior Ye was too calm back then! So handsome!"

Sakaki Ryoko also nodded and said: "Indeed, it's too calm, but why didn't a single dish come out?

"Because Ye Jun hasn't started cooking yet.

"Eh?! Now.... Live production?! Oh! It's Nakiri-san and Arato-san, eh? Why is Nakiri-san eating raw lemons and hasn't peeled them yet."

"Pfft... This is just Ye Jun's black belly, classmate Nakiri is Ye Jun's girlfriend, you can treat it as a normal little joke.

"Oh..." xn

"It's starting! People are starting to come! Wait.... Why did Senior Ye put several pots at the same time, the frying pan and the traditional amphora of the Tian Dynasty!

For the next time, everyone was stunned, perfect cooking skills like art, terrible time difference to master, but also taking time to set the plate calmly, and it was all the same, more and more guests, but Ye Mu always looks calm...

Until the end, Ye Mu still kept the same way as at the beginning. He handled cooking like copy-paste, without any signs of panic or exhaustion, and still every step was more perfect than textbooks.

After a long time, the video ended, Yukihira Sōma forced a smile and said, "Hey, this guy is a monster..."

Tadokoro Megumi also said dumbly: "Is this the strength of Senior Ye? What a terrifying strength, and his cooking skills are also very powerful. Tofu and ingredients that are as thin as hair can be cut with two knives at the same time. The perfect skill of shaking the pot is also Hands to handle, and....it's amazing...'

Isshiki Satoshi said helplessly: "Sōma-kun, unfortunately, Ye-kun was playing at the time.

"Huh?!" xn

Yukihira Sōma said in disbelief: "Hey hey hey! Are you still playing?!"

Isshiki Satoshi nodded and said: "That's right, so far, Ye Jun has only been a little serious once, that is when Ye Jun faced off against Ji Zhiguo in the final of the autumn election. Because this is respect for his lover, Ye Jun is a little serious. a bit.

Everyone gasped, and Isshiki Satoshi sighed and said, "That is to say, Sōma-kun, if you want to challenge Ye-kun, then you have to deal with all the Elite Tens, including 4.3 me, and it's because we are good at it. the killing field.

Yukihira Sōma said with a sigh of relief, "Tōtsuki Elite Ten....what does it take to become an Elite Ten?

"You'll know this in time, everyone, tell me about your cooking and exam questions, I'm really curious about your works, they are definitely excellent masterpieces, and Ye Jun will also be very satisfied. ."

"Eh? Senior Isshiki, why do you know that Senior Ye recognizes it?"

"Huh? Because if you don't approve, Ye Jun will take another assessment.

"Huh?! 35


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