I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 159 To be a good wife, I will sing to you if you want to listen to it (please subscribe~)

Time passed by so slowly, until it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was already close to dusk.

Ye Mu leaned against the door frame with a glass of water in his hand, looked at Hu Ji Cai Zhe, who was kneeling beside the bed and folded the sheets, and said, "It's time to set off when you pack up."

"I have to cherish it well. Then again, where are we going. 99

"Shopping in Ginza, moving tomorrow, and going to have a hot pot dinner at night.""

"Huh?! Moving?! Don't you live in the Moon Smoke House-?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "It's true that I live in the Moon Smoke House, but I bought a villa nearby, so Saeko and the others can come easily, and it will be helpful in the future."

Hu Ji Cai Zhe thought for a moment and nodded and said, "Well, I see... Then let's go now. 35

Looking at the obedient and ignorant Huji Caizai who really thought it was a very virtuous guy, Ye Mu was also a little helpless, but he really solved his problem, so there was no reason to explode.

To put it simply, Hu Ji Caixue drove over after receiving Ye Mu's call.

Huji Caizai was very excited. After seeing Ye Mu, he was more reserved, but in fact he almost shouted out excitedly.

As soon as he entered the room, Hu Ji Cai picked his head down and whispered, "Jun Ye, what are you doing to me..."

Ye Mu said with a sigh of relief: "During this period of time, I have thought about how to deal with your question, Sister Huci, and finally... 99

Then Huji's vegetable picking exploded on the spot, because she knew that the result was good, it would be strange if she could endure it, and then it was gone.

If it was to let Inui Hinako know, he would definitely say: "Gentian, your calculations are accurate, and you were almost overtaken."

Well, it is simply such a situation, and it is the same as Ye Mu and the others guessed.

Huji Nazai is indeed a very strange guy, but as long as she does not talk about the topic of love or marriage, she is normal, and can even be said to be a very reliable big sister.

In the final analysis, the reason is because Huji Caizai has been single for 10,000 years and has never been in a relationship since she grew up, but now she has a goal, so before she succeeds, she only needs to see Ye Mu or chat with her. When it comes to getting married, falling in love, etc., it will explode in place.

And now that it's successful, then there's nothing to say. No lover will explode and all kinds of resentment. Now that she's not single, she exploded yesterday? What was the reason for the explosion?

Therefore, at this time, there was no reason for the explosion of Huji Cai Picking. Instead, it became very obedient, normal, and extraordinarily normal. Those who didn't know it thought it was a different person.


Ye Mu looked at Hu Jicai Picking who stood up and stumbled, shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, take your time, I'll put the sheets away for you. 95

Hu Ji Cai Zhe looked at the folded sheets and shook his head and said, "I won't give it to you, I'll just put it away myself, let's go."

Ye Mu nodded, Huji Caizhai just followed Ye Mu a little bit, Ye Mu suddenly turned his head and looked at Huji Caizhai like this.

Hu Ji Cai picked up for a moment and said, "Eh? What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Before Hu Ji Cai Zhai could react, Ye Mu picked up Hu Ji Cai Zhe by the waist, Hu Ji Cai Zhai was stunned for two seconds and blinked: "Eh? I... I can go by myself..."

"Okay, I used to be so crazy, why are you so honest now?

Huji Caizhe thought for a while and said, "Because...because...because it was different from that time. At that time, I had to show my enthusiasm, so that I could succeed! Be persistent! Now I feel a little more mature, That's how you can be a good wife..."

Ye Mu shook his head with a smile and said, "You are surprisingly easy to understand, you came by car."

"Well... let's drive over in a while.

"Okay, but you go to the co-pilot, I'll drive.

Hu Ji Cai picked up for a moment and said, "Eh? You.... you can drive?! But do you have a driver's license?

...for flowers....

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Of course, I have an international driver's license, and it has been certified here, so you can rest well."


The car that Hu Ci Cai picks is not a sports car, but it is also a very good car. After all, Hu Ci Cai pick is also a little rich woman, but her family is in politics.

Natsuki Huji sat in the co-pilot and looked at Ye Mu who was driving the car. After watching for a while, he said with a smile, "That... if I... move..."

"If you want to move in, you can move in anytime. After all, it's your own home, isn't it?"


Hu Ji Cai picked up for two seconds before saying with a smile, "Well! I'm going to move in too! My dear!

"What's with this name?

"Because you're my man, I won't use the same name as Ning Ning and the others. Anyway, I'm also a more mature person."

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head but didn't speak. Hu Ji Cai picked up no resistance when he saw Ye Mu, he just laughed and turned his head to look out the window, his legs were just swaying, and he was humming a song .

Although Huji Caizai is usually very strange, to be honest, this guy is definitely a beautiful woman and has a good figure. As a home economics teacher, her personal life is not a problem, and she has no taste and knowledge in politics at home. That said, it's not bad for the money.

Huji Cai picks the various lolitas that she usually wears, which are not cheap, and as she said before, she has been an idol, this is not a joke, she has really been an idol.

In the original work, she changed her image, but in the end, in the festival activities, she won the first place with the gesture of an idol gorgeously, and there is no suspense in the first place, so it is very good to say that Huji Cai picks and sings.

"It's the first time I hear you sing."

"I'll sing it to you if you want to hear it in the future~"

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