I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 163 The underestimated WGO, pay attention to the eyes (please subscribe~)

The night was still very peaceful, but some places were not so peaceful. For example, in a house in the Celestial Dynasty at this time, two old men were drinking wine and chatting.

"Lao Ye, why did you throw that precious boy from your family to Dongying?"

If Ye Mu and Qi Luoli were there, they would be very surprised, because this person is Ye Mu's grandfather who disappeared for hundreds of chapters, God of Cookery.

"Me? That stinky boy had a lot of fate with a few girls when he was young. Tōtsuki was started by old Nakiri. If you want me to tell him, he must be allowed to play.

"Well, it makes sense, this kid must be the leader of the Elite Ten, in this case, this kid shouldn't be idle either.

Chef Ye thought for a moment and said: "Well, for sure, the purpose of this kid going to Tōtsuki is to train as many students as possible, and then satisfy his boring life. 35

"You old guy, you are a strong and arrogant guy, your grandchildren are the same as you, isn't this just cultivating an opponent to relieve yourself of boredom? You are not afraid of cultivating someone you can't beat yourself? ""

"Impossible, that kid's strength can easily take down more than 90% of the culinary geniuses who think they are geniuses.

"820 I said, Lao Ye, do you have any other purpose? You can absolutely let this kid go to the gym, right?"

Chef Ye smiled and said: "Old man Fujiwara and old man Nakiri said that they would marry their daughters back then, but this time it happened that the two girls, Qiluoli and Lilixiang, were also there, and when they showed up, Nakiri The old man will know.""

"Huh, but as far as I know, old man Fujiwara has three granddaughters, old man Nakiri has two daughters, and two granddaughters, which one are you talking about?"

Chef Ye said with a smile: "I didn't say it was one, so these two old men will gradually understand themselves. As far as that stinky boy's excellence is, I don't believe that I can't give him all of it.

"It's unrealistic, I checked, the two daughters of old Nakiri didn't end well."

"It doesn't matter, the tongue of God is a useless decoration. This kid can solve it. If there is really a drama, it is not impossible for her to solve this problem."

"Then why didn't you come sooner..."

"I'm not interested, and when it's not time, the younger generation will solve the problem of the younger generation by themselves, but this little girl Nakiri Mana is not bad, special executive officer... hehe..."

"The WGO is not a small organization.""

"Be honest, otherwise they have to look at it honestly, now in this environment, if you have a little strength, you feel like a scallion, what WGO, what... that dark... night... that's called what's coming?

"Late night cook.

"Yes! As far as this group of stinky brats, in the words of that stinky brat and their generation, they are a group of weak and weak bastards with secondary illnesses. Don't worry about them, just leave the young people's affairs to the young people to solve. Now, if these guys offend that stinky boy, their ability to continue cooking will be abolished."

"Hahaha! You've made great progress. You can speak the words of young people. By the way, I have a few documents here, can you read them?

"Data? What data?"

After the old man on the side took out a document and threw it over, Chef Ye just grabbed it in the air with one hand, and the document was sucked in as if it was caught by an invisible hand.

"Cough cough cough..."

"You old bastard, you're going to be gone, why are you still working hard? 39

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile, eh? Kobayashi Rentan, Akkubo Tao, Ji Zhiguo Ningning, Nakiri Erina, this is the granddaughter of that old man Nakiri, um, yes, pretty little girl, Tian Yu Slash, Poison Island Saeko..."

Chef Ye just looked at it like this, and after a long time he smiled and said: "Yes, this stinky boy is more efficient than I thought, but I don't know how long I have..."

"Don't say such depressing words, but with the tongue of God, it seems that this kid from WGO is definitely going to visit, you..."

"This kid's wife, he thought of a way to solve it, and he won't take it seriously at WGO, saying that these are all disappointing, come and come, drink and drink.

Today's conversation, only these two old men know, but if this conversation is heard by some people, it is likely that it will be strange or dissatisfied, and then the two old men will shut themselves off.

"Sister Su, what's the matter? You're so happy, you're racing to the extreme?

"Fuck you, the old lady is busy. I have something to say. If I have nothing to do, get out. I'm working overtime at night, so you can make a video call to me?"

"Don't get excited, let me tell you, I just saw two first-class executives of the WGO. I am leaving the airport, and they are going to the airport."

"Huh? It doesn't matter, Ye Zi doesn't take it seriously. If you have time, you might as well hurry up and work overtime. Ye Zi will come back from the summer vacation, Ducheng, you know."

"Ha? Okay, I won't tell you, I'm busy too.


"呲...What is this? I'm really busy."

This night seemed calm, but in fact, I don't know if it was because of the WGO's trend, or because this unusual year had just begun, many people quietly turned their attention.

Until it was dawn, Hisako was still deep asleep, she was tired enough, plus the hot pot was too full, and she had a lot of fun playing, I don't know if it was because Hisako, who never stayed in bed, was like home. Today is also an unprecedented time to stay in bed.

But it was precisely because of this that Hisako didn't feel strange. Kobayashi Rentan and the others all leaned on the sofa with a drowsy look on their faces. Inui Hinako yawned and said, "I won't eat breakfast, I have to hurry up. Back to the store, see you later.

"Hmm! See you tonight!" xn

"His back hurts... What about Sister Xie Zi and Sister Zhan Zhan?"

"Saiko went to the gym to practice, and I'll be back in a while, and Zanjian will go to sparring, Erina, you go and call Hisako up. 39


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