I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 172 Fujiwara Qianhua also wants a marriage contract, asking for a low point (please subscrib

Fujiwara Toyomi was similar, but she had packed her luggage when she went back to the dormitory. She had no class on weekends, so she ran home to unpack her luggage, and finally packed two large suitcases.

Fujiwara Chika also packed up a lot. Originally, Fujiwara Chika did not dare to leave the room after cleaning up, but she dared to run out when she saw Fujiwara Toyoshi coming home. She didn't bring her suitcase.

"Qianhua, why didn't you pack your luggage?"

Fujiwara Chika looked at Fujiwara Wansui who was sitting on the sofa reading the documents and swallowed her saliva. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Fujiwara Wansui say softly, "I don't know what you think? I want to go over with your sister. right.

"Hee hee... Mom, what you mean by that is..."

Fujiwara Wansui sighed and said: "You are my daughter, I still don't know, I know that your sister has a marriage contract, and you have to move in together. It's so lively, you can't be surprised if you don't go."

Fujiwara Chika said expectantly: "So, Mom, can I go?

Fujiwara Wansui nodded and said: "Well, let's go, Xiao Mu is a very good child, and he has nothing to choose from. Although your sister has not studied very well for a while, but now she is going to marry soon. is getting better, and her grades still have nothing to say.

"Besides that, your student council president, the little girl from the Dudao family, and the two girls from the Taoge family, are all smart and good students.

"Whether it is social circle or life, quality of life, learning environment, diet, these are all very good, and I will naturally not object."

Chihua Fujiwara immediately cheered and said, "Yeah! Mom! Good! I love you! Good!

Fujiwara Wansui sighed and said, "You can go, but I have to make an appointment with you for three chapters! If I can't do it, I won't let you go with me~々."

"Yes! You say!"

Fujiwara Wanho thought for a while and said: "The first point is that you must guarantee that you can go to live, but your grades must not drop, and must be improved! If you have such a learning environment and living environment, your grades will still be the same. If it's bad, you don't have to go there."

Fujiwara Qianhua quickly assured and said: "Well! It can be guaranteed! My sister and I also said it, and if you don't know it, just ask. The president and Saeko also said they would supervise me."

Fujiwara Wansui said with a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, they are an excellent group of children. The second point is.... You can go there, but you can't stay for a long time. After all, it is your sister and brother-in-law's house. You have to make sure to come back every week. If you live for a few days or live at your sister's house, you have to call the family every day.95

Fujiwara Qianhua nodded again and again and said: "Yes, yes! Guaranteed to complete the task! What is the last point?

"The last point is that no matter how happy you are, remember it well for me, and pay attention to etiquette at my sister's house."

Chihua Fujiwara nodded and said, "I see, right, mom...I have something to tell you.


Chihua Fujiwara struggled for a while and said, "Mom, my sisters and the others said, let me go to the Celestial Dynasty with me during the summer vacation... I haven't been there, and I want to go...

Fujiwara Wansui nodded and said: "Tooka told me about this, you go, there is no need to say anything about it, anyway, you usually go abroad during winter and summer vacations, this time I can go with your sister and brother-in-law and the others. Don't worry. 95

"Okay! Long live Mom! Saigo!

"Cough! Courtesy."

"Oh....Thank you mom, hee hee...sister! Mom agrees!

Fujiwara Toumi just stood aside and said: "Well, I heard you, I have to pack my luggage first, Qianhua, you should also pack up quickly.

Before Chihua Fujiwara spoke, Fujiwara Wansui said softly, "Do you think this girl locked herself in the room and did nothing all morning? She had already packed up.

"Wow! Mom! You know me so well!"

"Then why do you call me mother?"

"Hee...Sister, hurry up and pack your bags. 95

Fujiwara Toumi nodded and said, "Oh, I see, Qianhua, go get your luggage, I've packed it up and we're going to find Sister Hyuga."

"Is that so, will it be too late to pass?

"It's okay, Sister Hyuga's fog house is in the city center. We can go shopping after putting our luggage down, understand?"


After Fujiwara Toyoshi left, Fujiwara Wansui said with a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect that Fengmi would be married in a blink of an eye, which is really unexpected. 35

Fujiwara Chika came over and said with a smile: "Mom, do you have any engagement contracts at home, I don't need to be very demanding, just like Ye Jun.

Fujiwara Wansui said angrily: "You treat the marriage contract as copy paper, and it's the same as Xiao Mu. You think it's quite beautiful, Xiaomu's condition, you can't find it with a lantern."

"Um... Mom, is that really the case? Is there really no one like Ye Jun? I can ask for something lower, just... just... um... .Just a little bit shorter hair is fine.""

"Isn't that still the same? Also, what Ye Jun, call me brother-in-law honestly!

"Well.... Ye Jun said it himself, we each count."

(money) "That's right...but...if you don't come here, call me brother-in-law!


After thinking for a while, Fujiwara Chika said with a smile, "Mom, I have something to tell you.

"Before you said something, I had something to say to you.

"What's up?"

Fujiwara Wansui hooked her fingers at Fujiwara Chika, and only after Fujiwara Chika came over did Fujiwara Wansui whisper something in Fujiwara Chika's ear.

"Huh?! Mom! It's really fake! I...I don't know what to do..."


"What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing!" x2

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