I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 180 Curious Poison Island Saeko is a family anyway (please subscribe~)

Alice just followed behind Kazushima Saeko, for some reason, she was a little hungry when she heard the cat's name.

"Oh! This villa area is too beautiful! I didn't even know there was a villa area here!

Erina nodded and said: "I really don't know, but then you don't go this way, don't you know it's normal?"

"It's also..."

Alice and the others saw Ye Mu standing not far away, holding her cell phone and chatting with someone.


Ye Mu was still stunned when he looked up and saw the few people who were coming. It seemed that Nazai Toji ran to find Inui Hinako.

Ye Mu said with a smile: "It's pretty much what I thought, Alice, you came here.

Nakiri Alice directly walked up to Ye Mu and said angrily: "Senior Ye! It's fine if you fooled me before! And scare me!

"What did I fool you?"

"you say...."

"Did I say we're not dating?


Dushima Saeko said with a sigh of relief: "Alice, it's better for you not to bicker with Mu, otherwise you will definitely be impressed, Mu, have you guessed that Alice will come?"

"Well, that's for sure."

Before Alice asked why, Saeko Toujima said in a deep voice, "Mu, what is the name of that charcoal-fired sesame ball?"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment before he smiled and said: "Because there has been no fixed name, so it's like this, when Zhan Zhan's family, my aunt will call it Miebao or Blackberry, and sometimes Zan Zhan will call it Miebao or Blackberry. Raspberry balls, but originally intended to be called sesame paste.99

"Um...what do these names mean?

"It's a series of what Gendan summed up.

"Oh... I thought Zhan Zhan would really have such a name, but then again, how did Rindan come up with such a name, I really convinced her."

"Don't talk about this, I'll take you back first, it seems that there will be no more people in a short time, and you can rest for a while.

Erina said curiously: "Mu, I just read what the group said, it seems that Miss Minezaki will be a guest at night, and it has become our family's private property?

Ye Mu nodded and said, "That's right, but look Alice, are you planning to stay here today?"

"That's right, Senior Ye, you won't refuse it, you are a family anyway."

Erina pursed her lips and didn't speak, Alice was right this time, in a sense they were really family.

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Of course not, but aren't you afraid of knowing too much this time and being killed?

After being stunned for a moment, Alice said with a puffed face: "Senior Ye! Too much! Bring this up again! You scared me to death before!"

"It's not because you're stupid, how could Mu be a killer? I've watched too many movies."


Erina didn't wait for Alice to speak, and then said curiously: "Mu, are you still practicing today?

Ye Mu thought for a while and nodded and said, "Okay, but why do you suddenly remember this? 99

Erina shook her head and said, "No, I'm just curious whether to practice today or not. After all, I just moved in today, and I'm still very tired, so I should take a good rest."

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "This amount of exercise is the same as walking for me, but you guys have worked hard today, so you'd better stay at home."

Erina sighed and said, "I'm not too tired today. It's quite late for dinner today. After dinner, I always have to take a walk to digest."

Dushima Saeko thought for a moment and said, "I haven't seen Mu's practice before, it just happens that the opportunity is rare, so I have to go and see it, and they will be very curious about it.

Ye Mu said helplessly: "It's really unexpected, like he's doing a show.

Erina said with a smile: "No, we are here to help, Sister Sangzi and the others are here to see...

Saeko Poshima was stunned for a moment and said: "What kind of practice is it, and I still need your help, but we can't? It's strange."

"You'll know this when the time comes. When you say it's helping, it's actually handing a towel, grabbing a piece of clothing, etc. There's nothing else you can do. 99

"Huh? Practice...it feels weird, this is the main house...

Alice took a look and said in surprise, "This main house is too big..."

Saeko Poshima said with a smile: "There are a lot of people in the family... Although it is indeed a bit too big, we are back!

Hearing this, I saw Xiaolin Rentan shouting: "Welcome back! Too lazy to move, come to the living room by yourself!

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said, "Let's go, it looks like these people are either teasing the cat or watching TV, there are slippers in the cabinet over there.

Erina and the others nodded their heads after changing their shoes and ran to the living room. Rentan Kobayashi and the others were watching a movie on the large LCD TV in the living room, and Momo Akkubo was still holding the cat.

"Huh? What are you doing? Hurry up and come to a movie, and I'll take you around the house after you've rested."

"Hmm!" x4

Saeko Toujima sat next to Akakubo Tao and gently patted the cat's head, and said helplessly: "Zhan Zhan, I'll just say why you didn't tell me the name, it's just sesame paste and raspberry balls. "5

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan coughed lightly and said, "When everyone arrives later, we can discuss what it's called, Mu said it's chocolate."

"Huh? It's quite appropriate, but then again, Zhan Zhan, what's your name this time?"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan thought for a moment and said, "Sesame dumplings...""

"Uh... Zhan Zhan, do you have to have something to do with Sesame?"

"Huh? It's quite appropriate..."

"As expected of you..."

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