I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 200 Coconuts and Oranges, Erina's Strange Parable

Ye Mu and the others just chatted like this, did the three of Kobayashi Rentan add a word, and Nakiri Senzaemon also talked more like he had opened a chatterbox.

A few people chatted like this for a few hours, until the sky gradually turned dark, and Xiaolin Rindan said with a smile: "Erina would definitely not dare to ask, so I said..."

Ye Mu said helplessly: "It's alright, don't do it, old man, we'll set off first.

Nakiri Senzaemon nodded and said: "Well, the old man knows, it just so happens that the old man is going to have something to eat, so hurry up and find Erina and the others.

"In that case, we'll go first and see you later.

Nakiri Senzaemon nodded and didn't say a word. As soon as he left the office building, Kobayashi Rentan asked "eight-five" in confusion, "Husband, what's wrong with Erina?"

"Well, the God's Tongue is a curse that will devour the owner of the God's Tongue sooner or later.

"Curse?!" x3

Ji Zhiguo Ningning froze for a moment and said, "No way, isn't the tongue of God a super powerful taste, taste representation and taste analysis?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "That's right, but... Forget it, you will know later, as long as you know that these things are not things, and I have already solved them, it is enough to know this."

Akakubo Tao sighed and said, "I didn't expect the tongue of God to be a curse, does Erina know?"

"I don't know, I probably won't have a chance to know it in a short time, so let's go and find Erina and the others. I don't know how long I've been waiting."

""It is estimated that the time will not be short. After all, school is about three hours away now, so I must be waiting, but where are they waiting? Home? Or Nakiri's house? Or somewhere..."

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "Let's go, I know where they are. 99

"Huh?" x3

Although Xiaolin Rentan and the others looked puzzled, they still followed Ye Mu, and nodded suddenly when they saw Yue Yanshe.

"Erina, Senior Ye, why haven't they come yet?

Erina said angrily: "Then you have to go back to the dormitory after your visit today, why are you in such a hurry? The dormitory has no time to lock the door.

Alice sighed and said: "I know, but the senior dormitory is not as comfortable as it is, and there are TVs to watch.

"When you become an Elite Ten, you can live wherever you want."

"Let's not talk about this, Erina, you haven't said it yet, what was the surprise that Senior Ye told you before?"9

It's okay not to say this, as soon as Erina said this, she clenched her fist and said: "Don't mention this to me! I get angry when I think about it! How is it possible?! This is absolutely not true!

Alice was stunned for a moment and looked at Hisako with some doubts, Hisako sighed and said: "Sir Erina, you should accept this cruel fact, after all, Lord Ye Mu is sure, the two are so familiar, he also admits it... ."

Erina propped her forehead and said, "My blood pressure is a little high right now.""

Alice said with some doubts: "Erina, what's the situation?"

Erina thought for a moment and said, "You were expecting a coconut to fall from a coconut tree, and then an orange fell from the tree. How do you feel?"5

"Although I don't know what your evaluation is, it seems to be very impressive, coconut? Orange? Is it worse in every aspect?

"That's right! It's much worse! It's really... No, I can't think about it, thinking about it too much gives me a headache."

'Uh... After all, it's half past six, senior Ye, where are they?

"Lord Ye Mu and the others said that they are in Tōtsuki, but it is not clear what they are doing. It should be coming soon. Lord Ye Mu is never late. 35

Alice was about to speak when the door of the Moon Smoke House opened, Ye Mu stood at the door and did not enter the room, Xiaolin Rentan stuck his head out and said with a smile: "You are really here, stop talking, go!

"Oh!" x3

Erina said with some doubts: "Mu, have you been in Tōtsuki all afternoon?"

"I went to buy some sunglasses, and I've been in Tōtsuki since I came back. Did you come after school?"

"Well, I originally wanted to go home, but it felt inconvenient. It would be too far to go back to Nakiri's house. I think it would be more appropriate to come to the Moon House to calculate the time...

Ye Mu nodded and said: "As soon as you guess, you will come, but the distance between Yueyan House and Polar Star Dorm cannot be said to be far, but it is definitely not close.

"Polar Star Dorm? Where the hell is Polar Star Dorm, why haven't I heard of this place?"

Alice also nodded and said, "I haven't heard of it, and... liao? Tōtsuki still has a ryokan? Hisako, you know?"

"I don't know either....no impression.

Rindo Kobayashi said with a smile: "Even Hisako, an infrastructure expert, doesn't know, that should be mysterious enough. 35

"Pfft..." xn

Hisako said with a look of resentment: "I'm not an infrastructure expert!"

"Then why are you so skilled at demolishing and building houses? 39

"I...I...I'm not anyway!

Akakubo Momo thought for a while and said, "Huh? Little Momoko also reacted. Although she said that she gave Isshiki and the others gifts, she really hasn't been to Polar Star Dorm, lodging? Does Tōtsuki have lodgings?

Ye Mu said with a smile, "Erina, it looks like he didn't tell you about his school days in Tōtsuki."

"Eh? You don't mean 4.3... Senior Caibo doesn't just live in... It's true!

"That's right, Dojima-senpai is there, and you don't have to be surprised, Polar Star Dorm is the most remote place in Tōtsuki, it's normal to not find it, as for the dormitory, your doubts are normal, because there is only one dormitory in Tōtsuki, That is Polar Star Dorm.

Kobayashi Rentan said in surprise: "Huh! Just one?! That's really good enough, but what is this place? How do you feel that Tōtsuki doesn't have this road? It's all trees, not a single building, and there are adventurers. I mean.


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