I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 203 Surprised everyone in Polar Star Dorm, my thoughts for a long time (please subscribe~)

Before Yukihira Sōma had finished asking, he saw a young man walk in, and everyone was stunned for a moment, Elite Ten, Jiugaoji.

Everyone gasped, and sure enough, Elite Ten's friends are Elite Ten!

But before everyone spoke, they saw a few familiar figures walking in, and the next moment, even the always calm Ibusaki Shun was a little scared.

"Senior Ye?!" xn

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Didn't you always want me to be a guest? That's why I came here, but with my family."

Rentan Kobayashi and the others all laughed, Yoshino Yuuki said blankly, "Senior Isshiki, Senior Kuga, Senior Ye, Senior Kobayashi, Senior Akkubo, Senior Ji Zhiguo, and Classmate Nakiri, the seven Elite Tens. ..."

Tadokoro Megumi said blankly: "My stomach hurts..."

Everyone is stupid, just kidding, seven Elite Ten, two honor students, what is this lineup going to do!

Ye Mu said with a smile: "You kid is still so energetic."

Yukihira Sōma's eyes jumped for a moment before she said with a smile: "Why are you here?! 35

"Huh? I'm here for three things. The first thing is because you didn't ask Isshiki to invite us as a guest? That's why I'm here."

"Oh! That's what happened, so what's the second thing?

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "It's still you, you are really calm enough."

"Ah? Then what should I look like?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning nodded and said, "As expected of you, when I saw you in the store before, I felt that you were not simple, but I didn't expect you to say such incredible things. 39

"Huh? Is there any necessary connection between the two?"

Everyone silently gave a thumbs up, good guy, it has to be you.

Isshiki Satoshi said with a smile: "Everyone, please feel free, and you, don't be too nervous, Ye Jun and the others are really just guests. 55

"How can you not be nervous!" xn



"Senior Isshiki! You said before that Senior Ye bought a villa outside the school and moved out (bfed)!

"I did buy it!" xn

"I usually told you that you couldn't bring it with you, so why did you suddenly bring it here today! And there are still several! There is no news at all?!"




After everyone complained for a while, I nodded according to the discipline and said, "Ishiki, your dormitory is really lively, when I lived in the dormitory before, it wasn't so lively.

Ye Mu nodded and said, "The atmosphere is indeed very good.

"It's okay, since that's the case, you don't have to hide it."

Alice froze for a moment and said, "What are you hiding?"

Yoshino Yuuki said with a sigh of relief, "Okay! If that's the case, let me see which cutie is more unlucky!

Seeing Yoshino Yuuki, who was walking out with his sleeves rolled up, everyone was stunned for a moment. Rindo Kobayashi quickly said, "Where are you going?! You don't want to fight with this posture!"5

Akakubo Tao also said curiously: "Yes! What is the little cutie?!

Ibusaki Shun on the other side also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Well...calculate the time, it should be just right today.

"Huh? What's just right? Where are you going?!"

"Ishiki-senpai! Do you want to join us?! Tiansuo, you should go too!

"I... my stomach hurts..."

Sakaki Ryoko also flipped her hair and said, "Well...it looks like I'm going to bring out some fine products..."

Erina couldn't care less about her dissatisfaction with Yukihira Sōma, so she said dully: "No...what are you talking about? Boutique? What boutique?"

Isshiki Satoshi said with a smile: "It's a rare opportunity, we'd better go and have a look together, I think... in this order... Let's go with me first, then Ryoko and Ibuzaki-kun, and finally It's Yuki. 39

"Hmm!" xn

After a long time, I said angrily: "Mysterious and mysterious, what are you talking about?"

"You can follow along..."

Although Xiaolin Rentan and the others looked puzzled, they still followed. When they got to the place, Alice was stunned and said, "Huh? Isn't this a vegetable garden? This is... a greenhouse? Oh! It's a big area. !

Isshiki Satoshi said with a smile: "This is the vegetable garden I told you about, I planted it myself!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Xiaolin Rentan took a look and said in surprise: "Ho! Isshiki! You kid can do it! The quality of this tomato is too good!

Erina, who was dissatisfied, leaned over and glanced at it and said with a look of surprise: "How can the quality be so good?! Senior Isshiki, it's a pity for you to be a chef."

Isshiki Satoshi smiled and said, "You can try it, although it's not the best time yet, it's enough, how about it?"

Xiaolin gentian picked one, wiped it, tasted it, and then said with a bright eye: "Oh! This taste and taste are nothing to say! What else are you planting?"

After Erina and the others tasted it, they all nodded and looked surprised, while Isshiki Satoshi and others said with a smile while picking vegetables: "This, tomato, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, eggplant, cucumber, and a few more. Well, I planted a lot of them.

"Oh! This looks really incredible..."

For a long time, Teruki also shines. My dear, you can "borrow" some later. Cooking is very important, and ingredients are also very important! It seems that you have come right! Just looking at these ingredients is very enjoyable. .

"Hey, those two over there, I remember they are called Sakaki Ryoko, right... What are the boutiques you mentioned earlier?

Sakaki Ryoko stood aside with her hands behind her back and said with a smile: "This.... Although you may not feel anything, Senior Kobayashi, there is absolutely no way to buy anything better than this one.



"This, you'll know in a while..."

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