I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 211 Everyone who played games all night, a surprise for Alice (please subscribe~)

When Ye Mu found Erina and others, he didn't know whether the scene was spectacular or eye-catching.

It's spectacular. In one room, a group of people are playing games on a computer. This is at home. If you don't know it, you think it's an Internet cafe.

On the computer side, drinks, fruits, snacks, everything.

But it is still very eye-catching, because this is a group of beautiful women playing games, although it is not the same game.

"Erina, why are you picking up so many silencers!

"Eh? Did I pick up that much? Huh?! Where are you, Hisako?"

"I don't even know where I am...

"Qianhua, don't be in a hurry to hit the soldiers, you won't be able to make up for it.

"Don't say it, I'm still looking at the effect of the equipment... It's a bit complicated, as expected of a computer game, but it's not simple! It's much more interesting! Sister! Are you living in a wild area!

"Huh? There's no fight on the other side, so I'll just look back and forth.""

"Eh? Yes, why isn't the opposite side a jungler? 99

Xiaolin Rentan sat on the side and said angrily: "Because the opposite is man-machine! What kind of wild is man-machine fighting, unless you lead them to the wild area, wow! Grab my equipment! 66

Ye Mu walked over and sighed, "You guys had a lot of fun.

Chika Fujiwara looked up and said, "Jun Ye! Can you play?"

"My husband is very high.


"Wait until you can play in the rankings, husband, you are here, come and play with me.

Ye Mu glanced at it and said, "You'd better finish this game first, just as I also want to relax, you can just play yours. 99

Ye Mu said and sat on the side. After opening the game, he started playing on his own. After Chihua Fujiwara and the others finished playing, Minato came over to watch.

"Oh! Ye Jun! What is your game? Isn't it different from the one we played before?"

"A game where you either spend money or see your face, it has been several months since this piece of equipment, and it still hasn't been brushed out.

"Uh.... Ye Jun, we're done, let's play together!

Ye Mu nodded, the eyes of several people lit up, and hurriedly ran back to start playing games. To be honest, it was easier than drinking water for a king to beat the man-machine.

Just like that, a few people just played games and chatted. Anyway, Ye Mu and the others were fine if they didn't go to class. Fujiwara Toumi also said that he was going to skip class at home, so he went back to rest by himself, and there was nothing he could do. , she still has to teach.

In fact, this is really the case. A few people have been playing the game until the next morning. Oh, by the way, Fujiwara Qianhua was driven back to rest in the middle, and Tian Yu Zhan Zhan came over instead.

Erina sighed and said, "Eh? It's morning? Why didn't I feel it?

Hisako shook his head and looked at Erina who was wearing a mask and said, "It seems so, but Erina-sama, it doesn't seem to be sleepy at all.

"Hmm... That makes sense. Then again, do you want to teach Ryoko today?"

"Hmm! I've already sent the itinerary to Ryoko. 35

After Erina threw away the mask, she said suspiciously, "I don't even know my schedule today, Hisako, do you have any plans for today?

"This.... I will try it in a while, so, Mr. Erina, breakfast is still..." Year

Erina waved her hand and said, "Anyway, it must be a dish full of loopholes, so, no matter what, what kind of restaurant is it?

"Um...ramen shop.

"Huh? Ramen? What ramen?"

"Well...it's a national chain of ramen, and recently launched a new variety, so....

Erina sighed and said, "Then you really can't eat too much, where did you meet Ryoko?

"Just in front of the ramen shop, Ryoko said that she can go there, she plans to take the tram, yes, Lord Ye Mu!"

"Gentian, take it apart, eh? Hisako, what's wrong?"

"Oh, that is to say, Ryoko asked me before, let me tell you, Lord Ye Mu, and don't forget to tell the school.

Ye Mu nodded and took the phone from one side and made a call. As soon as he answered the call, he heard Ye Mu say directly: "Tell me, Kami Ryoko of Polar Star Dorm is my secretary now, she is going to be with me today. go to work. "5

After Ye Mu hung up the phone, Hisako asked with some doubts, "Whose phone is this?"


"Eh?! Grandpa?! Mu! The grandpa you contacted directly."

"That's right, it's more efficient to ask him to do things directly than anyone else, he just told the secretary, and then there's nothing left, isn't it?

Erina nodded and said, "It really is."

"By the way, Hisako, Erina's schedule is full today?"

Hisako shook his head and said, "No, there are more in the morning. In the afternoon, there is a trial, and then the 850 documents are processed."

"Hmm...In this case, let Ryoko come to the house for dinner today. By the way, you should tell Ryoko to pack some of her luggage. Sooner or later, she will come to live. It is more convenient to put some luggage first. 35

"Yes! Don't you need to buy something?"

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "No, there's no need, because it's just right for you to deal with documents today, you can teach Ryoko how to record and sort documents, so naturally there's no time, so she'll buy a passport when she goes to apply for a passport on Saturday. Same.


"You three, take Ryoko out for lunch at noon.

"Yes! But, Lord Ye Mu, why don't you bring Ryoko to get acquainted with each teacher?"

"Huh? Yes, it will save you the trouble. By the way, Erina, go and tell Alice when you look back. If the autumn election is done well this time, you can give her a little surprise."


Ye Mu heaved a sigh of relief and looked at the victory on the screen, stood up and stretched, "Well, it's alright, let's go to breakfast!

"Hmm!" xn

PS: get ready~

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