I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 213 Ye Mu is going to WGO, because I am here (please subscribe~)

Ye Mu's words made Xiao Lin Rentan and others stunned, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan coughed lightly and said, "Why don't you take us?"

Everyone else nodded, Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "The reason is very simple, Erina, I have other arrangements, Xiao Tao, you and Ning Ning don't have time, Hyugako wants to open a shop, and the Cai Digest class is the same.

"Fengshi, you also have to prepare for various papers and exams. If you look at it this way, you will know that only gentian is the easier one.

Akakubo Tao puffed up her face and said, "But! Rendian also has a job! She also has consulting and document work to handle!

Ye Mu sighed and said, "If you can find someone to throw out all the documents as a matter of course, and then leave without your partner, you can go too.

The corner of Xiaolin Rentan's eyes jumped and he said, "Uh.... when did I miss work?!"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning said helplessly: "Two months ago, Sister Longdan, looking for your hot pot restaurant, came to the dormitory. 99

"Uh...this...how could it be possible to find a dormitory two months ago? We are in the heaven!

"After we came back, I was the only one to handle the opening ceremony. When I went back to the dormitory to see what ingredients were left, I called 850 and said that I had been looking for you for a long time."


Akakubo Tao nodded and said, "Indeed, apart from gentian, there should be no one else who can do such a thing, Si has already had to deal with documents before he died.

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter what it is, in short, I'm the only place now!

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "No, because you forgot Ryoko.

"Hey, Ryoko doesn't count. Ryoko is your secretary and must follow you. I'm talking about the family."

Ye Mu nodded and said, "That's right, he is indeed the only one. Come on, Zhan Zhan, you all need to go to school after you finish eating."

"Hmm." xn

After everyone left, Xiaolin Rentan came over curiously and said with a smile, "Hehe...husband, where do you want to take me on a tour?

Ye Mu hugged Xiaolin Rentan's waist, and Xiaolin Rentan also leaned against Ye Mu's arms, a rare two-person world, Ye Mu didn't speak, just pressed on the laptop's (bfed) keyboard.

"This is...WGO?! Husband! You're going to WGO?!

"Well, but it's not during this time, it's after the autumn election, Gentian, you remember to keep it secret, we will set off on the night of the autumn election."

Xiaolin Rentan was stunned for a moment and said, "Ha?! Are you in such a hurry? Husband, you're not really a little black hand behind the scenes, are you?"

Ye Mu didn't say anything and just looked at Xiaolin Rentan like this, Xiaolin Rentan smiled and kissed Ye Mu's side face and said, "Then I will also be an accomplice!

"What's the matter? I'm just going to do something. When that time comes, I will find a friend to invite me to perform. You, Rindan, come with me. You don't need to tell Ryoko beforehand."

"Oh...hey, hubby, I'm curious about something, can you tell me, just tell me alone, I'll never tell anyone else! 35

Ye Mu sighed and said, "You want to ask Erina what's going on.""

"Yeah! I don't dare to tell others, in this small piece of Tōtsuki, I'm definitely the eldest sister, so I must have a good understanding of the truth!

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Alright... God's tongue, do you think it's good or bad?

"Very good, because with the tongue of God, Erina's potential is unlimited."

"So, why call it unlimited potential?"

Xiaolin Rindan said with a smile: "It's not easy, because the tongue of God will grow. The stronger the tongue of God, the stronger Erina's strength will be. There is no upper limit. 99

"Then don't you think it's weird?"


"Because you think that the tongue of God will grow, that is to say, the taste will grow and become more and more critical, so can the chef's cooking skills keep up?"

Xiaolin Rentan was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? Wait...it seems like this is the case, then what will happen if you can't keep up."

"If you can't keep up, then you will not be able to satisfy the greed of the tongue of God. The concreteness and super-powerful taste of the tongue brought by the tongue of God will infinitely magnify the defects in cooking."5

"Gradually, it will lead to the inability to swallow any food..."

Xiaolin Rentan said quickly: "Isn't that a dead end?! If you can't eat, isn't that just waiting to be starved to death?!"

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Yes, this is the curse of the tongue of God, do you think Erina is the first tongue of God?

"Of course not, I've heard that the only exec of the WGO has a tongue of God.

"Then do you know what her name is?

"This...not very clear...it's kind of mysterious.""

Ye Mu didn't say anything, just checked it on a chat interface, and it didn't take long before he saw a document sent over. After Ye Mu opened it, Xiaolin Rentan leaned over and glanced at it and said, "Nakiri Mana, eh? Nakiri ...wait....no way..."

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Yes, that's Erina's mother, but Nakiri Mana ran away from home.

"Eh? Why?

"Because of the terrifying pressure of the tongue of God, she couldn't bear it at all, so Nakiri Mana chose WGO, the highest institution that can taste all kinds of food in the world, yes... She was relieved, but. ..”

Xiaolin Rentan swallowed and said, "Growing up again?"

"That's right. 99


"She is living on nutrient solution now, and she is completely unable to swallow any food."

"What?! With the nutrient solution.... this.... will Erina be like this one day?"

Ye Mu shook his head and said: "No, because I'm here, I said, my woman, I will take good care of myself. 99

Xiaolin Rentan raised his head and looked at Ye Mu, and after a long time he said with a smile, "I believe you...

"Um.... let's go, I'm going to Tōtsuki to pick up a file too.


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