I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 230: Well-Qualified Ryoko Sakaki, Why Do You Have Back Pain Again (Please Subscribe~)

One of Fujiwara Chika and Fujiwara Toyomi went back to school, and the other went home. Although they were both reluctant, they still had to go back after all.

However, this made Kobayashi Ritsou and others' eyes light up. Alice was not there, nor were Fujiwara Toyomi and Fujiwara Chika. After tricking Hisako into taking a rest, the group of people all moved quietly.

When Hisako got up the next day and went to have breakfast, he saw Erina and others with rosy faces and good-looking faces. They also looked puzzled. Why do they always feel weird?

In a store on the other side, a girl with short hair said softly: "Is everyone here?"

"We're all here!"xn

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said softly: "Today we will not accept any reservations for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The store will be closed for two days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. You can just come and clean it every day."

"Yes!" xn

Just like the schedule arranged by Ryoko Sakaki, as soon as Tadokoro Megumi and others went to school, Ryoko Sakaki ran home with her packed luggage to find Ye Mu.

"Ryoko! You're finally here! But there's no breakfast."

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said, "I'm not here for breakfast, Senior Ye. I'll leave my luggage and set off. Don't even think about escaping!"

"Why did I run away?"

"You said the same thing last time! I ended up going to Kuga-senpai's research club to have tea, and I looked around!"

"Is this happening?"

"Just the day before yesterday!"

Ye Mu sighed and said: "Don't worry, today is special and I don't have any other arrangements, so you can rest assured.

After Ryoko Sakaki went upstairs, Kobayashi Ringtong smiled and said: "Hahaha! Husband! Ryoko is very resentful!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning and others also laughed, and Ye Mu said with a smile: "But as a secretary, Ryoko is still very efficient. Also, Hisako, you haven't had a Shoji recently.

Hisako shook his head and said: "No, no one eats halberds recently. It's probably because Ryoko has absorbed a lot of hatred. Also, Lady Erina! It's time to set off!"

"Eh?! So early?!"

"That's right, there is a food tasting in Ginza this morning, so Erina-sama, let's go."

"Oh... Hisako! Walk slower! My back hurts!"

"Lady Erina, what's wrong with you?"

"Um...it's up to my waist."

"Eh?! Then...do you need...?"

"No, no, just walk slowly, it'll be fine.


Erina and Hisako had just left, and Ryoko Sakaki sat down and breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Thankfully you didn't leave, Senior Ye, it's time for us to set off! Your schedule today is very tight!"

"Okay, have you told them both?"

"As I said, they are going shopping tomorrow morning. Yuji wants to make feed for her animals, so they are going to prepare it. Senior Ye, when is the best time for me to go find them?"

"Huh? It depends on your own ideas. You can go at any time, but just bring it before dinner. If you come early, you can walk around the house more. Anyway, you have the weekend off."

"I understand, Senior Ye, what about the weekend? Do you need to arrange your schedule normally?"

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "Weekends... forget about weekends. There is no need. Since we have a rest, we should be more thorough and have weekends off. Anyway, we are about to have consecutive holidays, so Liangzi you will be busy. "

"Huh? Isn't it just like going out to play?"

"That's true, but after all, you have to change places frequently, right?"

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said, "This is true! It's time, Senior Ye, hurry up and leave!"

Looking at Ye Mu being pulled away, Xiaolin Ringtong smacked his lips and said, "Liangzi is really dedicated, Ningning, don't you have to be busy today?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning shook his head and said: "I don't have to worry, I have finished processing all the documents, and I haven't taken on any consultant work, so I am relatively free. How about you, Sister Ling Dan?"

"Me? I still have some documents. Don't worry about it. The consultant has nothing to do. Hey? It's very relaxing today. Why don't you skip work? Xiao Taozi, are you busy?"

"Xiao Taozi is fine, what are you going to do?"

"Let's go out and play! There are only three of us left at home! We can't go to class so bored..."

Akane Kubo thought for a moment and said: "Yes, yes, but where are you going? There is no motivation to go shopping..."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning thought for a moment and said: "Why don't we go..."

"Where to go?"


Kobayashi Ringtong and Akanekubo Momo both rolled their eyes. Kobayashi Ringtong said angrily: "Ning Ning! It's okay to be more mature, but you are too old!"

"Retirement...retirement?! The tea ceremony is very powerful!"

"I know, but that's not the point! We want to go out to play! We're not going to stay healthy! Then we might as well go to the chess hall to watch shogi.

Akikubota held Butch in her arms and thought for a while before tilting her head and saying, "How about going to the amusement park?"

"If I don't go, I won't go. My husband is not here. Going to the amusement park is so boring. Amusement parks, aquariums, and movie theaters have all been eliminated! If my husband doesn't beat me to death in these places, I won't go.

"Then where did you say you were going?"

Kobayashi Ringtong thought for a moment and said: "Eh?! By the way! Let's go for a beauty treatment! A beauty salon! We can also get a massage. I know a women's beauty and massage parlor."

The eyes of Ning Ning and Akane Kubo Momo from Ji Zhiguo were brightened. Akane 0.8 Bo Momo nodded and said: "This sounds good, but you can't spend all day in the beauty salon."

"It's impossible, but, the beauty and massage, the sauna and the footbath all add up to a long time. Then we go to explore the store, and when we come back from dinner, it's my husband's exclusive interview! Let's go join in the fun, and then we'll find Alice with us. Wouldn’t it be nice to go home?”

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning and Akane Kubotao looked at each other before nodding and saying: "Very good!"

"That's it, let's go!"

"The masseurs and beauticians are both women."

"Nonsense! Of course women's beauty salons are all women, don't worry~"


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