I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 232: Why Not Call Me Kamen Rider, Everyone Who Works Overtime (Please Subscribe~)

Ryoko Sakaki looked at Ye Mu next to her, and suddenly felt that this man was not as simple as she thought. Kobayashi Ringtong might be right, Ye Mu might really be on the same level as the little mastermind behind the scenes.

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Liangzi, does the tea taste good?"

"Um...well, it smells pretty good."

"Well, after all, drinking tea, chatting, and talking about some light topics today can be regarded as relaxing, right?"

Ryoko Sakaki was stunned for a moment and then nodded and said: "I understand...Senior Ye, where are you going to have lunch? Sister Rindou and the others went to have a beauty treatment. There is no one in the school today.

"So I told Ms. Kitori-senpai to check out the new ramen dishes."


Ryoko Sakaki also knew that Ye Mu asked her not to tell anyone what she heard today. Secondly, Ye Mu was planning to come here to make a living.

When he returned to the office in the afternoon, Ryoko Sakaki still hadn't seen the legendary document. Ye Mu didn't seem to be in a hurry, just sitting on a chair and looking at a document.

"Senior Ye, where are the documents?"

"Isn't this what you are looking at?"

"I'm talking about the documents that the commander-in-chief said he would send. Where are the documents?"

"It's just that it hasn't been delivered yet. Don't be nervous. It's just some personal information and contact information. Even if it doesn't arrive today, it will be the same in two days."

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said: "Senior Ye, it will be time for the interview in a moment. Do you want to leave now?"

"That's okay, after it's over...Eh? What time is it now?"

"It's half past three, Ye-senpai, I've always been curious, didn't you say you were eating in the tobacco house before? Why did you go directly to Megijima-senpai to have dinner again?

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"What's the lie?"

"The lie is that I was in a good mood, and I suddenly remembered it, so I went to take a look, in order to surprise Megijima-senpai." ||

The corners of Ryoko Sakaki's eyes twitched and she said, "I feel something is wrong as soon as you speak... What is the truth?"

"The truth is, I suddenly remembered that Yueyanshe didn't have any ingredients, so I just went to eat."

"Um... So, why is there no food in Yueyan House? This is the dormitory of Elite Ten, and there are several Elite Ten.

"Because I moved, all the ingredients have been delivered to my home. It's that simple."

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said, "I don't know why, but I always feel a little headache after knowing the truth."

"Let's not talk about this for now. Let's go first."


Ye Mu and Ryoko Sakaki saw Nakiri Senzaemon's secretary as soon as they went out. The secretary was about to knock on the door when Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Did it arrive?"

"Yes, Lord Ye Mu, please sign for it."

Ye Mu nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, Liangzi, take it."

yes. "


After Ryoko Sakaki took the document, Ye Mucai smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, that's all.


After the secretary left, Ryoko Sakaki said doubtfully: "Senior Ye, should you go for an interview now, or should you go back and look at the documents first?"

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "No need, you can just take this document."

"Just take it? Then when will you need it?"

"Whenever I need it, I will ask you for it. In other words, in addition to keeping this document at home, you should take it with you whether you go on a business trip or come to China during the summer vacation."

Ryoko Sakaki was stunned for a moment and said: "This... Why does it feel so strange? Isn't the information in this file important?"

"It's important, but not particularly important. It has no value except for contact information, and we don't need it now. Just keep it for me. It doesn't matter if you lose it."

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said, "I understand, eh? By the way, Senior Ye, can you also check this information yourself?"

"That's right, it's just to give the old man a sense of participation."

"Sigh...Sister Ling Dan is right, you are exactly like the little mastermind behind the scenes."

"Huh? The mastermind behind the scenes? The mastermind behind the scenes is not really a mastermind, but at most he is a Kamen Rider?"

"Huh? Kamen Rider? Why is it related to Kamen Rider?"

"Because he passes by silently and protects what he wants to protect, but unfortunately he hides mysteriously behind the scenes. Well, that's pretty much it. He is a decent character."

Ryoko Sakaki's eyes twitched and she said: "Senior Ye, Kamen Riders need pants with big pockets or a strange belt."

"Why have big pockets?"

"Pretend to be a transformer."

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and then said with a smile: "Pfft... Liangzi, you are surprisingly cute.

"I just watched it, I didn't like it very much"

"Okay, okay...huh? This is...Alice?"

Ryoko Sakaki was also stunned for a moment, looked at Alice running over and said with some confusion: "Alice? Why are you here?"

Alice breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, I caught up. I sent a message to Erina. Erina said that you have an interview at four o'clock in the afternoon. You should be in the office now, and then I will come to find you."

"So why did you come to me? Wouldn't it be better to just go home?"

"There's no one at home right now! Because it's Friday, the student union ends late, and Sister Zhanzhan and the others are still working overtime, so Sister Saeko will naturally accompany them."

"Sister Caizhao also worked overtime, but she said she was driving to pick up Sister Toyomi (Nomo Zhao), and then had dinner at Kiriya, and also picked up Sister Hinata. Sister Hinata will not be here today because the store is closed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. work overtime……"

"Sister Gendan and the others are walking back. Erina is dealing with the food tasting. She will be back in a while. No one is here. If I don't look for you, who should I look for?"

Ye Mu nodded and said, "That's reasonable. Where is your follower?"


"Ryo is either working out, practicing, or sleeping, and there is no other man at home. What should I do with him?"


"Are you going to interview Yi?"


"Let's go, take me with you! I want to go too! I haven't seen the interview yet.

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