I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 252: Ye Mu’S Threat, Do You Think The Sigong Family Will Protect You? (Please Subscribe~)

After Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai got off the bus, Erina and Hisako also looked over and saw that it was these two people before they stood up and waved.

Shinomiya Kaguya is still a little excited, because she has never visited other people's homes, and even if she has, she is not so free, and this time it is not a banquet, which is good.

"Kaguya, you're finally here, huh? It's not a dress. I thought you would come in a dress. Unfortunately, I was just worried that you would be really stupid and wear a dress.

The corners of Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes twitched and she said: "Well...that doesn't mean..."

Hayasaka's eyes twitched but she didn't say anything. Erina was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? Wait, what is Hayasaka holding in his hand?"

"As a souvenir, Miss Erina has captured it."

Erina tilted her head and said: "As a souvenir... Oh, I didn't expect you to prepare it. It's not necessary. It's just a dinner at home. There's no need for this."

Shinomiya Kaguya said softly: "Anyway, for your first visit, whether you want to meet your sisters or celebrate a housewarming, you need to prepare gifts. It doesn't matter how familiar you are. What's more, I don't know many of your sisters." .”

Erina thought for a moment and nodded and said: "Yes, by the way, Sister Hayasaka, I have three things to tell you.

"Hmm? Miss Erina, what's the matter?"

Erina coughed slightly and said, "First of all, Mu also found a secretary. He is very nice and efficient. Hisako personally certified it, so you can have another person to talk to about your experiences."

Hayasaka Ai's eyes lit up and she said: "This is really good news. Her name is..."

"I'll introduce this to you after I meet you later. There are other guests, some of whom don't know each other."

"Yes, what's the second thing?"

"The second thing is... Sister Ahua is here!"

Hayasaka Ai's eyes lit up. You must know that Shinomiya Kaguya is just a fool and a bit stupid, which is a headache, but Kirori is completely different.

It is too difficult to be Kiroli's secretary-like existence. In addition to being able to do things, you also need to have strong stress resistance and intelligence, so chatting with Igarashi is definitely a stress relief.

"The third thing..."

"Actually, I don't know if the third thing is a thing. You'll know when the time comes. Let's go home first. Hisako and I have been sitting here waiting for you two for almost forty minutes."

"Eh?! Why did you wait so long?"

Erina tilted her head and said: "Well... the two of us went to do errands. When we came back, we looked at the time and it was almost time for you two. Anyway, I won't be home for long and I will be out to pick you two up. Why not wait for you two?" Let's go back together when we get there.

"Oh... By the way, Ah Hua is here, doesn't that mean... Qiluoli..."

"Absolutely. Otherwise, how could Sister Ahua show up? Oh, I almost forgot to mention that if you go to my house, you might be scared."

"Why? Are there many powerful people?"

"Well... I should say we are acquaintances. Let's go."


Just as Erina and Hisako led the two people home, a man in a suit followed them at an intersection on the other side.

"They have already arrived. I don't know what the specific situation is."


The man just followed silently, but what he didn't know was that not far away, a man was looking at him with a smile on his face, and there was a beautiful woman in a suit standing next to him.

"Ye Jun, this person is"

This person is Ye Mu, who has disappeared for many chapters. Ye Mu said with a smile: "This is a very simple matter, um, Miss Minezaki, I won't have work tomorrow.


"Come to our house for dinner tonight."


Ye Mu turned his head and glanced at Minezaki Yaeko with a smile and said: "You are one of our own, aren't you?"


Ye Mu nodded and then smiled and said, "Miss Minezaki's eyes are surprisingly clear when she doesn't wear sunglasses."


"The makeup is nice. Let's go. It's time to take a walk. The master is not at home all the time and it's not very polite."

Minezaki Yaeko looked at the man walking forward unhurriedly, was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Yes!"

The man who was still following on the other side followed cautiously, Ye Mu always smiled, and Minezaki Yaeko followed silently.

She can also be regarded as Ye Mu's secretary outside the school, not a secretary, but a housekeeper, so she still knows Ye Mu. Whether this smiling man is really smiling or not is another matter.

After the man saw Erina and the four of them entering the main house, he silently recorded it. He looked around, not knowing what he was looking at.

After turning around in a circle, the man was about to speak when he was stunned because he saw a handsome man and a beautiful girl standing silently in the middle of the road looking at him.

The man didn't say anything either. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Ye Mu whisper: "Do you think the yellow light on your four senses can protect you?"

The man's pupils shrank and he said in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"You came for a walk around my house. Who did you say I was? I almost forgot. The Shinomiya family tried to check me but couldn't. What were I doing just now?"

"What on earth are you..."

"Let me guess, where did Miss Shinomiya go? Who was around? What did she say? How was Ai Hayasaka? Is there anything wrong with Miss Shinomiya? She went Where is the place? What is the environment? Who is the owner? What else?"

The man was about to speak when he saw Ye Mu silently walking to the side, looking at the grass on the side, and picked up a decorative pebble. Under the man's confused gaze, Ye Mu directly clenched his fist and threw the pebble. It was beaten directly into slag.

Minezaki Yaeko was also stunned for a moment, while the man broke into cold sweat on his forehead. Ye Mu turned his head and said with a smile: "Do you think the Shinomiya family will protect you?"

"You... row"

"Where did Miss Shinomiya go?"


"When you're done taking a walk, please leave meekly. Remember to pick up someone at Tōtsuki, do you understand?"


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