I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 254: Two Little Masterminds Behind The Scenes, Qi Luoli’S Excitement (Please Subscribe~)

While Shinomiya Kaguya was still curious, she suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. Just when everyone was wondering who it was, they saw Ye Mu walking in.

"Husband! You're back! Miss Minezaki is here too. It just so happens that it's a lively day today. Are you back with your husband?"

Minezaki Yaeko breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Actually, even if Mr. Ye doesn't come to me, I have to come today, otherwise how will you use the sauna?"

"Yes, by the way, Ms. Minesaki, why does this sauna have no effect even when the switch is turned on?"

Minesaki Yaeko tilted her head and said, "Did you directly press the start switch?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Did you turn on the water supply switch?"


"Where's the heated one?"


"Hmm...have you opened the air outlet~?"

"Huh? Is there such a switch-?"

Minezaki Yaeko rolled her eyes and said, "There must be, otherwise you can use your mind to steam the sauna?"

"But there are only four buttons in total, one for adjusting the temperature, one for water supply, one for turning on the light, and one for dimming! There is absolutely no switch for the air outlet!"

Others also nodded. Minezaki Yaeko tilted her head and said, "Is it possible that the air vent is electronically controlled? For example..."

"That screen?!"

"Um...well...the four buttons are for emergency use."

"Then why doesn't the emergency vent have a switch?!"

"Well...actually, after you turn off the emergency switch, the temperature will slowly cool down within ten minutes, and then it will close automatically. The opening is intelligent. No one will open the air vent the more emergency it is, right..."

Kobayashi Gingtian and others all jumped at the corner of their eyes. It makes sense. Indeed, no one opens vents the more urgent they are. Emergency measures are all about temperature, switch, light, water source, vents... after cutting off the water and the switch. , it’s not of much use if it can’t be opened.

"In addition, actually... in the beauty room next door, the screen can control not only the beauty room but also the sauna room. The probability of the two machines malfunctioning at the same time is similar.


"Then if it stops..."

"There is no way to stop the water supply. Don't worry about the power outage. There is also a spare remote control, which is on the cabinet in the beauty room. There is also an emergency air-conditioning remote control next to it."

Tianyu Zhanzhan sighed and said: "We have been studying for a long time... I didn't expect it to be like this in the end. But, Mu, why are you with Miss Minezaki? Did you go to see her this morning?"

Ye Mu shook his head and said: "No, I went to see a friend in the morning and said it was a man. As for Miss Minesaki, I found Miss Minesaki when I came back."

"Well, I was getting ready to get off work in the office, and Ye Jun called me."


Ye Mu turned his head and took a look and said, "Well, we meet again."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and said: "Well, I..."

"Mu, Kaguya came here with a souvenir. What he said made sense, so I accepted it.

"That's really expensive, but you are Erina's friend, so just treat it as your own home when you come here, as well as Mizuhara-senpai."

Fuyumi Mizuhara said softly: "I'll come back when I want to go to the sauna for a massage."

"Is that so? It will start to heat up soon, and the swimming pool will be easy to use. Suwon-senpai is welcome to come and play."

Fuyumi Mizuhara's eyes twitched, Kiroli waved and said: "Xiao Mu, I have something to tell you, please come here."

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and walked over and bent down slightly. Qi Luoli smiled and whispered in Ye Mu's ear: "Xiao Mu, you are spoiling me."


"Yumeko, Luna, Ishima-san, and my lovely sister Ririka, ah, it seems to be getting interesting."

"So Ishima-kun knows some interesting truths now."

Qiluoli's lips curled up and she said: "She is evolving, she is evolving from a mortal to a genius, to a madman, to an interesting person, and her reason and spirit are also slowly evolving, which is very interesting. "

"Is that so? She would be a good candidate, but her appearance is an accident. Generally speaking, a good result is the best result, right?"


Qi Luoli nodded and said, "Yes, but I didn't expect that I found an interesting soul right away. Xiao Mu, you will really spoil me."

“It’s only one year anyway, so have fun.

"As commanded."

Seeing these two smiling people, everyone swallowed their saliva. Chika Fujiwara whispered: "I...I feel that Ye Jun is also a little scary."

Kobayashi Rgentan waved his hand and said: "It's normal, the little mastermind behind the scenes, but let's just improve our cooking skills and be good housewives. We can't care about other things. After all, we are just cooking people. Just do your job."

Tianyu Zhanzhan nodded and said: "You're right, just take care of yourself and don't participate in anything extra, but I didn't see you practicing at all.

"Uh... That's your illusion. How is it possible? How could I not practice? This is called secretly working hard and surprising everyone. I, Tōtsuki, am firmly in the top three.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning turned away and whispered: "Because the first one is Mu, you will definitely not be able to beat him, the second one, Senior Si, has no interest in fighting with you, and the next one will not challenge you, isn't it the third one... .”

"Ning Ning! This is the sense of oppression brought about by my strength and charm!"

Erina whispered: "Sister Long Dan, we are all our own people, so there is no need to be like this..."

"Hey! Erina! You girl is like this too! Do you want a lunchbox?!"


"But what?"

"But...Sister Rendan, haven't you always been in charge of drinks?"

"Erina! You girl...you...eh? Someone is back? Who is it this time?"


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