I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 271 Fuyumi Mizuhara Is Confused, Minezaki Yaeko Has A Headache (Please Subscribe~)

Fuyumi Mizuhara was also stunned for a moment. It seems that those whose names are called out are basically talking about love affairs, but the problem is

Ryoko Sakaki has Ye Mu, what should she talk about? She doesn't know, she doesn't know either, but she may not feel good.

Inui Hinako said with a serious face: "Senior Suwon, do you plan to be single all your life? Live the same life for the rest of your life? Take a break after work and work, and then repeat. Do you want this kind of life?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara said angrily: "You have only been single for the rest of your life, and I have no such plans."

"Huh? Do you have someone you like?"

"Well... there may have been..."

Inui Hinako smiled and said: "What could it be? I don't know you anymore? Is it when I was in school?"

"Well...but I don't feel anything now. I'm not a stranger, and..."

"And you don't know if it will start again, right?" 26


Inui Hinako tilted her head and said, "Then when do you plan to fall in love?"


"Look, you don't have anyone you like now, but you still won't be single for the rest of your life. When do you plan to get out of singlehood?"

Everyone nodded curiously, yes, this is when they plan to solve the emotional problem.

Fuyumi Mizuhara was silent for a while and didn't speak. To be honest, she only thought about this topic occasionally, but she thought about it a lot this year, especially after Inui Hinako was about to get married.

"Senior Suwon, whether you want to face it or not, there is a bloody fact right in front of you. This is something we all need to pay attention to."


Before Inui Hinako could speak, Minesaki Yaeko sighed and said: "Time...or age..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara pursed her lips and said nothing. She also knew what these people meant. Age, this issue is a very cruel topic for both men and women, especially women.

Inui Hinako sighed and said: "Senior Mizuhara, you repeat the same job every day. Do you know what the final love is like?"

"Huh? What... looks like?"

Everyone listened very seriously. Inui Hinako thought for a moment and said: "You don't have your own life and have too little free time. This means that your actual social circle is not very large. In addition to suppliers, there are diners and employees. , that’s pretty much it, and then there are the classmates.

"My classmates are also busy with their own careers, and some of them may have already started families?"

"This leads to the fact that if you want to have a relationship that you like, you can either continue to wait for an unknown period of time. When you are thirty, forty, or even fifty, you may have your own love."

"But... you will also lose your precious youth and time for falling in love, and you will also lose your last chance to enjoy the happiness of free love."

Everyone looked thoughtful. Fuyumi Mizuhara hugged her knees and said nothing, but there was some confusion and fear in her eyes. Love at forty or fifty? What does that look like?

Do you still have the throbbing that you had when you were young? Half of your life has passed. The first half of your life is gone. What will the second half of your life be like? Unknown, confused...

Minezaki Yaeko said helplessly: "It's not just like this, it's like my home."


"Hurry for marriage.

Oh!" xn

Everyone nodded suddenly, Minezaki Yaeko said helplessly: "Just thinking about it gives me a headache. My family has been urging me since last year. Don't be busy with work all the time. Take the time to find a partner. If you can't get married again, be careful no one wants you." ....”

Tadokoro Megumi said blankly: "Eh? Miss Minezaki, do you need to worry about this problem too?"

"Of course, this is a very real problem. Good conditions are of no use. You should do the right thing at the right time, otherwise you will regret it. And this is not the key. The key has never been this."

"what is that?"

"I'm just afraid of going on a blind date. I'm a complete stranger. I've read the information and it feels very careless. Even if we can be together, don't you feel awkward? We spend too little time together."

Everyone nodded. Fuyumi Mizuhara looked at Yaeko Minesaki blankly and said, "Have you been arranged to go on a blind date?"

"That's not true, but our company does. We complain and complain every day. Basically, we have given up. We just hope that someone of similar age will start a family soon. Otherwise, if we continue like this, the more we delay, the more people will want us. Maybe she is still married for the second time and the third time.

Everyone smacked their lips and said nothing. Huji Nana thought for a moment and said: "I remember that if you are too old, it will be very hard for a large number of mothers to give birth, and it will be more troublesome to take care of children in the future."

Alice swallowed her saliva and said, "Ugh... I'm worried now because of what you said."

"What are you worried about? How old are you? Besides, you are a research type, and you don't just spend the day in the kitchen. "It's okay if you don't want to do research.

"Eh? It seems to be true...Eh, no, what should I do if I'm still worried?"

"Then just fall in love."

"Who am I looking for? Huh? Hehe..."

Erina narrowed her eyes and said nothing. She always felt that this damn girl had some terrible ideas.

Tianyu Zhanzhan sighed and said: "So, Sister Shuiyuan, have you really thought about your feelings?"

"Huh? I...I haven't thought about what you said in detail, but now that I'm talking about it, I feel...a little confused and scared...but it's probably too late."

Inui Hinako smiled and said: "Hey, the sooner you awaken, the more urgent it will be. Senior Suwon, you are still young now. You have the right and opportunity to make your own choices. You only need to do one thing. "


"Take the first step to change...If you change in one step, your whole life will be disrupted. This is what you need now."


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