I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 275: Two Lilixiang, Qiluoli Is A Scholar (Please Subscribe~)

Where did Ye Mu, who had disappeared for a long time, go?

As Qiluoli and the others guessed, Ye Mu was really taking a walk, but he didn't go too far and just walked around.

On the other side, Kobayashi Gentian and others have finally finished steaming. To be precise, they have almost finished chatting. After all, it is not a traditional sauna and is much more controllable.

"Phew, my whole body feels relaxed. It's so relaxing. Senior Suwon, do you feel that your whole body has relaxed?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said, "Well... I do feel that way."

"So, Suwon-senpai, you should come to my house often to play. You live alone anyway, so it's easy to come to your house.

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and sighed: "Let's talk about it later, I..."

"Sixty-seven" "Don't say any more, it's such a happy decision! And it's just right!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara was stunned for a moment and said: "What's just right?"

Inui Hinako thought for a moment and said: "Because during the winter and summer vacation, Mu and the others are going back to China, but I have to open a shop and Cai Jian works overtime, so the two of us can't leave.

It would be great if you came, Suiyuan-senpai! It would be so free just for us.

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment, nodded and said, "This sounds pretty good..."

"So it's decided. It would be great to be able to swim at home during the summer vacation."

"Um...okay then..."

"Okay! You can call a few more people then!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara said with some confusion: "Who are you going to call? Didn't you say that there is no man in the house?"

"That's right, I didn't say I was looking for a boy. Hey, don't worry. You know more of them, and I just have an idea. "Whether it will work or not is another matter."

"I feel like I've been tricked by you."

"Huh? It's impossible. I'm not harmful in the first place, and now I'm half a married woman. How could I possibly trick people?

Fuyumi Mizuhara squinted her eyes and felt as if she was being plotted, but she still had no evidence. No, she felt that she was being plotted when she was called here today. Unfortunately, she still had no evidence.

Qiluoli just let her hair down and said casually: "If you ask me, it's a little early for the two of you to discuss this, and I might have to throw someone over by then.

Hutsunazai was stunned for a moment and said, "Hmm? Losing someone? Who are you losing?"

Tianyu Zhanzhan thought for a moment and said, "Snake Mengzi?"

"Of course not. I won't bring Mengzi's child easily. In other words, I should let Xiao Mu bring him. The person I want to throw over is someone you don't know."


Lilixiang glanced at Kiroli strangely, but still didn't say anything. She probably knew who it was, but she still wasn't sure why Kiroli suddenly stared at her.

"It's already this time, and I really don't want to go back. But, Ah Hua, just take a good rest.


Rgent Kobayashi said curiously: "Is it okay if you go back just two people? And won't your hair be tied up?"

Qiluoli tilted her head and said, "I didn't want to get tied up in the first place..."

"Why? Although you look pretty good like this now."

Qiluoli thought for a moment and said: "Why...this question..."

Kiroli took out a mask from the bag on one side and put it on. Everyone was stunned for a moment. When they turned their heads again, Lilixiang had already put on the mask.

"You are..."

"We? Aren't there only one of us?"

No one reacted. Tianyu Zhanzhan was stunned for a moment and then said with some confusion: "You mean, you two appear as Lilixiang? Appear separately?"

"Almost, but please say Lilixiang instead of Lilixiang's name. We are one person now, right. y

Lilixiang didn't say anything and just nodded. They used this trick often. Tianyu Zhanzhan thought for a moment before raising his eyebrows and said: "So, you two appeared at the same time to prove something? Could it be that two people Wouldn’t that be weird?”

"Whatever, they don't have the guts to investigate anyway. They just need the two of us to show up like this the next day..."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning held her forehead and said: "I feel like I can't understand it at all..."

"Because you don't have to worry about these things. Don't worry. Everything is under my control. Then the two of us will leave first."

"Aren't you going to wait for me husband?"

"No need, because you can see it when you go out."


The two people had already left before everyone could react. After the door was closed, Alice said blankly: "I thought I was already very smart, but it turns out I still can't understand Sister Qiluoli's thoughts at all."

Chika Fujiwara sighed and said: "We have known each other for so many years and I don't know. If you can understand, then you are definitely not normal, sister! Why are you pinching my face!"

Fujiwara Toyomi said angrily: "Qianhua, unfortunately, my fiancé seems to understand it accidentally.

"Um...except Ye Jun!

Kobayashi Rgentan sighed and said: "To be honest, being able to understand Qi Luoli is really a skill. Ning Ning, you love learning, I leave it to you."

"Um...1.0...will this be classified into study?"

"Why doesn't it count? You have to learn from life, live until you are old, and learn until you are old, do you understand?"

"I feel cheated..."

"How could it happen? Hey, Kaguya, don't be nervous. Kiroli and her husband have spoken in person, so it's absolutely fine. And don't you yourself also know the current situation in your family?"

Shinomiya Kaguya sighed and said, "I don't know what kind of expression it should be."

Alice said with some confusion: "Why?"

"Because that's her home!" xn

"Ah? Oh! I understand, I understand..."

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