I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 282: Time Flies Too Fast, Why Not Try Dating? (Please Subscribe~)

Fuyumi Mizuhara didn't know what to say, because she couldn't fool herself with her explanation. She was the type she liked, and it far exceeded the standard. She still had a crush on her. Could she like Ye Mu?

Fuyumi Mizuhara also froze a little. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with the logic, but it seemed to be too sudden, as if he was hit by a car suddenly. He didn't even react. When he came back to his senses, he was lying on the ground.

Fuyumi Mizuhara didn't know what to do. She didn't think about it before, but now that she thought about it, she realized that there was a type she liked around her.

"Senior Suwon, how about..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara said cautiously: "Huh? What are you going to say?"

Inui Hinako thought for a moment and said: "I was wondering...if you want to try dating Mu."

Fuyumi Mizuhara's heart beat faster and then she turned her head and whispered softly: "Are you kidding me?"

"It's true, women know women best. Senior Suwon, I know that you have started to pay attention to family and relationship issues since the residential training. You have also gradually understood that thoughts and expectations are not bets on reality and time."

Inui Hinako took Fuyumi Mizuhara's hand and said softly: "Senior Mizuhara, when we talked about this topic today, everyone can see your confusion and panic. You don't know what to do."


"So, I really hope to help Suwon-senpai, because when I see you, I see myself before. "I also once fell into a confused state before dating Mu Zai.

Fuyumi Mizuhara said with some confusion: "At a loss? Didn't you just date me directly?"

Inui Hinako smiled and shook her head and said: "How is it possible, because I know that I am a single-minded person, but there are still many factors in time and life. I hope that my love will be my last love, and I can lead to marriage. Forward."

"So I'm also thinking about whether this is really going to be like this. Do you know when Mu and I met?"


"We met on the plane when Mu came to Japan. It's a coincidence. We've known each other for so long... Do you know how long we didn't contact each other from the time we made that agreement to when we actually started dating? How much time Mu gave me to think about it?"

"how long?"

"Nearly half a year..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara said with some surprise: "Half a year?! Don't you like it? Why did you think about it for half a year?!"

"Firstly, because the bet is after Mu gets the first seat, and secondly...just like you now, you think too much, and you have been thinking like this for several months...17

"Mu was very considerate and didn't come directly after knowing the result. Although we all knew it well, Mu still didn't come directly. Instead, he came after school started. "Do you know what it means?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara shook her head, Inui Hinako smiled and said: "Do you remember when we met?"

"On the plane to Japan... the time should be before school starts... eh?"

"Yes, Mu and I have been together for a year. It's a whole year, and it's another year. In this year, I will have time to think about it for half a year, until the very beginning. When will I start? It’s time to find a new beginning. April is also the time when the cherry blossoms bloom..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara pursed her lips and said, "How did you two meet and how did you make a bet?"

"Well...it starts with the fact that I won the grand prize before (omitting tens of thousands of words here), so we are together."

Yaeko Minesaki smacked her lips and said, "This is Mr. Ye, otherwise some people might have given up or run away shyly."

"Yes, and... Mu gave me time to think clearly about what I want, what I should want, and what is practical. I feel that this is the most correct decision I have ever made. Already."

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and said: "When you like him, that is, when you really express it, how do you feel?"

"Well... I don't even know when I fell in love with Mu, but... it must have been before we fell in love."

"Then what were your thoughts the moment you dated him? Do you regret it?"

Inui Hinako shook her head without thinking and said: "No, no, no regrets at all, I just feel very happy and excited, and I feel like my future will suddenly become brighter.


"If I have to say I regret it, there is one thing I really regret..."


Inui Hinako said matter-of-factly: "I will definitely regret it. I actually thought about it for so long, and what kind of bet did I make? What if Mu loses? If I could have thought it through earlier, wouldn't we have been together long ago?" It’s been a long time wasted!”

"Mizuhara-senpai! Ms. Minezaki! You also know! Girls are restricted in terms of age. Half a year! Half a year! Half a year old!"

Minesaki Yaeko sighed and said: "Um... I understand, I have always understood, so... Hinata, you have to help me."

"Okay, okay, actually, even if we don't do anything, you have to follow Mu when the time comes. It will succeed sooner or later. You don't have to worry about anything."

"Oh...I almost forgot about this..."

Inui Hinako turned around and said: "So, Senior Mizuhara, I am serious. You see, Mu is your type. You (the king) still have a good impression. You also understand what I said before, then you can Give it a try.

"When you fall in love with the person you like, even if you don't have such thoughts at the moment, the relationship can be cultivated slowly, and you have also seen that Mu is very good.

"Of course, these are all my subjective opinions. You are the only one who really makes the decision for you. I am just giving you a suggestion that you will never lose, but it is up to you."

"But...Senior Suwon...I have something to say."


"Time will never go back, and there is no regret medicine to take, so try not to let yourself have regrets, because time goes by too fast...

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