I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 284 The Exceptionally Sober Fuyumi Mizuhara, Erina’S Discovery (Please Subscribe~)

Tadokoro Megumi and Yoshino Yuuki on the other side finally returned to Polar Star Dorm. After the two handed the gifts to Mrs. Fumio, Mrs. Fumio was also stunned for a moment.

After asking clearly, Mrs. Wenxu said with some surprise: "Hey, these young people are really good. They are much better than that bastard Jōichirō."

"Mrs. Wenxu, it seems that Senior Caibo and Senior Ye are friends. If you put it that way...it seems that Senior Caibo and Senior Ye have talked."

"Huh? These two boys are more outrageous than the other. Don't worry about their business. Neither of these two can live idle. You two should go back and rest early.

"Oh... Good night, Mrs. Wenxu."


Yoshino Yuuki and Tadokoro Megumi didn't say what happened, what they ate, or what they talked about. They just said they went out for a walk, met Ryoko Sakaki, and brought back some snacks.

Inui Hinako didn't ask Fuyumi Mizuhara what she was thinking at the end. However, considering the current situation, it was true that Fuyumi Mizuhara's attitude made her feel a little strange.

Fuyumi Mizuhara seems to be interested in Ye Mu, but when you talk, Fuyumi Mizuhara suddenly becomes silent, and it seems that Fuyumi Mizuhara is getting more and more sober?

"Senior Mizuhara, are you not sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy. It's better to say that I'm particularly awake now..."


"Why? What's the reason for this? It's just soberness.

Inui Hinako smacked her lips but didn't say anything. Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and said: "It's quite late, so I won't bother you. I'll go back and rest first. See you tomorrow.

"Ah? Just leave?"

"if not?"

Minezaki Yaeko also nodded and said: "I'm going back to rest too. I have to go to the company tomorrow, so you should rest early."


Inui Hinako looked at the two people leaving and scratched his head and said: "Huh? They're all gone? But should I do something... I feel like it's unnecessary, Mizuhara-senpai's senses look weird. .”

So what does Suwon-senpai mean..."

"Forget it, there's still another chance anyway, let's see how Suwon-senpai reacts...

According to Inui Hinako's later memories, she was lucky that she had not prepared to implement the plan, otherwise she would have been wiped out by Fuyumi Mizuhara, and it would have been within the family.

"Kaguya! Let me tell you, you are really awesome at pretending to be a human being."

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes twitched and she said, "Um...I don't feel like this is a compliment."

"No, no, no, it's indeed a compliment. It's so natural. Really, no one hits you when you run past."

"Uh...but then again, Hayasaka!

Hayasaka Ai turned around and said with some confusion: "Huh? Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you so good at the game?! When did you practice?!"

Hayasaka Ai thought for a moment and said: "Actually..."

"Uh huh huh!"

"Actually, I usually play some games when I'm bored..."


Hayasaka Ai thought for a while and said: "By the way, Miss, I have something to say to you..."


"Well... although grass and leaves can move in the game, they will not affect the trajectory of the bullet. This is determined by the system, so Miss, you can just shoot."

Erina was stunned for a moment and then said with a smile: "I said what were you squatting on one side for three minutes? It turned out that you were watching the wind direction?!"

"Um...I can only say that the game still needs to be improved."

"Lady Erina, aren't you going to rest?"

"I'm not sleepy. I feel very awake. But having said that, Mu should be there in normal times. Why don't you see anyone today?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment and said, "Does Mr. Ye usually stay up late to play games with you?"

"Yes, but there is an extra Liangzi today. Liangzi is unexpectedly very talented."

Ryoko Sakaki smiled sarcastically and said, "I'm still trying to survive, but Senior Ye must have rested."

...Please give me flowers...

Erina thought for a while and said: "I feel unrealistic... Mu doesn't have the habit of going to bed early, eh! Sister Ringtong!"

"Huh? Qianhua, did you rent that ultimate move of yours?! Use it! What's the matter?"

"Uh... I remember Mu doesn't have the habit of going to bed early."

Kobayashi Rgentan took off his headphones, turned his head and said seriously: "Erina, are you still part of the family?"

"Eh? What's wrong?"

"Our family doesn't have the bad habit of going to bed early unless something happens the next day, don't you know?"

Erina turned her head and said: "Well, so Mu is definitely not asleep. How about... go and take a look?"


Shinomiya Kaguya swallowed her saliva and said, "It's not good..."

"It's okay, just take a look if you're not asleep, and leave quietly if you're asleep. It's okay. And usually if Mu is asleep, he will close the door, and if he is not asleep, he will leave the door ajar."


Before Shinomiya Kaguya said anything, Erina pulled Hisako out. Shinomiya Kaguya struggled for a while and finally decided not to move. Hayasaka Ai said softly: Miss, I think you can go. "

"Ah? Hayasaka, we are guests.

"So the guest does as he pleases."

"Is there any other explanation for this?"

Hayasaka Ai said softly: "Miss, so, do you want to go?"

"I...I'm okay..."

"Ryoko, what about you?"

"Ah? Me? Well... let's go."

Shinomiya Kaguya was pulled out by Hayasaka Ai before she could recover, but when she arrived at the door of the room, she saw Erina and Hisako squatting on the left and right of the door as if eavesdropping on something.

"Erina, you..."



Erina waved and whispered: "Come here..."

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