I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 287 Fuyumi Mizuhara Wants To Date, So You Two Can Do It? ! (Please Subscribe~)

According to the normal script, it should be very lively when making breakfast, and then there will be endless topics to talk about during breakfast, so it should be very lively as well.

In fact, this is really the case, because when you see the luxurious breakfast, your eyes are already bright, especially since it is the first time for Shinomiya Kaguya and others to cook. It can be said to be a full sense of accomplishment, even though it is just I washed the dishes but still felt a sense of participation.

It felt like this, and there was no sense of dignity at all. It was just a group of people talking about anything they could think of, and there were not many taboos to avoid. Although the ingredients they ate were not of the highest quality, they were the most delicious to her.

This was originally true, but when the meal started, Fuyumi Mizuhara had no intention of eating at all and just sat there.

Inui Hinako said with some confusion: "Suwon-senpai, there are dishes you made today, the dishes of the seven Elite Tens. You don't think it's bad, right?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and said: "I just suddenly remembered something, and I felt that I should take the time to talk about it.


Fuyumi Mizuhara turned her head and looked at Ye Mu, who was drinking juice and looking at her phone, and said softly: "Hey, I have something to tell you."

"Hmm? What's the matter, Mizuhara-senpai?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and said: "There are too many people here, do you want to listen here, or go out alone to talk.

"Well? If you have something, you can just tell me directly. If you have any difficulties, everyone can help. Besides, you are the one who said this, so you should decide for yourself whether to say it or not.

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and said: "Well...that makes sense, let's just say it here, but are you sure?"

"Um...I'm probably sure, just tell me."

"Well...I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a little nervous when I said that"~.

"Well...when you say that, we also become nervous."

Fuyumi Mizuhara breathed a sigh of relief and then said softly: "I want to say..."


"I want to try dating you."


Ye Mu was stunned for a moment. Xiaolin Ringtong and others all breathed a sigh of relief and said: "What did you think it was? Isn't it just a relationship... eh?"

Everyone looked at Fuyumi Mizuhara in disbelief. Good guy, if you don't speak easily, you will be immediately thrown into disrepute if you speak.

No one knows how long this frozen atmosphere lasted, it could be one minute or five minutes, but any longer is unrealistic because the temperature of the food has not changed substantially.

Although Fuyumi Mizuhara had no expression on the surface, she was actually a little nervous and her heartbeat was racing. She just wanted to give it a try and do an experiment, but she didn't expect that she could really say it smoothly.

Ye Mu was a little confused, something was wrong. He didn't have much interaction with Fuyumi Mizuhara. Even if he tried to win over him, he planned to boil the frog in warm water slowly and didn't plan to rush it too hastily.

As for relationships... He and Fuyumi Mizuhara didn't have much interaction, and they weren't very familiar with each other. Being a close friend was the best relationship he could think of, a couple... He felt it was unrealistic.

After all, Fuyumi Mizuhara is too rational, and she is not familiar with herself, and she is not familiar with her, or not very familiar with her. The two people have actually been in contact for less than ten days, and not every day in these ten days. We are together every second, but we can meet each other every day.

This is Ye Mu's general judgment. In fact, when he met Fuyumi Mizuhara this time, he just wanted to make her feel the excitement and warmth of this big family, so as to bring everyone closer together.

This would also be helpful for boiling frogs in warm water in the future. Ye Mu thought so and did so, but... now he suddenly confessed his love?

He didn't know anything and didn't do anything, so why did he confess his love? Did Inui Hinako and the others say something? It's possible.

However, there were only a few opportunities for them to chat, including when they were in the sauna and when they chatted in separate groups afterwards.

It can be ruled out when they are in the sauna, because Kobayashi Ryodan and others also have surprised or shocked faces, that is when they are chatting in a group? Minesaki Yaeko is also stunned, but what is Inui Hinako's expression?

Inui Hinako looked dull at this time, but for some reason, Inui Hinako still felt a bit like this, so what exactly is going on?

Fuyumi Mizuhara coughed slightly and said: "So, what is your answer? I am serious, but we can talk about it after breakfast."

Everyone looked at Ye Mu blankly. The ball came to Ye Mu's feet. It was up to Ye Mu how he kicked it.

Ye Mu also came back to his senses, squinting his eyes when looking at Fuyumi Mizuhara's expression, and after a long time he tilted his head and said: "Although I don't know what happened, have you thought about it?

"I was serious."

Ye Mu sighed and said: "I really have a headache... Let's talk about it after dinner.

"Is this a positive answer for you?"

"If you deny it, you should probably just leave."

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said softly: "Hmm... maybe..."

The two of them stopped talking and just ate breakfast in silence (okay, okay). Kobayashi Ringtong said blankly: "Is this the end?"

"Yeah." xxi 2

"No...no! Sister Suiyuan, have you confessed your love?"

"Not really, but I want to try dating him. Besides, it seems to be successful now. Let's call him Sister Fuyumi."

"Uh...Husband! You just agreed?!"

"Well... Generally speaking, there is no harm at all, and Suwon..."


"And Fuyumi seems to be very serious, so let's leave it at that... Didn't I say we'll talk in detail after dinner? Let's eat first."

"Uh..." xn

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