I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 300: Kobayashi Ryodan’S Idea, Everyone Visiting The Store Again (Please Subscribe~)

After waiting for nearly twenty minutes, we finally got all kinds of fried chicken. In order to distinguish, we also specially selected different flavors.

While chewing, Erina said with a look of disgust: "Although the idea is not bad, it has various flaws and the taste is not very good. It's a bit greasy."

Kobayashi Rgentan thought for a while and said: "If I say that I don't mind eating some when I watch a TV show at home, it would be a bit misleading to say how delicious it is. But this recipe is interesting, and the person who wrote it is still a little bit Strong."

"That's what I said, but no matter what, this fried chicken is just average. It seems that the people who helped this Moxa House intend to put a long-term plan to catch big fish. They don't intend to just collect a little wool at all."

Ye Mu said helplessly, "Zero Sansan": "Why does the fried chicken taste like this again... It really gives me a headache..."

Alice said with some confusion: "Senior Ye, you don't seem to like it very much?"

Kobayashi Rgentan said with a smile: "My husband has a standard Chinese stomach. Obviously this fried chicken does not suit his taste. But having said that, I also think the taste of this fried chicken is weird. Maybe it tasted weird after I went to Tianchao for a few days." That’s the reason for the change.”

Alice said blankly: "That's really awesome. They all jumped to the Chinese food camp."

"Of course, many of our stores here use the banner of Chinese food, but in fact they are completely different from normal Chinese food. It's really a headache..."

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "Well, this is correct. Okay, let's go to the store first. Ryoko, Hisako, don't worry, you can eat this while walking, and it doesn't matter if you can't finish it. Just throw it to that Go study it, kid.”

Ryoko Sakaki and others nodded. Erina sniffed and said strangely: "I don't know if it's my imagination, but I feel like I'm getting oily after eating this fried chicken."

"It's not an illusion, it's mainly because your God's Tongue amplified the greasiness. Erina, if it were you, how would you make this fried chicken? Just use ordinary chicken.

Erina thought for a moment and said: "If it were me... I would lock in the gravy as much as possible to increase the taste. As for the sauces to match, tartar sauce and yellow mustard are actually good choices."

"Hmm...then what are you going to give to customers?"

Erina tilted her head and said: "For customers? Just put it in a paper bag or a carton. You can prepare a separate sauce and add it yourself, that's it.

"Rentian, what about you?"

"Me? Well... Although I have the same idea as Erina, but... I think we should pay attention to the fact that this is fried chicken, so in terms of timeliness, it is more convenient for customers to eat hot fried chicken. , this should be more attractive.”

Ryoko Sakaki's eyes lit up and she said: "Senior Ye, is this the customer's perspective you are talking about?"


In the store on the other side, just like the original novel, Yukihira Sōma temporarily opened a store, and there were more people in the store, including Yukihira Sōma's junior high school classmates.

"So, why are you here so early? Is the store closed?"

"We still have a shop open, little Sōma, but this commercial street is almost unstoppable."

"Eh? Why?"

"Because not long ago, a Moxa House opened next to the station. It is a chain fried chicken brand. It attracted a lot of people's attention. In addition, there are advertisements. No one will come to this commercial street at all. If this continues, the commercial street will really be closed down soon."

A classmate of Yukihira Sōma nodded and said: "That's true, but it's really delicious. My mother bought some some time ago and I tasted it and it was really good.

Yukihira Sōma thought for a moment and said, "So it's because of the fried chicken, right?"


"Hehe... It would be great if we could come up with more delicious fried chicken!"

"Ah? It's unrealistic. Even if it is presented, there won't be enough publicity."

"This... I have a way, as long as I have a customer... This is the first lesson I learned from Tōtsuki..."

"Oh! I don't know what's going on, but when I hear you say that, it feels like you're choosing to be defeated."

Yukihira Sōma's eyes twitched and she said: "Well... I don't want to admit it, but it is true... But Tōtsuki is really amazing..."

Yukihira Sōma thought about Tōtsuki Elite Ten, and also thought about Ye Mu. Ye Mu was really terrifying, but he really understood Ye Mu's strength. He was about to be eliminated, but the results were as easy as Ye Mu's. The result is almost a fraction of the result.

"Yukihira...I saw Tōtsuki's official website before, and there seemed to be a popular senior named..."

"Ye Mu․."

"Yes! That's him! Who is he... He looks very powerful after hearing the introduction."

Yukihira Sōma sighed and said: "He is a real monster..."

"Eh? Monster?"

Yukihira Sōma sighed and was about to speak when he heard a few footsteps. One of them said with a smile: "Sure enough, the food at Yukihira's set restaurant is better. There are really many customers today."

Yukihira Sōma smiled and said: "Of course! But I don't know who it will be..."

"Hey 4.2, Erina, why are you nervous? Saiba-senpai is not in the store. Besides, there is no need to be nervous even if you are really in the store.

"I'm just feeling emotional... I didn't expect Caibo-senpai to actually open a restaurant, and it's on a commercial street like this..."

"What's the point? We were the same at the time... Okay, okay, come in quickly and take a look. Sure enough, the door is open..."

Yukihira Sōma's eyes twitched and she said blankly: "No way... these guys are not coming..."

"Hey! Boy, long time no see~"

"Is it really you?!"

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