I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 303 Ye Mu’S Motivation, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning’S Mentality Collapsed (Please Subscribe~)

Everyone looked thoughtful, and Alice, who was usually very lively, stopped talking at this time because she didn't quite know what her motivation was.

In other words, she knows, but she has too many motivations, and she doesn't know which is her real motivation for a while.

Ye Mu just smiled and shook his head and said nothing more. Xiaolin Ringtong and others were lost in thinking. He felt that the motivation... he really couldn't express for a while.

"Okay, don't worry about this matter now, because your motivation will suddenly be known or suddenly remembered and determined at a certain moment, so there is no need to worry about anything."

Kobayashi Ringtong tilted his head and said: "In this case, husband, do you know what your motivation is? It is the motivation of only one."

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Of course, my motivation is very simple, there are three, but for now, there is only one core..."

"What is it?"xn

"It means that I can manage my own life well, because although I have a lot of life, I finally decided that I want to open a restaurant and hotel."

"In this case 213, the focus of my life will be on this, because this is the family's industry, or everyone's career. I must win the Star Meal, and I will definitely win the Star Wine."

"So, for this, I must be strong enough, stronger, and keep getting stronger, that's how it is, and for everyone, cooking is a part of life, so

Manage your own life well, that is, manage your own family and industry well. "

"That's pretty much it... So, when it comes to getting stronger, I never feel that there is an upper limit, so I will always work hard to move towards my own perfect standards. This is probably my core It’s a bit like Caibo-senpai’s motivation.”

Xiaolin Ringtong and others were stunned for a moment and then raised the corners of their mouths, because Ye Mu's words made them feel two words, heart-pounding and peace of mind.

Seemingly two completely opposite words, they describe it very well at this time, because Ye Mu's words and efforts for the family made them all feel their hearts beating faster. They were no longer (gbc) little girls who had just fallen in love.

They have clearer plans and clearer directions for their efforts. School affairs have become somewhat irrelevant. For now, all topics related to the future are what they are interested in.

While I am trying to survive and feel the campus life, I have already considered the real life and life here.

As for peace of mind, it is also very simple, because Ye Mu's words made them feel a strong sense of security and expectation. As mentioned in the introduction, in love, there is a fear that one party is full of expectations and works hard for it, but the other party is indifferent.

Fortunately, Ye Mu is not such a person. This sense of responsibility brings a sense of security, safety, clarity, stability, and a promising future to Xiaolin Ringtong and the others. This is the motivation worth working hard and striving for.

Akikubo Momo breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Momoko's goal before was to constantly make cute and beautiful desserts, and then become an excellent pastry chef, but now Momoko feels that this goal is not that important anymore... .”

Kobayashi Ringtong thought for a while and said: "It's strange to say that I never seem to know what motivation is... But if I have to talk about motivation, competitiveness? Maybe... it's just a feeling. It’s like I’m sorry if I don’t reach the summit of Tōtsuki…”

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning tilted her head and said: "Before...well..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment before they realized. The motivation of Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji was to surpass Isshiki Satoshi, but now, this is completely a lifetime goal!

Xiaolin Gendan said quickly: "Ning Ning! Calm down! Calm down! Isn't it better now?"

"Well...even though I don't understand what you are talking about, Sister Ringtong, it seems to make sense."

Alice and others sighed silently, it was really eye-catching. Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo was not yet complete. Blacken was already very worthy of the good attitude brought by his happy life.

Ryoko Sakaki said helplessly: "Senior Isshiki doesn't seem to have such self-awareness... But having said that, Sister Ningning, there is something I want to tell you."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

After struggling for a while, Ryoko Sakaki said tentatively: "Well...actually..."

"Hmm? If you have anything to say, just say it..."

"Oh... that is to say... forget it, I'd better not say it..."

Kobayashi Ringtong thought for a moment and said, "I feel like it has something to do with Isshiki. You'd better stop talking about it. I feel like Ning Ning will really cry."


While everyone walked forward, they comforted Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning, while Yu Liangzi approached Ye Mu and whispered: "Senior Ye, I still don't know why you gave Senior Isshiki an apron.

"Hmm? You know."

"Well...after receiving your gift last Christmas, Senior Isshiki was immediately overjoyed...and then at the Christmas party that night...Senior Ye

You are solely responsible. "

Ye Mu turned his head and glanced at Ryoko Sakaki, then pinched Ryoko Sakaki's face and said, "If I remember correctly, when we were guests before, it seemed that except for Tadokoro who was at a loss, you and Yuki seemed quite So excited."

Ryoko Sakaki looked away and said, "I...I'm used to it, but I've been in contact with more normal people during this period, so it still feels weird."

"You, a normal person, are very good at using it."

"But that's it..."

"Hey! Ryoko! Senior Ye! Hurry up, you two! Don't live in a world of two!"

Ryoko Sakaki's face turned red and she quickly said: "Alice! I don't have it!"

"Okay, okay, don't tell me if it's available, let's find a place to eat first!"

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