I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 316 Ryoko Sakaki’S Guess, Shoko Kabuto Comes To Mind (Please Subscribe~)

I don't know if it was Ryoko Sakaki's illusion, but she always felt that Ye Mu seemed to have been looking forward to the second half of the year, not because of unknown expectations, but because...it was known!

So far, what Ye Mu said seems to be basically correct. From the Elite Ten ranking at that time, we know that Ye Mu is a transfer student. How could he know the strength of these people so well? Even if they are good friends, It's not as clear as a direct prediction.

Ryoko Sakaki thought silently while eating skewers. Ye Mu always gave people the feeling of knowing everything in advance. This feeling would be fine if they were friends, but it would be really not good if they were enemies.

"Ryoko, what do you think of the Elite Ten position?"

Ryoko Sakaki was stunned for a moment and said: "It must be very powerful, but I don't think there is any need to become an Elite Ten."

Ye Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said, "What is the reason?"

"Because no matter how powerful the Elite Ten is, it will only be useful to Tōtsuki for three years. After 26, it is just a gold-plated name. It is not impossible to rely on oneself."

"The most important thing is that not only Elite Ten can graduate. It's not impossible for me to graduate normally. There is no need to become Elite Ten. Other than that... I don't think of any other benefits. .”

"After all, as for the initial connections, I think senior Ye is enough, and didn't he say that he would follow him in the future? So I don't have to worry about anything, right? In this case, Elite Ten is nothing in my impression. It’s particularly worth paying attention to, right?”

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Interesting... Your statement will really make a lot of people pour cold water on it, but... in general, it is not bad..."

"I think it's okay... Elite Ten is really not as good as I thought, and they still have to deal with work. The most important thing is... anyway... I don't want to offend Elite Ten and I don't want to When it comes to being an Elite Ten, Tian Jie actually has no restrictions on me.

"You can't say that I will target a student directly, and I really won't offend the Elite Ten, right.'17

Ye Mu nodded and said: "That's true. Regardless of whether you are my secretary or not, your character will not offend others. This is the key. But now that you are my secretary, this is even less true. After all, After all, more than half of the Elite Ten are on your side."

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said: "Senior Ye, can you please stop saying the same thing as some weird sect..."

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Actually, Tōtsuki is a school that either doesn't take sides or is on the right side. If you don't take sides, you just want to spend three years smoothly. If you want to take sides, you have to think clearly about whether it will end up with your own. The team leader left this school together."

"But this departure does not mean that a bad person will be fired. It can also mean that he will start a business together after graduation. Generally speaking, it is quite good.

"Yes, by the way, Senior Ye, tell me something real. Who are the other two school helpers you chose? I originally thought it was Mito-san, but later Sister Rindian and the others said it was impossible, because Mito-san He was originally Erina's assistant in handling school affairs, so there was no need to do anything extra.

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "Let's take a guess. You should have someone you can think of."

Ryoko Sakaki thought for a while and said: "I thought of three people. One is Kawashima-san, who is currently the host of various occasions, because although Kawashima-san's strength is not the strongest, it can be considered average."

"The most important thing is that Kawashima-san has a strong appeal, and he is very popular in school, and is very popular, especially among boys. Well... Also, Kawashima-san's work efficiency and note-taking ability are also very good. He is very strong, and he is the best candidate for spreading news and publicity within the school."

"It's interesting, said Sales.

Ryoko Sakaki tentatively said: "The second person is Hōjō-san. Hōjō-san is also very prestigious among the students and is very powerful. The most important thing is that Hōjō-san is also good at Chinese food and has a good compatibility with Senior Ye. , Hōjō-san is also very efficient.”

"So, what does it mean to be good at Chinese food? Is this also a criterion for evaluation?"

Ryoko Sakaki shook her head and said: "No, it's just because you are good at Chinese food. Senior Ye, I remember that you still have a good impression of Hōjō-san.

"It's okay. I can't say that I have a good impression, but I can still say that I appreciate it. Let's continue. Who is the third candidate you have in mind?"

After struggling for a while, Ryoko Sakaki said tentatively: "Senior Ye, I don't know if this is a good thing to say..."

"Huh? Is there anything you can't say? Just say it. It's not at school anyway, and you can say it even at school. Besides, your personality doesn't seem like someone who would say things that offend others. Just say it, it's okay. 410 ."

Ryoko Sakaki pursed her lips and said tentatively: "Well... the last person I thought of was not from this class, but... well... Senior Ye, from your class, and you A senior with whom I have a very good relationship, Kabuto-senpai."

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said: "Okay, tell me why you think of Xiangzi."

"Hmm... Because Senior Kabutoki is very powerful and has good connections in the school, especially in the support club. In addition, he also knows you, Senior Ye, and has a good relationship with you. Finally, it's . . . Kabuto-senpai’s understanding of the school is definitely not weaker than that of any freshman in high school.”

Ryoko Sakaki breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I don't know if what I said is right, Senior Ye..."

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "This question...just look forward to it. Don't worry, I will be your right-hand man~"

"Eh? Not your assistant?"

"Do you think I have anything to do in Tōtsuki that requires me to be so busy?"


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