I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 319: Alice’S Seriousness, Reassuring Alice (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Ryudan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning both looked surprised, but more of them were angry. If it didn't matter, it would be fine, but they are a family, and these are their own sisters. It sounds like they are angry.

Kobayashi Rgentan clenched his fists and said: "So there is such a thing. No wonder Erina has changed so much, and she finally knows what Erina's harsh rumors mean. This is completely influenced by her!"

"Yes, so you must not tell Erina, don't even mention it. Erina now has her own family and love. This is the most precious treasure she wants most. Don't let her think about the past again. matter."

"When she goes to heaven, she can be considered as leaving this sad place..."

Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo was stunned for a moment and said: "If you put it this way... Erina is actually still a little bit shadowy? Because I think she still has some wrong perceptions about cooking. 11

"Definitely, this is a big psychological shadow, but..."


Alice pursed her lips and said: "God's tongue will grow, and Erina will one day be like her mother. Maybe she left without saying goodbye, maybe she stayed because she was reluctant to leave the family, but it will definitely shorten the length of her life. ..."

Kobayashi Rgentan suddenly thought of something and said softly: "Ningning, do you remember that just before we went to Polar Star Dorm, didn't we go to the commander-in-chief's office?"

Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo was stunned for a moment and then said with a surprised look on his face: "Sister Rendan, you mean... Mu is discussing this matter with Grandpa Nakiri?!"

Alice was stunned for a moment and then hurriedly said: "What is this?! Sister Gendan! What did Senior Ye and Grandpa say?!"

Looking at Alice who was rarely anxious, Kobayashi Ryudan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning were also stunned for a moment. Just now, they saw some of what Alice should be like as a sister.

After Kobayashi Rgentan said something, Alice said in surprise: "What?! Senior Ye can cure the curse of God's Tongue?!"

"Now it seems that is the case, but my husband seems to mean that it is not yet time, so there is no need to resolve many things. At present, Erina's God's Tongue has been suppressed, hasn't it?"

"This... seems to be true. Erina can go to ordinary restaurants normally and can also accept ordinary dishes... great! I was still worried about whether Erina would collapse in the future. Too alright!"

Xiaolin Ringtong said with a straight face: "Now you suddenly want to eat a sister."

"I have always been like a sister. As for what else you are curious about..."

"The relationship between Saiha-senpai and Erina."

"Oh... well, after Erina experienced these inner shadows, Hisako came to Erina. He was also Erina's first friend and her most important friend. I was in Northern Europe at the time, so I couldn't be there often, but he was very Unfortunately, Hisako and I were the only ones with Erina at the time."

Alice pursed her lips and said: "At this time, grandpa found Caibo-senpai. Caibo-senpai taught Erina how to cook for a long time. For Erina, Caibo-senpai is a ray of sunshine in winter? That should be the case. It feels like Erina respects Saibo-senpai very much."

Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Kino nodded and said: "No wonder Erina's whole mood exploded after she found out that Yukihira Sōma was the child of Saiba-senpai."

"Yes, so... ugh... I have a headache. I know what this is all about now. But having said that... Alice, you usually spend time with Erina..."

"Huh? It's a way of giving in to Erina. Although this girl is quite irritating, it also proves that there is still sunshine in her heart. Now the three most worrying things have been solved, so I feel relieved. "

Kobayashi Rgentan was stunned for a moment and said: "Three things? God's tongue, family, what else?"

"Free, Erina can live freely, start over, don't worry about tasting food, live the life she wants, and live the life she wants with the person she loves..."

.........Please give me flowers‥

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said softly: "Even though I said that, it feels a little strange that you are so serious all of a sudden.

Alice puffed up her face and said, "Hey! Sister Ningning! I'm very serious!"

"So it feels strange, right, Sister Ryudan."

"Well...that's a bit of a meaning, but having said that, I really can't talk about this matter. Just end it in this coffee shop. Ning Ning, I know you are very reliable."

"Well...I know, but now I feel even more that Mu definitely doesn't know everything. It's better to say that he knows everything. Grandpa Ye seems to have not only asked Mu to climb to the top of Tōtsuki but also to come to see him. These fiancées seem to have some troubles to solve..."


Alice was stunned for a moment and said: "In that case, Grandpa Ye seems to be the mastermind behind this. It feels like everything, including Senior Ye, is within Grandpa Ye's calculations."

"It's better to say that my husband already knows, but now it's better to deal with it according to his own ideas. It's indeed very powerful...Pi, it's better to be a good wife."

Alice said blankly: "Sister Gendan, will the good wife take her lover to the rainforest adventure?"

"Well......it was just Xian who didn't have a wife at that time.

"Um...what kind of expression is this...so this word can be broken down?"

"Of course, it's definitely possible. By the way, Ning Ning, I have something to tell you..."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? What's the matter? I feel something is not good..."

"Alright, alright, it's a small thing, just say that when you go back, go find Nao Sadatsuka, you have something to talk to her about.

"Eh? Me?"


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