I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 328: Fujiwara Moeha Is Coming Too, And Fujiwara Toyomi Realizes It (Please Subscribe~)

It was not until dinner that the Qianhe sisters realized what a luxurious meal was. There were several types of cuisine at first sight, not just Chinese food.

Kobayashi Gentian said in surprise: "Oh! It's really incredible! This is... wow! Husband! Isn't this the dish you made in the autumn selection?!"

Alice also looked surprised and said: "Wow! Is that the resurrected shark?!"

Qian Tao Zhie said with some confusion: "Resurrected shark? What kind of food?"

Erina swallowed her saliva and said: "This is Mu's dish during last year's autumn election. The question in the preliminaries was grilled. Mu made this dish at that time, using crocodiles and sharks. It was a test of skills and innovation. Listen to Grandpa and the others The judges said it tasted like being in a kingdom of the ocean.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! But I never had a chance to eat it. When I came back, there were either no sharks or no crocodiles at home. So, hubby, why are there any today?"

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "Well... sharks are easy to talk about, mainly crocodiles. I am also a little surprised why there is such a thing. Gentian, are you looking for it?"

"Hey, I was quite interested, so I gave it a try and bought two."

Ryoko Sakaki's eyes twitched and she said, "Sister Rindan, what do you want to do by putting two crocodiles in your house... It's very dangerous!"

"Okay, okay, the mouth is tied up. The crocodile's bite force is terrible, but the tension in the mouth is very weak. Once it is tied up, it will be fine."

"Is that so? I really don't understand that, but..."

Before Ryoko Sakaki finished speaking, she saw three people walking in, chatting as if they had endless things to say.

"Sister, what do you mean by mom? Why do you look so disappointed?"

"I don't know, but it seems to have something to do with me? But I'm studying hard to be a good wife and mother!"

Fujiwara Chika didn't refute after thinking about it, because Fujiwara Toyomi was really working hard to improve herself and make herself more and more like a good wife.

However, the tradition of the Fujiwara family told her that it was wrong to nod at this time, so Chika Fujiwara naturally said in a low voice: "Well...sister, there may be a good wife, but a good mother."

Fujiwara Toyomi narrowed his eyes and said: "I...um? A good mother? Hmm..."

"What's wrong?"

Hutsuna smiled and said, "It looks like Fengshi knows something."

Fujiwara Toyomi was stunned for a moment and looked at Totsugi picking vegetables in surprise. Suddenly Fujiwara Toyomi thought of something. Combined with the waist flower from before, Fujiwara Toyomi was stunned on the spot. She seemed to have realized it and seemed to know that her mother What does it mean?

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Fujiwara Toyomi said blankly: "Qianhua..."



"Sister! Don't act like I'm terminally ill and there's no way to save me!"

Fujiwara Toyomi shook his head and said nothing. Totsugi Nana covered her mouth and chuckled softly. She knew why she dared to speak so much during this period? It was because Chika [aid Liz and Hisako were there.

Xiaolin Gentian stuck out his head and waved and shouted: "Hey! Sister Fengshi! Qianhua! Sister Caizhai! Come and eat quickly!"


When these three people walked in, they all greeted Sister Qianhe politely.

Huci Nazhai smiled and said: "Hello, I am Huci Nazhai."

"Chika Fujiwara! This is my sister Fujiwara Toyomi."

Fujiwara Toyomi nodded without saying a word. Senata Natsume was stunned for a moment and said: "Fujiwara? Wait... is it the Fujiwara (cgdh) I imagined?"

"Sister, you are not talking about...the Fujiwara family..."

Kobayashi Rgentan smiled and said: "I told you that you would have guessed it right away. Yes, it is the Fujiwara family. You can absolutely rest assured about this. This deception will not do you any good, right?"

"This..." x2

Senta Natsuya didn't know what to say anymore. The first thing she wanted to do was the leader of the Hyakuzu clan, then the five Elite Tens, the daughters of the Busujima family and the Tianyu family, the two graduated senior Elite Tens, and the Nakiri family. Two daughters, and now here are the two daughters of the Fujiwara family.

This is not a trivial matter. This power is already very great. Even if it is not the kind of relationship you imagined, it is still a family. Good guy, it is far-reaching. This is not the key. The key is, what is Ye Mu? identity?!

If it's the Nakiri family, it's understandable, because Ye Mu's cooking skills are too scary, and the Elite Ten can also understand, so what's going on with the Hundreds of Clans? These are not two ordinary members, these are the sisters of the family, okay, Even if the head of the family is a woman, she can fall in love. So, what happened to the Fujiwara family?

It can only be said that it is very outrageous that a family that is involved in politics would let the daughter of its own family be in the current state. This is definitely not an ordinary trivial matter. Ye Mu definitely has some extraordinary status.

Fujiwara Toyomi said with some surprise: "Today's dinner is really sumptuous. Did you cook it?"

"Yes, it was my husband who did it, but...Sister Fengshi, why are you so sure? We are still here."

Fujiwara Toyomi sat aside and thought for a while and said: "Because of the color and the smell...well, actually I can't tell. I just know so many cuisines, and many of them look amazing. That's it." Guessed."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning nodded and said: "That's true, but you are really honest, but in this case everyone is here..."

Kobayashi Rgentan smiled and said: "Okay, in this case, we can finally start dinner officially. You three came back at the right time."

"Of course! Mom also asked me to have a meal at home, but I ran away with my sister. The food here is better, by the way! Ye Jun! I have something to tell you!"


"Moeye wants to come and play at home."

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