I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 352: Ryoko Sakaki’S Plan, I Love Work (Please Subscribe~)

Everyone looked surprised. Good guy, are you serious about this amount of food? Is ramen okay as a snack before a meal?

Kobayashi Gingtian said a little weirdly: "Ramen as a snack? Real or fake? It feels so amazing."

"Really, you all don't know Hai Meng's classic saying."


"How can you become fat if you eat rice?"

Qianhe Zori was stunned for a moment and said: "Won't you get fat? Really or not? Isn't that carbohydrate? If we didn't get fat, my sister and I would have eaten rice every day.

Busujima Saeko sighed and said, "How can I not gain weight? I will gain weight very quickly, but if I exercise enough, I'll be fine."

"Let me tell you, the two of us tried not to give up carbs before, and then we gained several pounds and worked out hard for several days."

Alice said with some curiosity: "But, you two are not a curry company? Aren't curry fried rice and curry rice very classic? Don't you two eat them?"

"So, when I see curry, fried rice and the like, I will eat two more bites, but I have to run back to eat, not to mention that curry itself is a high-calorie food, so it is very hard to maintain a body shape. "

Kobayashi Ringtong said thoughtfully: "Well... I think it makes sense, and I don't feel fat."

Everyone's lips twitched, Tōtsuki's students are quite irritating. They eat desserts, carbohydrates, drinks, various meats, and various staple foods every day. They never stop eating cheese and cheese, and they turn around one by one. The figure and skin are too good.

Eating sweets, spicy food, and getting acne are all fake, and eating carbohydrates, fats, and sugar to make you gain weight is also fake. There is no Tōtsuki like that, there is only one Isami, but he is a special situation.

Akanekubo Momo said angrily: "Rentan, you just feel that you have found an ally~". "

"I don't deny it, and anyway, judging from the current situation, this kid Hai Meng is not wrong, what do you think?"


Kobayashi Gendan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "So, Moeye, this is the result."

"I understand... But I'd better take the time to tell Hai Meng about this. In this case, with this reason, I feel that Hai Meng will find an opportunity during this event.

Kobayashi Ringtong smacked his lips and said: "It sounds very reliable, Ryoko, Miss Minesaki and you two, can you have some ambition.

Minezaki Yaeko twitched the corner of her mouth and said: "Well...how should I put it...I also want to make progress. Do you think I am willing to be single? I don't have any chance. Either Ye Jun doesn't have time or I don't." Time, I am still very busy, what can I do..."

The Qianhe sisters also nodded quickly, and everyone turned their heads and glanced at Liangzi, because Shenliangzi definitely had the right time, place, and people, but she still came to Kangxi at ten o'clock.

"Um...I...I love working."


Alice said angrily: "Do you think I believe this? What a joke! No one likes to work overtime!"

Inui Hinako also said helplessly: "Ryoko, you have the best chance. You can live with Mu every day, but you still have no progress. You are not waiting for Mu to take the initiative."

Kobayashi Rgentan thought for a while and said: "This idea is really good, but in any case, it is not realistic. My husband's intelligence is absolutely terrifying. If you have this idea, your husband will have bad luck in the end because of his sinister character. It’s still you.”

Everyone nodded in sympathy, Fujiwara Moeye said a little weirdly: "Well...that's what I said, but I don't know why. I don't know why you are the secretary, Ryoko, right now. But I really just do what a secretary should do.”

Everyone laughed. This child was definitely full of critical hits. Ryoko Sakaki also froze and said with a dull look on her face: "Then what should I do?"

"It feels like your position should have already become the boss's wife, but you are still the secretary?"


Kobayashi Rgentan sighed and said: "Ryoko, you have to express yourself a little. Even if your husband doesn't want to deceive you on a whim, you still have to express your thoughts.

Ryoko Sakaki breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I understand...but then again, how should I express myself."

"You ask us? We are not secretaries. You are the only secretary selected out of thousands of people in the school. You can only rely on yourself for this. You have such a good opportunity, don't you think about it yourself?"

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said, "I froze just because I didn't know what to do. I feel like things are quite complicated..."

"What's so complicated about this? You're just overthinking it. You're not as straightforward as the two of them."

Qianhe Zhihui's eyes twitched and said: "Well... I don't feel that this is a compliment, but it can still be regarded as a compliment in this matter... It's amazing... However, we must be together. Liangzi is different. How many things has Liangzi experienced? If we really find the right one, we can have a flash marriage. 11

Qiantou Xia Ya nodded and said: "That's true, but it seems that Mr. Ye also has this consideration, so we don't need to be anxious (Li Zhao), just be more direct. Liangzi and us It doesn’t mean the same thing.”

Ryoko Sakaki said helplessly: "Ms. Minesaki is like this too. Who can I look for for reference?"

"So, you still have to rely on yourself and be responsible for your own love. You can't say that you need to find others to interfere with your love."

"Well...it's better to look for opportunities during the summer vacation or the second half of the year.

"Isn't this a good idea? I have helpers during the summer vacation. If I really can't get Sister Su, she is very powerful. The second half of the year will basically be your two-person world. They are all good opportunities, but it is better to solve it during the summer vacation [like this If so, the world between the two of us will be very comfortable."


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