I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 356: A Rare Opportunity, The Elite Ten Council Is Held (Please Subscribe~)

Life is still the same as usual. Sister Qianhe and Ye Mu are becoming more and more familiar with each other and are becoming more and more bold. Yaeko Minezaki also looks unwilling to be outdone. After all, these three people are much more powerful than Ryoko Kami.

Fuyumi Mizuhara's relationship with Ye Mu has also progressed a lot. Although Fujiwara Toyomi and the others didn't say anything, they all knew it.

Fuyumi Mizuhara just hasn't thought about it clearly yet. When she really reacts, she will probably be more direct than anyone else, but they can all see that Fuyumi Mizuhara said that, but it is no different from being in a real relationship.

In this way, time passes day by day. Today is a very special day because today is the day of the Elite Ten meeting.

This is the first meeting of Elite Ten since the school started. This is Elite Ten.

They usually don't get together, but once they get together, they discuss major school-level matters, and even the chief teacher has no right to interfere.

26 Xiaolin Ringtong supported his waist and yawned and said: "I'm so sleepy, and my waist hurts so much. Ningning, Xiaotaozi, Erina, how are you doing?"

Akanekubo Momo lay on Butch's belly and breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Little Taozi feels so happy now, Ningning Ningning Ningning, it seems like there is a plaster, and Little Taozi can smell it."

"Eh?! Cunning! Ning Ning! Where did you get the plaster?!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning sighed and said: "I bought it when I went to Tianchao. Sister Su said it. It feels hot after I put it on, but it's quite useful."

"Ning Ning! There are good things to learn!"

"Uh...I forgot, Erina, what's wrong with you?"

Erina held her forehead and said, "I'm sleepy. My back and legs hurt. I'm exhausted. When is the meeting? These seniors are unreliable. Why are we the only ones here?"

Kobayashi Gendan sighed and said: "Aji was discussing business with a client and went back. Saito went to the knife shop to get the knife for maintenance. He will be here in a while. Megijima just got off the train and he went home. , Kuga just finished the seminar and came here, Isshiki...uh..."

"What's wrong?"

Kobayashi Rgentan sighed and said: "I heard from Ryoko that I saw that guy Isshiki planting vegetables in the vegetable garden in the morning. I guess it will take a while to come over after washing and changing clothes."

calm down!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's face darkened and he was about to speak when he heard a faint sound: "Crack..."

Everyone was silent for a moment. Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning immediately jumped on the table and stopped talking. Akane Kubotao sighed and said: "Ning Ning, why bother, you can really do this. You hurt yourself..."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning waved her hands and said: "I'm fine. Compared to that, what I'm more concerned about is... Are Sisters Hinata and the others okay? It was rare that Sister Fuyumi and the others were not here yesterday. It was really outrageous..."

Kobayashi Ringtong sighed and said: "It's definitely not very good. Sister Nazaki and Sister Hinata were almost late this morning. By the way, Hisako and Sister Toyomi were not here either.

What a pity. "

Erina sighed and said: "Hisako worked overtime yesterday, and then stopped by the school to stay. He will probably be here soon. It would be great if he was here, and there would be no need to hide it from her."

"Yes, Sister Toyomi isn't here either. She had to go back to school yesterday to do errands. The most outrageous thing is that Sister Fuyumi isn't here either.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning raised her head and said: "Didn't you say that Sister Dongmei's mother is here? So Sister Dongmei went home to stay with her aunt."

"Yes, I don't know what's going on, but I came here this morning. She seemed very happy, but she seemed very disappointed that her husband was not here. Do you think my aunt and Sister Fuyumi said something? "

"Maybe, but it's up to Mu to solve it by himself. Hey, do you know how Sister Qianhe and Miss Minezaki reacted today? Their whole bodies turned black and white."

"Pfft... I'm so disrespectful every day. When I really have a chance, no one is here, and I feel so depressed."

Erina was about to speak when she saw a rare person walking in. Kobayashi RENTAN said with a smile on his face: "Isn't this Xiaojiu me? He came very quickly."

Jiuga Teruki waved his hand and said: "I have a flight in the afternoon, and I was still studying social affairs in the morning, eh? Where is that guy Ye Mu? He said he was going to have a meeting, but what do you mean when he didn't come and you are here?"

Akane Kubotao shook her head and said: "Mu and Liangzi went to get things and will be here in a moment. We didn't have anything to do and we arrived first. Are you the only one?"

"Ah? No, I saw Isshiki and Ms. Kitori-senpai downstairs, but one of them seemed to say that I would like to wait for Saito-senpai to come. I want to ask something else and just give my opinion and leave. What's the matter? "

Kobayashi Rgentan shook his head and said: "I don't know. My husband is the head of our family, but it is probably about the autumn election and summer vacation. Don't think about running away. Ningning and Isshiki have both been assigned tasks by their husbands. You can run away when you arrive." No."

"Ah? Okay, okay, I mean Sister Long Dan, you are too..."

"Huh? Don't ask, asking is a good wife. By the way, 160, you haven't recruited Hōjō Miyoko yet?"

"Huh? I'm kidding. I'd better not talk about the person Ye Mu is interested in. Besides, I can't control it if it comes, so I might as well leave it alone. Let me tell you, does the two helpers in the school that Ye Mu mentioned include her? "

Erina waved her hand and said: "If we had known, we would have announced it long ago, huh? Here it is."

"Good morning everyone, eh? My classmates and Ye Jun haven't arrived yet."

"No, no, we are all on the way. Just wait for a while when you come. Saito, did you and your husband exchange sushi some time ago?"

Saito Muneaki nodded and said, "Well, I have gained a lot. I have also mastered a new sushi making technique, which is indeed more efficient."

"Eh? That's not wrong. I..."

Before Kobayashi Ringtong finished speaking, he saw the door open, and Ye Mu and Ryoko Sakaki walked in, accompanied by Eishi Tsukasa who was dripping with suitcases.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing! Husband, you are here! Hurry up and have a meeting, I have to go home to catch up on my sleep after the meeting!"



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