I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 368 Fuyumi Mizuhara’S Resentment, You Did It On Purpose (Please Subscribe~)

Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother is now very satisfied with Ye Mu. This son-in-law is really outstanding. Not to mention his appearance and family background, his financial resources and cooking skills are enough.

And what she cares about is not money. Her daughter is not short of money. What she really cares about is that these two people really get along well and can tolerate each other. The most important thing is Ye Mu's character and plans for the future. .

Having a plan, having a clear plan, is more reassuring than anything else, not to mention that this is what Fuyumi Mizuhara is interested in.

Looking at the sumptuous food on the table, this is delicious food that you may not be able to get even if you spend a lot of money, but now it is cooked by my daughter and son-in-law, and the few of them talked a lot.

Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother suddenly thought of something and said softly: "By the way, Xiaomu, you said before that you are not an only child in a sense, but in fact, you are. What does this mean?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara also looked confused, because she didn't know either. In fact, none of them, including Minesaki Yaeko, knew Ye Mu's life experience. After Kobayashi Ryodan and the others found out, they did not continue talking because it was theirs. My dear, it's sad enough to know 660, and then tell others that you still feel distressed.

Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "There used to be many brothers and sisters, but then I was the only one left."

"Eh? What...what do you mean?"

"When I was very young...I never met my biological parents."

Ye Mu said nothing more, while Fuyumi Mizuhara's pupils shrank. Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother came to her senses after being stunned for a moment, and said quickly: "Xiao Mu, I'm sorry, I don't know... Neither does Fuyumi Mizuhara." tell me..."

"It's okay. I have my own family now. Because of this, I understand the value of feelings and family ties, so this can be regarded as adding a little more to the previous answer.

Fuyumi Mizuhara and Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother now know how sincere Ye Mu's words are. Because they have never experienced them before, they cherish them especially. It is also the first time for Fuyumi Mizuhara to know that Ye Mu has such a past.

Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother didn't keep talking about it. After all, it was not a good thing. She thought for a while and said: "It doesn't matter. In the future...eh? Have you considered when to get married?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Thinking about it, this summer vacation will basically confirm the city where I will live in the future, and then I can start the design and construction. After graduation, I will give everything a good ending. By that time, the restaurant should be Once built, the hotel is not realistic and will take more time to build.

"You are now...ah, isn't that fast?"

Although Fuyumi Mizuhara knows it, she doesn't know why, but now it sounds like her heart is racing.

"It's okay. I thought Auntie would think it was too long."

"How could it happen? I thought it would take three or four years, but I didn't expect that there is only more than a year left. Restaurants and hotels have to be built in the meantime. How could it possibly feel like it's taking so long? I still think it's too fast. Do you have time to prepare? ?”

"So the advantages of Elite Ten have been revealed, and Ringtong and the others are about to graduate.

Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother was a little surprised and said: "The venue, invitations, wedding dresses, etc., these all take time, you have to plan them well."

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Of course, I have a plan, and everything is going according to the plan, or in other words, faster than I planned. After all, if some things are resolved in advance, I will have more free time. "

Fuyumi Mizuhara whispered: "Just like the little gangster behind the scenes (cgci)."

"Fuyumi, what are you talking about? Xiaomu is called strategizing and planning ahead of time. How can he be said to be the mastermind behind the scenes?

"Mom, you don't understand."

"You know, you only told me now that you have a boyfriend, and you got married the year after next, so you told me. It's weird that I understand."

Fuyumi Mizuhara's eyes twitched before she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I won't talk anymore."

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Auntie, Dongmei and the others said that I am in school and usually have some activities, such as accommodation training and so on. They usually keep it secret until the end. They don't know what the arrangements are, so they think that I and Just like the guy behind the scenes in the movie.”

Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother nodded suddenly and said: "That's right...by the way, you two today..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara said softly: "Mom, we are not going back today. We will go back tomorrow after you leave.

"Well, then there's no need to worry. I have a phone number. You talk first, and I'll answer the phone.

After Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother left, Fuyumi Mizuhara breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Let's stay here today, otherwise she may be a little psychologically burdened, and we can just have a chat."

"Okay, will the store open as normal tomorrow?"

"Yes, but it's just that I have to be a little later, which means I have to get off work later. Will you pick me up?"

Ye Mu glanced at the phone and said: "If you get off work normally, I may not be able to pick you up, but if you are late, it will be no problem."

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Why didn't you tell me your story before?"

"This is not an option that can add points to your resume."

"Is there anything else you are hiding from me? You said I could understand it before, but now you have no reason to hide it from me."

Ye Mu shrugged and said, "Unfortunately, I have nothing to confess. I am more sincere."

"Your sincerity makes me want to complain, but there is no reason to deny it."

"So I'm still very candid. Where can we talk later?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara said angrily: "Where else can we go?"


"Are you angry with me on purpose?"

"Huh? I really just don't know."

"You did it on purpose!"

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