I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 372 Fuyumi Mizuhara’S Updates, Please Pay Attention (Please Subscribe~)

"Although you said you were making breakfast, I can't do nothing. It would be a lot easier if I came to help, wouldn't it? You...Eh? Mom, why did you get up so early?"

Ye Mu looked at his aunt sitting in the living room and was stunned for a moment and said: "Good morning, aunt, what are you..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara’s mother breathed a sigh of relief and said, “I thought you girl, Fuyumi, wouldn’t be able to get up until noon.

"Ah? I still have to open a store, and I have to take you to the airport soon. Mu will take you there personally."

Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother said angrily: "You think I don't know, Fuyumi, I know you have found true love, and I agreed. You are very excited, and you are still in love, but I will leave today, and you will spend the whole night Can't you stand it? You have been living together for so long, why..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara was stunned for a moment and then said with a rare red face: "Mom! What are you talking about!"

"I'm not a rigid person, I'm just saying something, but Fuyumi, I didn't expect you to be surprisingly reliable when it comes to love."

Fuyumi Mizuhara doesn't know how to explain it, because no matter how she explains it, the end result will be the same, so it's better not to explain it. In addition, this is not something that needs to be concealed. After all, this is his mother.

Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother smiled and said: "Fuyumi, how are you? We have been living together for so long. Is there anything happening?"


Fuyumi Mizuhara looked confused, while Fuyumi Mizuhara's mother silently glanced at Fuyumi Mizuhara's "Suwon Fuyuye came to his senses and coughed lightly and said: "Mom

"Okay, as soon as you said it, I knew it wasn't yet. Fuyumi, you are still young now, and you are not at your busiest time. When the restaurant is built in the future, you will be busy again, so hurry up." "

"I know...I said the same thing...it would be good to have it early, or after the restaurant is built...there will be time to bring it.

"Okay, just make your own plans. Anyway, you will have a lot of family members in the future, so you can take care of them."

After Fuyumi Mizuhara and Ye Mu arrived in the kitchen, Ye Mu laughed. Fuyumi Mizuhara sighed and said, "I knew Mom would say that, so I should take care of the cooking first."

"What time is Auntie's flight?"

"It's ten o'clock, so it's almost enough to finish breakfast now and then send it over after dinner. But I didn't expect my mother to know about it."

Ye Mu also said helplessly: "It seems that my aunt wanted to come to you yesterday to say something..."

"Maybe so. Let's make breakfast quickly."


Fuyumi Mizuhara's heart is now focused on Ye Mu. Although she is still in the same state of mind, she is obviously very close to Ye Mu. Do you think Fuyumi Mizuhara is really here to help?

She has thought too much, her back is sore and her legs are weak, and she just wants to have a good sleep, but if she doesn't come out, her mother will definitely come to call her, and she will inevitably be told that this is one of the reasons, and the other reason is.

Just like what Kobayashi Ryodan and the others said, once they really understand it completely, they may be more active than anyone else. In fact, they are right, Fuyumi Mizuhara just wants to be by Ye Mu's side.

So, as far as the current situation is concerned, Fuyumi Mizuhara's purpose here is definitely not just to help.

"Okay, just send it here. There is no luggage, and you don't have a boarding pass, so you can't go to the terminal."

"Well, that's all we have to do, Auntie, let's leave first. When you get there, send a message to Fuyumi to make sure she's safe.

"I know, Xiaomu is indeed more reliable than Dongmei. Dongmei is eager to learn. Love is a complementary process. You should learn to be considerate and attentive."


After watching his mother leave, Fuyumi Mizuhara breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's really not easy..."

"You and your aunt really have two different personalities."

"Well, she has always been like this. The hairstyle my mother wore just now seemed very reliable. Should I keep it longer?"

"I think you can do it this way, but if you grow your hair longer, Fuyumi, it will feel a bit like..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara turned her head and stared at Ye Mu and said, "What does it look like?"

"...Looks like a student who hasn't graduated yet."

Fuyumi Mizuhara rolled her eyes and said: "Assuming you can talk, let's go

Come on, take me to work. I will be late later. "

"Copy that, what's wrong?"

"Back pain may not last until get off work... You are solely responsible for it."

Ye Mu smiled and said: "It's really unreasonable. At most, the responsibility is half and half."

"It's your fault that I don't understand.

So we should actively correct our mistakes?"

“Some mistakes don’t need to be corrected.


"Don't laugh... By the way, I'm going home early today, so I don't need to prepare a late-night snack. That's it. I'll go home for dinner, so I won't eat very early, right?"

. "good

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "As for today... I really won't eat very early today. After all, yesterday was the first day of assembly line production. Judging from the sales and production situation, it must be I came home to talk about it, so I guess I won’t enjoy it very much."

"That's good. Let's go home and have dinner tonight."

When the two people here left, the house on the other side was also extremely lively at this time. The specific reason was naturally because Kobayashi Ryodan ran over just now and shouted: "It's done! Sister Fuyumi is indeed done!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment at first, but it didn't take long for them to react. They quickly took out their phones and took a look. Fuyumi Mizuhara didn't send a message, so they opened the news and took a look.

There is a latest news.

"(Photo of three sets of bowls, chopsticks and three pairs of shoes) Take good care of me for the rest of my life."


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