I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 6: Surprised People, Questions From Kobayashi Rgentan And Others (Please Subscribe~)

It can be said that the villa was extremely lively at this time. Xiaolin Ringtong and others wanted to help, but were immediately stopped by Sister Su.

"You don't need help. How can you help me while eating hot pot? Bah, bah, bah... It's incredible, it's incredible. I've been surrounded by thousands of flowers and not a single leaf has touched me. I didn't expect that I would be covered in leaves when I came back after a year away."


Kobayashi Rgentan smiled and said: "This shows that we are very charming. There are still people who haven't come yet."

A young man wearing glasses on one side wiped the table and said with a smile: "Miss Toji, Chef Mizuhara, Chef Gan, Miss Minezaki, Sister Senta, that's about it.

"Huh? How do you know? I never told you."

"It's just more eyes."

"Yes, it's quite a lot. It's almost two thousand degrees."

"Two thousand degrees?! These are fake glasses! Why don't you say I'm blind at two thousand degrees!"

"Who is blind if you're not blind? Wasn't that girl pretty good before? We are still friends now. The dead half-immortal really has you."

"Ahem...26...am I still young?"

"You are so young! Go to Sandu!"

"Twenty-one is already three years old?!"

"Then you can grow one in reverse and let me see!"

Ryo Kobayashi and others covered their mouths and snickered. Although they could only understand part of it, the general meaning was clear, and sometimes the point of laughter did not require language communication, so suddenly there would be no pantomime.

Sister Su breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If you ask me, there must be something wrong with that idiot Qiluoli and the crybaby Lilixiang not coming. [The flower owner was successfully transformed by Qiluoli."

Fujiwara Toyomi said curiously: "Huh? Why are you so sure?"

"Those two girls are familiar with each other. By the way, the question you asked before was what you want to buy."

Xiao Linlong Dan stretched his head and looked in the direction of the kitchen, and then whispered: "Sister Su, we are afraid of meeting Grandpa Ye, so we just want to prepare some gifts.

After hearing this, everyone was silent for a moment. Just as Ji Zhiguo Ningning was about to speak, she heard Sister Su sigh and say: "That's true, but you are most likely prepared in vain.

Because there is more than a 90% chance that you will not see Grandpa Ye. "

Tianyu Zhanzhan said with a serious face: "Sister Su, Mu Ye said so, but we are really curious as to why we can't see Grandpa Ye. Do you know?"

Sister Su was silent for a moment and said, "I knew you had to ask about this. It's not that I can't tell you... but don't be too surprised."

"Okay!" xn

"Grandpa Ye is definitely the kind of martial arts master in the legend, so he basically has a ridiculously good physique, but Grandpa Ye is usually like a dragon, but even so, Grandpa Ye has never been more than three years old. Months are not the time to teach Ye Zi or to assess him."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was stunned for a moment and said: "Then why did you study abroad?"

"This is the key. We don't know the details, but there are only two possibilities: Grandpa Ye will let Ye Zi go out on his own.


"The first one is...you probably don't want to know. The first one is that Grandpa Ye has..."

Sister Su didn't continue talking, but Erina and the others were not stupid either. They immediately thought of what happened, and Kobayashi Rgentan and others froze immediately.

"That's my husband's only relative!"

"what about you?"

"Of course we are also my husband's relatives! But, Sister Su, you know what we mean!"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. This is very possible. Grandpa Ye knew that he was leaving soon, so he sent Ye Zi out. Firstly, it was for training, and secondly, he wanted to collect the things he encountered when he was young. The thing is, Erina, your engagement."

Erina was stunned for a moment and said: "But...Grandpa Ye..."

"He may have passed away now. The most mysterious thing about Grandpa Ye is that you never know where he is going, why he is going, and what he is going to do. Even Ye Zi can only guess."

Busushima Saeko pursed her lips and said, "Then what is the second possibility?"

"The second possibility? This is alive, but I don't know where to watch the show. It's because Erina and you are almost the same age, and Grandpa Ye also happens to have some goals to achieve, that's all. In other words, Grandpa Ye wants to I have to do something, according to my understanding..."

"Zi Zi got married, resolved his regrets, fulfilled his previous engagement, created his own name, and asked Ye Zi to accomplish some things, and these things were what Ye Zi was supposed to do, so I don't know, I can't be sure... ..”

Ringtong Kobayashi said blankly: "I don't know why, but after you said that, I suddenly felt that things were very complicated..."

"You know it, so there is nothing to be nervous about, so you can save it, don't worry, just let nature take its course. 903 But Ye Zi doesn't know what he is thinking of now, so I still say It's better to leave it alone, at least it will make you feel more comfortable."

Kobayashi Ryodan sighed and said: "I feel like it's hard to be a good housekeeper even if I can't participate at any time.

"Okay, if you can stay with him, he already feels good. If you do something, you just need to develop according to your own happy life."

"I still feel very complicated... By the way, Sister Su, I have something to ask you."

"If you have anything to do, just tell me. Let's talk to whom."

After Kobayashi Ringtong and others looked at each other, Akanekubo Momo whispered: "Sister Su...the thing is..."

"Pfft" xn

"Why are you laughing? It's very serious, okay!"

Sister Su smiled and said: "Thank you for asking this question, hahahaha! It's so interesting! What do you think? You actually asked us what image we think of you in the eyes of Ye Zi! Hahahaha!"

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