I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 20 The Outrageous Himuro Iris Is Indeed A Super Science (Please Subscribe~)

Everyone looked confused. Why did Himuro Iris suddenly express doubts? And he seemed to be surprised.

Busujima Saeko said with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

Himuro Iris said blankly: "Um...sophomore? Tōtsuki?"

Sister Su said with a smile: "Iris probably didn't expect that the person who gave her to the Golden House would be so much younger than herself, and she also didn't expect that the leaf would actually be Tōtsuki's.

Himuro Iris's face turned red. What does it mean to hide oneself in a golden house? But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be a problem... And Sister Su was right. This was the reason for her surprise. She thought Ye Mu should be with her. They are about the same age. Even if he is older, Ye Mu should be a college student.

What I didn't expect was that I was still a high school student, and it happened to be in Tokyo, so close to me. But... why was it chosen by the moon?

Sister Su said with a smile: "Ye Zi has a more mature mind and temperament, so it's normal for you to be surprised. As for why it's Tōtsuki, because Ye Zi is the Queen of Kitchen God, and she must be going to a cooking school. Although All he has to do is tell the school when he returns to his country to study in college..."

Himuro Airi tilted his head and said: "God of Cooking?"

"Well, it's the God of Cooking."

"Oh...that's clear...but I didn't expect you to be so close to me."

Ye Mu also said helplessly: "To be honest, I don't know myself. If I knew, we should have a good chat long ago."

"Hmm...but why did the God's Tongue from the Nakiri family come? And, you are...Tōtsuki Elite Ten?"

Kobayashi Ringtong was stunned for a moment and said: "Himuro-sama, how did you guess it? We didn't say we were Elite Ten."

Himuro Iris habitually pushed up his glasses, and after realizing that he was not wearing them, he said softly: "First of all, although I am not very interested in external affairs, I still know the reputation of God's Tongue."

"God's Tongue Erina is a Tōtsuki Elite Ten. This matter has been recommended in the news. The youngest Elite Ten in Tōtsuki, the autumn selection has not yet started. In other words, Alice and Ryoko are not Elite Ten yet as they are freshmen in high school."

"After Ye Jun became the God of Cooking, he should have won the Elite Ten in his second year of high school. Each Tōtsuki Elite Ten has its own proud side. Those who can become friends with the Elite Ten are either special people and themselves. Either he is another Wang Jie."

"Xiao Tao, Ring Dan, Ning Ning, you are already in the second and third grade. If you can follow us, especially with Erina, then at least your strength will not be bad. You can be promoted to the second grade after eliminating Tōtsuki with a terrible ratio. It’s impossible for a third-year student to have never participated in the autumn election.”

"Then, the probability that someone who has participated in the autumn election, sat at the same table with Ye Jun and Elite Ten's God's Tongue, and had such a harmonious chat with someone who is not Elite Ten is..."

As he spoke, Himuro Iris took out his phone and tapped on the screen. After a while, he turned the phone screen over and said softly: "0.0000014 percent."

Everyone clapped dumbly, and Alice said dumbly: "As expected of Himuro-san, who even has a bone marrow in super science... That's right, Rindou-san and the others are all Elite Ten.

Himuro Iris nodded and said softly: "That makes sense..."

Ringtong Kobayashi suddenly thought of something and smiled and said: "Sister Himuro is really awesome, can you guess our seats?"

Himuro Iris glanced at Kobayashi Rgentan and said softly: "It still starts with Erina. The Elite Ten seats in the first year of high school are not too high, and I still know the tenth seat of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten. Next, we will proceed according to grade. the words said.…."

"Ning Ning, your seat is definitely after the fifth seat. Because you inherit the Elite Ten seat from the first year to the second year of high school, no matter how high the elimination rate is, Tōtsuki will not give more than six seats to the school at the same time. Basically, the second and third years of high school have to form Some kind of confrontational distribution of power.”

"And Ningning, you can appear here. Your strength will definitely not be behind the Elite Ten. But because of Ye Jun's existence, your seat will be moved down one place. It should be the seventh seat with the highest probability. ..."

"Following us are Xiao Tao and Ring Dan. You two are also in the third grade. According to the known conditions and prerequisites for seat inheritance, your seats must be those of the former Five Leaf Lords.


"Ye Jun is an international student, so he must be from high school. In this case, last year's Tōtsuki legendary transfer student is probably Ye Jun. In other words, Ye Jun should be the first seat. If he is after the God of Cooking, then this It’s not hard to accept.”

"Ring Dan, when you and Xiao Tao are talking, you can see that among the group of people in Tōtsuki, you are the most active and the most representative, so your seat is probably higher than Xiao Tao's."

"Ye Jun inherited the first seat directly as a freshman in high school. If this problem is established, it can explain one thing. There was a problem when inheriting the seat, so the student who was supposed to inherit the first seat in the second year of high school was Now I give my position to Ye Jun."

"Then, your position should be in the second seat or the third seat, and Xiaotao will naturally be in the fourth and fifth seats. According to the previous inference, one person has been squeezed out. Assuming that this person is not Gentian , then, the most conservative inference is that Ye Jun is the first seat, Gendan is the third seat, Xiao Tao is the fifth seat, Ning Ning is the seventh seat, and Erina is the 10th seat 3.8

Himuro Iris was calculating something on his cell phone while saying the above remarks in a calm tone. Even Tianyu Zhanzhan felt a thump in his heart and the corners of his eyes twitched. Good guy, you are a monster, you can calculate all this. come out?

Kobayashi Ringtong swallowed his saliva and said: "Well...Sister Himuro, did you guess this?"

Himuro Iris tilted his head and turned around on his phone and said: "No, it's a simple probability analysis question, but it just adds some objective logical analysis. By the way, the conservative answer has a 90% probability of being correct. At eight o'clock seventy-four, the certification is completed."

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