I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 26 Shinomiya Kaguya Is Stupid, The God Hayasaka Ai (Please Subscribe~)

When Sentata Natsume and Sentata Ori went home, they happened to see Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Aimasa kneeling on the pillows, while Minesaki Yaeko was wearing pajamas and looking preachy.

Qiantou Xia Ya said with some confusion: "Yezi, what's wrong? Can these two little girls still cause trouble?"

Minesaki Yaeko turned around and startled the two of them. At this time, Minesaki Yaeko was wearing a black mask like this. If you didn't pay attention, you would be really shocked.

Minezaki Yaeko said angrily: "Ori, Natsuya, you don't know, I didn't go to work today so I was resting at home. But I woke up and wanted to see if Kaguya and the others were there, and I saw these two People are reading and taking notes in the study.”

Qian Hao Zhiwei tilted her head and said: "Isn't that normal? Isn't it good for students to study hard? What's more, it's difficult after you plan to improve yourself."

"You ask them what books they are reading?!"


Qian Tao Xia Ya threw her bag on the sofa and said with a smile: "What's wrong? What kind of book are you reading? It can't be some bad book or periodical."

"No, no, no, Liang! So 26 Liang!"

Shinomiya Kaguya also said quickly: "Sister Xia Ya! How could we read bad books and periodicals! And take notes!"

"That makes sense, so what are you looking at?"

Minezaki Yaeko directly threw the book in her hand to Senta Natsuya, who was still smiling and said: "Let me see what it is..."A Good Wife Must Know" "One Hundred Things"...Huh?"

Qianhe Zhihui also froze for a moment, and then he quickly came over, took the book, opened a page and said blankly: "Part 1: Life...Men's Psychology..."

Qianhe Orihe breathed a sigh of relief, then took the book and shouted with an unhappy face: "Kaguya! Xiao Ai! If you have this artifact, take it out as soon as possible! Sister! Sacred weapon! Sacred weapon!"

Qian Tu Xia Ya also said angrily: "You two girls are really good!"

"No, no, no, you two think this is the only one? There is also Xiao Ai's "Wife Strength Training Manual"! It's amazing!"

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai were both speechless. Chitota Natsume said angrily: "There is this magic weapon! You two should take it out as soon as possible! Really! Do you two think it is useful?"

"Benefited a lot...."x2

"Sister...I think it's..."

Hayasaka Ai whispered: "Sister Xia Ya, can you please stop talking?"

"It's unrealistic. We have to study this artifact together! But... someone really writes such a book... Where did you two find this unique and unique book?"

Hayasaka Ai coughed lightly and said: "Sister Xia Ya... If you don't tell me, I still have a few different books..."

Hearing this, the three of them were silent for a while. After a long time, Qian Hao Xia Ya tilted her head and said, "Yezi, why are they kneeling?"

Yaeko thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure. I guess it's more down-to-earth, huh? What are you two kneeling on? Get up quickly."

"That's right, get up quickly, eh? Why are there two books here?"

The corners of Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai's eyes twitched, it was really real, the love between sisters was so deep, but after thinking about it, the two of them quickly stood up from the ground.

"Um...Xiao Ai, what kind of books are they?"

Hayasaka Ai sighed and didn't hide it. After saying it, the three people clapped dumbly. Minezaki Yaeko said with a weird look: "Huh? Who wrote this...and... There are so many copies, but Xiao Ai is great if you can buy it.

Hayasaka Ai nodded and said: "I only had these few books when I went there that day. I went there again two days ago and there were two more books..."Start with How to Get Your Husband to Praise You for Being a Good Wife" and... "Use your own charm to make your lover love you more" Well...that's it."

Qian Tu Xia Ya said in a daze: "Where did this grandma get the book from? How come she is just like those shameless people in the novel who sell martial arts secrets.

"Well...that grandma is very nice, and she said that after reading so many books, your husband must like you very much."

Qian Tu Xia Ya didn't say anything but coughed lightly and said, "Well... Xiao Ai, the weather is nice today. I think I can spend more time studying hard. What do you think?"


A few minutes later, seeing the three of them holding a book, taking a chair and beginning to read in the study, Kaguya Shinomiya breathed a sigh of relief and nodded from time to time: "Haasaka, Why aren't you going to tell them?"

"Huh? No, counting the rest, there happens to be Sister Hinata, Sister Fuyumi and Sister Caizhai, which is just right.


Hayasaka Ai tilted her head and said, "Miss, besides being beautiful, what else can you win for favor?"


Shinomiya 420 Kaguya's face turned red and she was about to speak when she followed Hayasaka Ai's gaze. Seeing these three people with perfect figures, Kaguya Shinomiya felt a strong feeling all over her body. Deep sense of frustration.

"So, the eldest lady...how can you win favors if you don't learn some skills...Rentan and the others follow you every day, so you can only rely on yourself. Let's unite with Sister Xia Ya and the others.

at least…"

Shinomiya Kaguya said seriously: "Do you have any teammates?"

"Miss, please watch less TV series. We are sisters. Why are we so nervous..."

"Then what do you mean!"

Hayasaka Ai tilted her head and said: "At least... If the eldest lady can't feed the child enough, at least she doesn't have to buy milk powder in frustration.


Shinomiya Kaguya froze. Is this something a normal person can say? Should she be angry? Or should she be autistic? Or should she be grateful? Or should she be shy... It's too outrageous!

"So, Miss, study hard."


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