I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 30 Tianyu Zhanzhan’S Intuition, This Is An Opportunity (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Gentian and the others may have never dreamed that while they were asking the old man, an old man in the room on one side was quietly looking at a piece of information. If Sister Su was here, she would definitely say: "Really?" Not dead..."

That's right, it's Chef Ye, Ye Mu's grandfather. Even Fuyumi Mizuhara panicked when she heard it. If Ye Mu was here, maybe there would be another ending.

Chef Ye came out and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's interesting. I didn't expect that the daughter of the brat I taught at the beginning has grown so big, but it is indeed fate."

"That's not the case, but then again, how long do you plan to sit on the sidelines like this, old guy, let me see. Your granddaughter-in-laws are quite interesting."

Grandpa Ye waved his hand and said: "Five-three-three" "It's indeed good, but I don't know how this brat is going to handle the next thing, ha..."

"An executive officer from WGO has come here, and he is still a first-class executive officer. Do you have any plans?"

"Plans? I don't have any plans, but since I'm coming to the capital, I'm bound to meet that brat from my family. Ha...it's a bit interesting."

"Hmm? Definitely? Are you so sure?"

Grandpa Ye sneered and said, "Of course, because I'm still here! If WGO is so dishonest, it will eventually open the eyes of these guys."

"I heard that the three first-class executive officers of WGO are three very beautiful little girls. You old guy let that kid meet this one among them because you want to poach them.

"Huh! That's giving them a chance! As for that some time ago... what was it called?"

"Nakamura Thistle."

Grandpa Ye nodded and said, "That's that guy. After that guy recovers from his injuries, tell them over there and let him stay for a few weeks."

"Just a few weeks? How can you, a bastard, just let it go?"

"Oh, that's a good idea. It's just to give that brat some room to develop. He won't have any good results, and no one will know. By the way, I heard that the brat arranged for a girl named Himuro Iris to live in his house. Is it in?"

"Don't they all belong to that kid's house now? Well, there is such a thing. She is a very iconic little girl, and she is very unique and has a high intelligence, which is a bit interesting."

Grandpa Ye laughed twice and said: "So this guy is quite capable. Before dinner tonight, give me some information on the latest girls. Ha... HUB Company, this one is a bit beyond me. Expected.”

"Who says it's not the case? Everyone didn't expect this when they heard the news, but it does meet the standards of a grandson-in-law in your eyes. You old guy, are you going to help that kid's restaurant in the future?"

"Huh? Besides, before they go back this time, I must meet that boy. I have something to tell him, and it's time to take action..."

"Huh? You old guy is not going to show up, right? According to the current situation, everything is under the control of that kid. Is there any need for you to take action?"

Grandpa Ye said helplessly: "I don't want to take action, but... I can let others intervene a little bit. I don't know how many jobs are left. I still want to drive."

I saw this kid getting married. "

"I understand...but do you think the Su family girl knows you are here?"

"That girl is very clever. If she didn't know better, she wouldn't be so honest. After packing the piano, let's go have a drink. I'm in a good mood today.

On the other side, Kobayashi Ritsuan and others also breathed a long sigh of relief. Akane Kubomomo said as if she had survived the disaster: "Sister Su, that old man just now seemed to be very special.

"Of course...but..."

Sister Su fell into deep thought as she spoke. She was now thinking, was Grandpa Ye really not in the house just now? And what did the two clues mentioned just now mean?

Tianyu Zhanzhan said with some confusion: "Sister Su, was Grandpa Ye really not in the house just now?"

Xiaolin Ringtong and others also fell silent for a moment, and Sister Su breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I don't know, but... maybe... why do you have such emotion?

Tianyu Zhanzhan said softly: "I feel a dangerous aura. Even if the old gentleman just restrained his arrogance, I can still vaguely feel that he is a very powerful person..."

Kobayashi Rgentan and others were stunned for a moment [This is really a bit scary.

Sister Su sighed and said: "Whether you are here or not, just pretend that you are not here. If you are here, it will probably not be enough time if I don't come out to see you. Sure enough, some things still need to be handled by Ye Zi personally..."

"Sister Su, just tell me, if it's Grandpa Ye, why doesn't he see us? Is it because we didn't do something well enough?"

"No, it's probably not time to meet yet. I don't know what the two grandsons are thinking now. Forget it, it's useless to think too much. I'd better talk to Ye Zi if I take the time. I guess there's someone there. What have you done to make Ye Zi unhappy?”


Kobayashi Ringtong and others were stunned for a moment. Someone touched her husband's shoulder. Who can't think about it so much? The most important thing is...why don't I know it? It's true! It feels so outrageous!

After thinking about it for a while, Kobayashi Rgentan and others decided to give up. After all, Ye Mu had no intention of letting them participate in the second half of the year from the beginning, so it didn't matter if they returned to 1.7. It didn't make any difference whether they knew it or not. The key thing was, You can’t help even if you know it or not! This is the most outrageous thing!

"But I didn't expect it to be so smooth. I found a direct clue the next day, so there's no need to worry. I can slowly sift through the two clues. There's still plenty of time. 1"


"Sister Su, do you know the best place to watch the moon and eat amazing food?"

"I...don't know!"


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