I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 63: Hayasaka Ai Is Crazy About Killing, Outrageous Erina (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Alice had no idea of ​​her little thoughts and couldn't hide them at all, but her old father and grandfather had already made arrangements? This is not the key, the key is, does the old father want to make a surprise attack?

Alice pursed her lips and said, "Huh? Why do I feel like something is wrong..."

Erina said angrily: "You feel something is wrong again, your intuition is not correct.

"Well...but I really feel something is wrong, not out of intuition, but out of the biological survival instinct..."

Busujima Saeko was stunned for a moment and said, "Really or not? Is it so powerful?"

"Yeah... By the way, there's something I almost forgot to mention. Senior Ye, Shang Xing needs something."

"Hmm? Just talk about it directly."

Alice coughed slightly and said with a smile: "Um...Senior Ye, isn't this the autumn preliminaries Curry? Aren't you also looking for Sister Zhi Hui and Sister Xia Ya to be the judges?"

Qianhe Zhihui smiled and said: "Alice, what? Do you want Darling to tell us when the time comes to release the water? We are very fair, Darling, praise me! Praise me!"

Ye 920 Mu smiled and said: "Zhi Hui's awareness is really good, but I don't think Alice meant this."

"Hey...sister, I'm so cold."

"Okay, okay, really... Alice, what do you want to say?"

"Senior Ye, I have two conceptual models of curry dishes now, but I don't have a machine, so I can only speculate. Senior Ye...hey...you can try it for me when the time comes, by the way. Let’s see if there are any improvements.”

Kobayashi Ringtong smacked his lips and said: "Bah, you are stepping on the line, but you are not violating the rules, but why don't you let us try it? There is also Erina.

Erina crossed her arms and nodded seriously. If it had been before, Erina might not have been too serious, but this time it was different.

Chitama Natsuya and Chitama Ori are both from the same family. These two sisters are very picky now. It can be said that this autumn election is expected to demoralize many people in the qualifiers. Alice now has an idea, absolutely It is a very (cgbd) interesting dish.

She didn't think that Alice's cooking would be exceptionally good. After all, she knew her cousin very well. In this case, it would definitely be interesting cooking... This was the reason why she was interested.

Alice puffed up her face and said, "I'm not going to let this idiot Erina try it! I made the cake with so much care before, but this idiot just said it tasted terrible! I'm so angry! I won't give it to you!"

Everyone looked at Erina a little weirdly. Good guy, I can't tell that you are quite ruthless, but I feel that there are some Tsunderes and personal emotions involved.

"Hey! This happened so many years ago! I am now a mature woman with a family, okay!"

"I don't feel like you've matured at all..."

Erina raised her eyebrows. She has really matured a lot. She is no longer the eldest lady of Tsundere. Although she still has Tsundere, she thinks more about home and family matters more often, and will boldly care about her lover. I will work hard to improve myself for the goals of my family. I will know more and my life will be enriched...

However, Erina didn't say this at all. She didn't expect it for a moment, but when she got angry, she slapped the table and shouted: "My previous clothes don't fit anymore!"

After saying this, everyone fell silent for a moment. Even Tianyu Zhanzhan and Himuro Iris were stunned. Good guy, who brought you here? After saying this, everything became silent.

Kobayashi Rgentan and others didn't know what to say, because most of them were like this... As for that small group of people... Tianyu Zhanzhan just silently gestured with a sword posture, Fuyumi Mizuhara She also squinted her eyes and said nothing. As for Akanekubo Momo, she never thought about these things at all...

Erina also realized that something was wrong [she was stunned for two seconds and then quickly said: "I mean that I can find time to exercise even though I am so busy! This is a sign of maturity! Do more meaningful things, don't Like when you get home, you just sit down and watch TV or play games!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. What you said makes sense, but you, who just look for snacks and watch TV together as soon as you get home, what qualifications do you have to say this?

When everyone didn't know what to say, Shinomiya Kaguya stood up directly and said with some confusion: "Eh? It seems true... Erina, you seem to be in better shape... ..How did you do it?”

After saying this, Erina would not know how to do it. How can I say this? Public execution! This simple charlatan lady is outrageous!

Hayasaka Ai coughed slightly and pulled Shinomiya Kaguya's clothes and said: "Miss, I know."

"Haasaka, you know? Why?"

Erina raised her eyebrows, you don't want to give Shinomiya Kaguya extra lessons now, but when you think about this, this is a god, this is the god's maid Hayasaka Ai, this is definitely not a normal reason, Erina has already thought about it in her mind Why did the storm change the subject after a while?

The next moment, Hayasaka Ai did not exceed everyone's expectations, and said with a serious face: "Miss, Master Ye Mu has many magical special medicines, probably some nourishing medicine for the body.

"Oh! Is that so?"

"That's right, do you remember? That magical digestive drink we had in hot pot before."

"Oh! Yes, yes! There really is such a special medicine..."

There was something strange in Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes. She didn't want her children to starve in the future and find other sisters to eat. Hayasaka Ai said softly: "Miss, don't you want to have a good chat with Lord Ye Mu? You We can discuss it, maybe there are some massage methods.

"Oh………………then...then...please...Ye Jun..."


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