I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 70 A Shy And Happy Alice, Alice: Then I Won’T Leave (Please Subscribe~)

Fujiwara Chika people are all stupid, why did they do nothing, but they were criticized! What kind of truth is this! It is really unreasonable!

However, looking at the look in the eyes of Tianyu Zhanzhan and others, I should be scared. This is a strategy, and it is definitely not greedy for life or fear of death.

"Hey, hubby, we took Sister Calamus away today, and Sister Yanzi also found you, so we don't have to look around anymore. We have to go around today."

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Okay, sister Su happens to be here too, so she can talk to Chang Pu about university matters. Zhan Zhan, you can also listen. But, Zhan Zhan, are you sure you don't want to take a rest at home?"

Tianyu Zhanzhan shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I'll go for a run after soaking my hands in the evening. Mu, what are your plans today?"

"Huh? I don't have any plans. I'm just looking around."

Rgent Kobayashi said angrily to "Two Zero Zero": "It's weird to believe you, but you didn't tell us, hum! We went to eat!"

After Busujima Saeko and others left, Alice was the only one who did not leave. Ye Mu said with some confusion: "Huh? What's wrong? Aren't you going to have breakfast?"

"Go! But Senior Ye, aren't you going too? Then come along along the way."

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "I feel like you are very active today."

"No...no! It's the same as usual! I can only say that Senior Ye, you haven't paid much attention to me before!"

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "Pay close attention...to what extent do you mean?"

Alice's face turned red and she whispered: "That's right... that's right... right! It's too far away from me! Uh-huh! That's it!"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and lowered his head to look at Alice. Alice raised her head and glanced down before lowering her head. Ye Mu smiled and said, "Looking at it this way, Alice is indeed quite cute."




Alice immediately grabbed the towel and stared at Ye Mu angrily and said, "Senior Ye! My bite will hurt!"

"Huh? Say it again?"

Alice hugged the towel and shouted nervously: "My bite will hurt! So! Senior Ye! Please tell me carefully!"

"Huh? It's not a barking sound..."

"What woof woof woof?"


"What did I say woof woof woof!"


"What did I say woof woof woof! Woof woof...Eh? Eh?! Senior Ye! You bullied me again! I will fight with you!"

After shouting twice, Alice saw the smile on Ye Mu's lips and reacted. She immediately rushed towards Ye Mu with a red face and looked like she was going to fight Ye Mu desperately.

Alice also really proved that her bite was painful. She jumped directly into Ye Mu's arms and bit her on the shoulder.

Ye Mu didn't resist. After Alice found out, she raised her head and the two of them looked at each other face to face. Alice's face turned red and she whispered: "Are you scared?"

"Hmm...how should I put it...this level should be...meow meow meow?"

Alice puffed up her face and said, "Senior Ye! You know how to bully me!"

"You can't say that."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

It’s also caring. "

As he spoke, he rubbed Alice's head. Alice's face turned red and she said, "Really? Is it really caring?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Yes, for some people who are not very sensitive, we should use tolerant eyes to care and care, so that they can feel the warmth and true love everywhere in the world."

Alice nodded repeatedly, but soon realized something was wrong and said blankly: "Senior Ye, are you saying I'm a fool?"

"No...how could it be...?"

Alice shouted angrily: "That's you! You're still laughing! You haven't stopped!"

"I just thought of happy things."

"You're just laughing at me! I'm making you laugh! I'm making you laugh!"

Alice said and stretched out her hand to pinch Ye Mu's face, but she completely forgot that she was hanging on Ye Mu's body and fell directly to the ground. Alice was so frightened that she closed her eyes.

If you fall like this, you will most likely be in pain for a day, and you may even get bruises. After all, your tailbone will fall directly to the ground, so you are always lucky.

However, Alice did not fall to the ground as expected. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ye Mu's helpless eyes and said, "So, you should still show some proper care...

"I'm not stupid...I'm very smart..."

As Alice was talking, she suddenly felt something was wrong. After turning her head and looking down, her whole body froze. Ye Mu was also stunned for a moment, and then realized that in a hurry, he seemed to be directly supporting Alice.

When Alice came back to her senses, her smile seemed to be congested, and her face turned red as she said, "Senior Ye Ye..."

Ye Mu coughed lightly and slowly put Alice down. Alice didn't dare to look at Ye Mu at all now. Ye Mu also said with some embarrassment: "Well... the situation is critical, I didn't think so much... .Feel sorry."

Alice didn't say anything, she just lowered her head and shook her head. The atmosphere between the two of them suddenly became a little awkward. Ye Mu coughed lightly and said, "Well... let's go eat first, otherwise Long Dan and the others will be in a hurry."


Ye Mu took the lead and walked forward as he spoke. Alice raised her head and looked at Ye Mu's back. She turned her head and looked behind her. She was in a state of embarrassment and joy and whispered: "Oh, it's true! You're so stupid." !”

Alice said and ran all the way to catch up with Ye Mu. Before Ye Mu could react, Alice hugged Ye Mu's arm and said, "Senior Ye, after graduation, can I come to your store?"

"Huh? Aren't you going back to Nakiri International?"

"Dad is still young. There's no point in me going back in 2.3. I don't plan to open a store. Now that I think about it, I just want to continue doing research when I go back. Anyway, Senior Ye, you also have the information. It's the same! At worst, I'll prepare the instruments myself! And I don't care. What should I say, it’s boring to have free time anyway, so why not have a meal at a star? What a sense of accomplishment! Besides, you also get an employee who knows molecular cuisine for free, isn’t it good?”

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "Well...it makes sense...but you still have to leave in the future, and it will be troublesome to have a molecular cooking area."

"Then I won't leave!"


"Um...no, I mean...yes..."

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