I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 72 Zi Anyan’S Shame And Anger, The Resentful Alice (Please Subscribe~)

This is not the first time that Chika Fujiwara has been so unconscious, so Tianyu Zhanzhan and others didn't say anything. Sometimes I always feel that this guy is slow and like a naive and stupid person, and sometimes I feel that this guy is slow and stupid. Ghostly and ghostly.

Everyone was chatting when they saw Alice and Ye Mu walking in. Alice stared at Ye Mu with an obviously angry look on her face. It seemed that these two people came slowly. The main reason was that Ye Mu was teasing Alice again.

If it were normal times, they would definitely have thought so, but not now. Putting the guess just now, most likely it was Alice who asked something on her own initiative and was tricked by Ye Mu. This is more reasonable.

"Senior Ye! That's what you think! It's too much! The pure girl's heart will be damaged!"

"Huh? Isn't that just for magical girls?"

"real or fake?"

"Maybe, you can turn around and shout at the subway station to transform. If you can activate such power, maybe you really have it.

"It's weird for me to believe you! You fooled me again! You...you made me so angry!"

Kobayashi Ringtong and others looked at Alice, who had the word "angry" written all over her face. They also heard it, and there was indeed nothing wrong with it. Alice sat directly in her seat, holding chopsticks and said: "Eat all the meat! Greedy. Kill you!"

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said: "A bit clumsy, but he also likes to eat. His athletic ability needs to be improved...how did I think of a kind of creature?"


Alice was stunned for a moment, why did she vaguely feel something? Xiaolin Ringtong smiled and said: "Alice, pfft... Where did the five flowers you ate yesterday come from?"

"Five flowers? Five...Senior Ye!"

"Hahaha!" xn

Kobayashi Rgentan even smiled and leaned over to rub Alice's flat belly and said, "Yes, this is where I came from, hahaha~~!"

"Sister Long Dan! You bully me too!"

The breakfast atmosphere was lively enough. After that, Kobayashi Ryodan and others were about to set off when they discovered something, that is, Ye Mu was not dressed normally today.

Normally, Ye Mu dresses more casually, maybe a windbreaker or outerwear that highlights his temperament, a casual suit and sweatshirt, or a simpler shirt, but today Ye Mu.

Today, Ye Mu is wearing a celestial-style outfit, her hair is not tied up, and she is holding a bag in her hand. Everything seems a bit strange. What is going on?

"Husband, where are you going? Why haven't I seen you wearing clothes like this?"

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "It's nothing. I still go to see the land. Hmm, the computer and some files are there." Song suddenly remembered that it would be great to have these clothes.

"Oh... let's go now. We'll help with dinner too!"

"Go ahead and have fun."


After Xiaolin Rgentan and others left, Ye Mu also left directly. However, he did not walk today, but chose to drive.

On the other side, Xiaolin Rgentan and others who were hiding not far away and peeking also withdrew their gaze. Tongzhiguo Ningning said softly: "Mu must have gone to do something.

"That's right, I'm driving, and I'm wearing a very fashionable dress... I haven't told us yet... Eh?! Could it be that I'm looking for Mr. Li?! Sister Su! Isn't that right!"

Tianyu Zhanzhan and others also looked nervous. If so, wouldn't it mean that there is an 80% chance that Grandpa Ye is in that courtyard?!

Sister Su sighed and said: "How could I know about this? Ye Zi has told us a long time ago that he will handle domestic matters by himself. Otherwise, you think we won't investigate. It is estimated that only the two brothers know everything now. , I have a headache... I have a headache..."

Busujima Saeko said a little weirdly: "Sister Su, you just said that domestic matters, that is to say, there are also foreign matters?"

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at Ryoko Sakaki. Ryoko was stunned for two seconds and then said in surprise: "This...Senior Ye did throw me a document bag, but... ..Eh? Sister Changpu! Did you meet a foreign woman to see her!"

Himuro Iris nodded and then thought for a moment and said, "It seems that Ye Jun really came into contact with that woman for some reason."

Sister Su smiled evilly and said, "Hey, Acorus, are you jealous?"

Himuro Iris thought for a moment and nodded and said, "If jealousy is the same as the information I checked in the browser before, it should be."

Sister Su's eyes twitched and she said: "Well... as expected, teasing calamus never achieves the desired effect... swallows are more interesting!"

"Eh?! Why are you talking about me all of a sudden?!"

Sister Su patted Zi An Yan on the shoulder and said, "Yanzi, as I said, if you find that person, I will arrange your marriage! Even if he doesn't marry you, it won't work!"

"Eh?! Are you kidding me?!"

Sister Su tilted her head and said: "If it were someone else, I might be joking. I would definitely check it out to see if it can bring you happiness, but if it's Ye Zi... let me see..."

"You...what are you looking at?!"

"Calendar, the time you want to go back... Well... If it doesn't work that day, then it will be decided the day before! Swallow! Get up early the morning before and follow me with your documents.

Zi Anyan said blankly: "What are you going to do?"

Sister Su tilted her head and said, "What are you doing? I'll take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate!"

"Eh?! I...I...I'm not going!"

"What's wrong? Do you want to take wedding photos first?"

"Sister Su! That's enough!"

Sister Su turned her head and said: "Well, it's so fun to learn from Calamus and Swallow.


The people of Zi'anyan were about to evaporate, Xiaolin Gentian tilted his head and said: "So, Sister Yanzi, what do you want to tell us.

"Well...I've decided..."

"Decide what?"

"I want to study in China!"

Chika Fujiwara waved her hand and said, "Come on then, wouldn't the president and the others... eh? Wait... no way!"

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