I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 89 Countdown To Shinomiya Kaguya’S Freedom, Clara’S Excitement (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Ratsudan and others really focused on learning cooking. Although they would also go out for shopping, they would always use their mobile phones to explore recipes and the usage of various ingredients in their free time.

At this time, Sister Su was sitting on a chair, drinking a cup of milk tea, smacking her lips and saying, "Bah, bah, bah... you are actually studying so seriously."

Kobayashi Ringtong put down the notebook in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief: "Can you not be serious? There is not enough time, it is not enough! I even confidently told my husband that I can exceed the goal. How can it be that simple?"

Sister Su held up her face and said: "There is no need to be so serious. Your strength and time are enough. What's more, you haven't graduated yet. You can slowly hone your strength in the future."

"No! We must get a three-star rating directly as quickly as possible!"

Sister Su narrowed her eyes. These girls don't know yet that WGO, which rates restaurants and hotels, will soon have the surname Ye. If they knew, they might not react like that.

Sister Su glanced at Busujima Saeko and others who were studying, and didn't say anything. She just took out her phone and started reading. The next moment, Sister Su choked.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"Sister Su, what's wrong with you?"

Sister Su wiped her mouth and said in disbelief: "How could they set off so fast?! It's faster than expected! These people are going crazy!"

Kobayashi Ryuden was stunned for two seconds before saying in disbelief: "Sister Su! What do you mean... Kaguya?"

Sister Su nodded and said: "That's right! It's that kid! This kid led the team on a mission! How could it be so fast?! What on earth did these guys arrange..."

"Sister Su, didn't my husband say before that it will be in these two days?"

"That's true, but it's impossible... This... what message did the old man leave for this kid..."

Xiaolin Gentian said a little weirdly: "Huh? Why do you feel like you know something, Sister Su?"

"Let's not talk about it for now. Just tell Kaguya and get ready in the next few days. You will receive news from the Sizhi family soon."


Just when Sister Su here was still in disbelief, and when Xiaolin Ringtong and others were still looking confused, in a VIP lounge on the other side, Ye Mu wore a mask and said softly: "I told you before. You already know it."

"I know, don't worry, if the Shinomiya family says nothing, the name of this consortium will be in the history books in a few years, and maybe other books on liberal arts."

Ye Mu nodded and said softly: "Sigong Consortium...hehe...take this thing over."


"Well, Xiao Ai collects them very carefully. He can't even show his face. If you scare him, then just treat it as buying cigarettes for the brothers."

"I know, there's something else I should tell you."

"What's up?"

Ye Mushe breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "I will take some time to snipe the shares later. As for whose shares it is, I don't need to tell you."

"Understood, then that's it, I'll set off first, and the wind will blow over in a while.

Ye Mu patted the young man on the shoulder and said softly: "Everything goes well, I will return in triumph."


After watching the young man carry the box and leave directly in front of him, Ye Mucai said softly: "What will happen in half a year...Huh? Is this Kelaqi?"

That's right, Kraqi, who had been silent for several days, finally couldn't help but contact Ye Mu, and Ye Mu didn't refuse. After answering the phone, Kraqi, who was putting on makeup on the other side, immediately put down her lipstick and smiled. Said: "Is it Mr. Ye?"

"Miss Clara, long time no see. Is there something wrong?"

Kraqi on the other side of the phone coughed lightly and said: "Mr. Ye, it's like this, because I plan to go to the palace here...but there is a restaurant that I can't see clearly due to the traffic conditions. I understand, so Mr. Ye, if you have time, you can..."

"Now you can."

"What if now...Eh? Eh?! Mr. Ye! Really?! We have time now?!"

…Please give me flowers…

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Of course, there is no benefit in deceiving you about this matter, and it is simply untenable, right? When and where?"

Kraqi quickly said: "Then... let's go to the palace square in half an hour.

"Okay, then I'll see you in half an hour."


After Clara hung up the phone, she immediately called Declare. Before Declair could say anything, she heard Clara shout: "Declare! I just went to invite Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye Agreed! And it seems that the probability of it being the same person is very high!"

"Eh?! Really? What a coincidence?"

"I'm curious too, but Mr. Ye used to be very laid-back, and if you look at the news, Mr. Ye usually has a lot of hobbies, doesn't he?"

"That's right, Clara! Then what are you doing standing still? Hurry up and get going!"

Kela Qi said angrily: "Didn't you see that I was putting on makeup? I thought I would just put on light makeup, but I didn't expect that Mr. Ye happened to have time, so I have to be well prepared."

"That's right, eh, Clara, how was the restaurant you went to try out yesterday?"

“It’s okay, it’s at the level of a star restaurant, but the store doesn’t have any special decorations, and the food is okay. To be honest, I didn’t realize until I came to China that there are so many chefs who hide themselves behind dragons and crouching tigers. It’s amazing. The store is not very flashy, and I don’t have the idea of ​​​​rating it with stars, but it is enough to give it a star rating, even two or three stars!”

"Eh? That's really awesome... I remember Mr. Ye also said he was not interested, but he wanted to win the star meal and star wine because of the agreement?"

"Yes, I want to see if I can ask today. I feel that this will be an option that will greatly affect Mr. Ye's overall rating."


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