I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 95: Ye Mu’S Three Reasons, Kraqi’S Surprise (Please Subscribe~)

After three rounds of drinking, Kelaqi still looked like she hadn't heard enough. Not to mention that the system of the mythology of the Celestial Dynasty itself was extremely large, but Ye Mu's language skills had already made it extremely grand.

"And then?"

Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Miss Kelaqi, although I know that you are very interested in mythology, it is already late. Although the night in China is also very lively and safe.


Clara was stunned for a moment, looked at her phone, and then said in surprise: "Ah! It's already past nine o'clock! I'm so sorry, Mr. Ye, I'm a little obsessed!"

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said: "It's okay, this is not a big problem. Let's get back to the topic, Miss Kelaqi, now you should have a rough idea of ​​why you said this Feng "150" Ming Qishan has some wrong meaning. ?"

"Yeah, yeah! If it's the same as in the myth, it feels a little bit different.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "Every dish has its own story, so before tasting it, it's better to think about the story first.

"Well, by the way, Mr. Ye, you have been the one talking all this time. In order to express my apology and gratitude... let's express it with this last glass of wine."


Kraqi was stunned for a moment and then said with a smile: "cheers! Mr. Ye, there is something I don't know whether I should ask..."


"Mr. Ye, with your experience and knowledge, as well as the fact that you could see the problem with carving skills at a glance before, for a cook like you, I now know why I am not interested in star food.

However, this is logically the case, but Mr. Ye, you want to get the star meal just because of the agreement. I am very curious about what kind of agreement can make someone like you change his mind?"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Change? Well... maybe it's not a change, maybe it should be said that I wasn't even interested in opening a restaurant or hotel.


Kraqi was stunned. She never expected that Ye Mu, a very good cook, didn't want to open a restaurant or a hotel. So what did he want to do?

Kraqi was stunned for two seconds before she quickly said: "Wait a minute! Mr. Ye! Are you the cook?"

"Then...then your family should also be a family of cooks."

"I'm not from aristocratic family, but my old man is pretty good at cooking.

"Eh? Is that so? How awesome is it?"

Kraqi said this subconsciously, but she regretted it after she said it. Just as she was about to change the subject, she heard Ye Mu say casually: "Huh? How awesome? It's hard to say, but it's awesome. Already...."

Naturally, Ye Mu wouldn't say he was the God of Cooking. That would be boring. Kelaqi obviously wouldn't ask like that. If that's the case, there's no need to say too much.


Kraqi could feel that Ye Mu didn't want to say too much, but judging from the previous restaurant's attitude towards Ye Mu, it was obvious that the old man Ye Mu's cooking skills were probably very scary. She had seen the older generation of chefs, and many of them had already They no longer cook, but they are all very good cooks.

This made Kraqi even more curious. With your background and ability, why don’t you open a restaurant?

Seemingly knowing what Kelaqi was thinking, Ye Mu said with a smile: "By the way, although my old man is a cook and I am also a cook,... our factory does not really open a restaurant. of."

"Eh?! Then...then...then Mr. Ye, what are you planning to do in the first place?"

"At the beginning? At the beginning... Start a company? Engage in scientific research? Become a photographer? Who knows? I didn't have so many ideas at the beginning, because for me, I didn't feel that there was much reality. Everything is within reach, so I don’t have any clear plans.”

"Sometimes I feel that maybe...travel around the world, be a photographer, an anchor, and take a good look at the world. Later...I decided to open restaurants and hotels for three reasons... ......."

Kraqi blinked. A man with a story is young, but he has a story. This is not just pretending. He can feel the maturity and vicissitudes of life that see through everything.

"Which three?"

"The first thing is that as I said before, this is a legacy, and it should be passed on..."

"Second...this is the promise I made to you. You should also know that I have more than one fiancée, including Inui Hinako, Fuyumi Mizuhara and Qian Qian who you may have heard of. Tiao Xia Ya and the others."

"Well...Mr. Ye is really excellent.

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said: "The second thing is this promise. I promised to give them a home, and this relationship will come to a perfect end. The same goes for Fuyumi's restaurant, Hinata's restaurant, and several others in the family." Chef, their future restaurant.

"The future plans of Xia Ya and her company, as well as several others, are all integrated into this restaurant and hotel. If I were to open the restaurant by myself, Pingxing would only find it troublesome. On the contrary, it would be troublesome because of too many customers. Boring."

"But not now. They need a stage to show off, a motivation to fight, and an answer sheet to evaluate stars. This is the only answer sheet. With me as the chef and chairman, getting the stars is this. promise."

Kraqi looked at Ye Mu in a daze. She really didn't expect it to be like this. However, Kraqi swallowed her saliva when she looked at Ye Mu with a gentle smile. Her strong self-confidence and Naruya's hunger As a target, Kraqi suddenly envied Xiaolin Rgentan and the others. Where did they find this treasure?

"Then...what about the third one?"

Ye Mu chuckled and said: "Third? Third... My purpose is, if I can't get the best, then I might as well not compare. Three-star and five-star are the highest levels... haha .…

"Ye...Mr. Ye?!"

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