I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 123: As Expected Of A Brother, HōJō Miyoko’S Doubts (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko and others were still chatting, Inui Hinako and others had already gone to work, and Shinomiya Kaguya and others were chatting happily.

At the same time, Ye Mu on the other side was also driving towards the airport. I don’t know whether Ye Mu got the news in advance or it was a tacit understanding between the brothers. Almost the moment Ye Mu arrived at the airport, a plane also appeared. Over the airport.

"Where's the stuff?"

As soon as the two met, the young man threw a suitcase casually over. Ye Mu caught it steadily before he chuckled and said, "Thanks this time."

"There is no need to thank or apologize between us, but why do you want me to bring this back?"

Ye Mu smiled and said: "It's useful when necessary. Besides, you should have solved the things I asked you to do, right? What should I say?"

"That's true...but is that Snake Ghoul Yumeko also your woman?"

"My woman? This question... In a sense, it is, but before this deal is concluded, there is still a piece of frosted glass, so it should be said."

"Well, the arrangements have been made. The hospital should have contacted her. By the way... the car has been parked in your Tōtsuki parking lot. The procedures have been completed. Take it and drive it.

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? Why did you think of leaving a car for me?"

"I know you don't have a car there, and you probably have no interest in buying one. It's troublesome to bring the car back, so I'll leave it to you to drive. It's not a good car, so just make do with it.

"Okay, are you going back?"

"Go back and report back. I will go find you before you go back. That's it, close the team!"

"Yes!" xn

The young man left directly with the people. Ye Mu chuckled and said helplessly: "Still so resolute..."

"Captain, you're not in such a hurry. You should act resolutely and resolutely..."

"If he were your captain, you would only think that my style of doing things is procrastinating."


"As expected of a brother..."

(cgea) Ye Mu on the other side didn’t waste any time. He carried his suitcase and went to the parking lot. On the way back, a team member suddenly heard a honking sound while driving. He was joking. How dare you honk with this license plate? That's a cruel person.

As soon as the window was lowered, they saw a sports car appearing next to their car. The next moment, they accelerated and passed by. The man driving the car laughed and said, "Captain... you two brothers are outrageous enough." , but that car is not cheap, I really dare to drive it.”

"I haven't seen anything he dare not do...more than before."

"Huh? Real or fake?"

"Go over the limit and control it within the speed limit.


The two cars just walked together for a while and then separated. Neither of them was speeding, but they were just one step away from each other, and the speedometer went straight.

"Really, let me tell you, Miyoko, you are definitely a little strange, because no matter how you think about it, no matter how hard you work now, or your vision and self-confidence, a Hōjōlou cannot bear it at all. "

Akanekubo Momo also nodded and said: "Yes, Xiao Taozi expressed shock... Among Elite Ten, Mu can be regarded as special, he is not at all normal strength, other than that, Asi is the strongest... .You know, Xiao Taozi and Ling Dan don’t know how many high-end restaurant invitations they have received, let alone Asi... There are many people who invite him to perform in high-end restaurants and hotels..."

Erina said helplessly: "Yes, being able to graduate from Tōtsuki is already quite impressive. Basically, Tōtsuki graduates are not only very successful in the culinary world, but they also have a place... Elite Ten are all stars. Chef, your vision is inversely proportional to your goals."

Hōjō Miyoko also said with some embarrassment: "That... I only found out about it yesterday. I feel like I wasted a lot of time..."

Kobayashi Rgentan waved his hand and said: "Okay, you are only a freshman in high school. Once you react, you will be fine. It's not that Hōjō Building is not good, but its upper limit does not meet the positioning and expectations you have given yourself. Your original goal. I also saw it in Tōtsuki. Four out of the ten Elite Ten are girls. There are also many good female cooks in the school, so you should be able to think of it.

"Sigh... I don't know why my head feels like it's stuck... But with my strength... can I be Senior Ye's deputy?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning shook his head and said: "No, although it is a bit offensive, it is like this, including us. Now the time is limited, so we must seize the time to improve ourselves. You specialize in Chinese food. If you ask Mu for advice , will progress faster.”

"I know...I will work hard, but Liangzi...this autumn election..."

"Sister Rendan and the others said that it would be fine if you passed the preliminaries..."

"Eight people? This..."

Alice coughed lightly and said, "Me, Hisako, Ryoko and Miyoko, you, four places."

Ryoko Sakaki said helplessly: "What you think is too simple, Xiao Hui also has great potential. In addition, Hayama Ryo, Kurokiba Ryo, Takumi, these are all famous strong men in the school... .......This is not counting Yukihira...Orange..."

"Huh? What orange? Yukihira? That Yukihira Sōma? Why is he an orange? His nickname? That has nothing to do with orange..."


Erina said angrily: "He is just an orange! Still an inferior orange!"

"Huh? Has this guy offended you? But it has nothing to do with Orange..."

Himuro Iris and others also looked puzzled. Kobayashi Rgentan smiled and said: "Erina doesn't like him very much. I'll tell you this slowly and you will know... First of all, you know who his father is." Who?"

"Isn't he a restaurant owner? He shouldn't be famous..."

"Jōichirō, have you heard of this name?"

"Of course, Shura is far away...Eh? Eh!"

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