I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 144: Kitagawa Uimeng Realizes His Enlightenment, Kitagawa Uimeng’S Complaints (Please Subscr

No matter how nervous Hōjō Miyoko is, it's useless. She has already joined the company and moved here, so there is no way out.

However, Hōjō Miyoko did not suffer from insomnia this time. I don’t know if it was because she was too nervous today, or because she finally breathed a sigh of relief, or because she was exhausted after a busy day today. There are many reasons, so Hōjō Miyoko slept soundly. .

On the other side, Kitagawa Uimuo had insomnia. Although Kobayashi Ringtong didn't say anything after that, Kitagawa Uimuo had been thinking about what Kobayashi Ringtong meant.

Just thinking about it, Kitagawa Uimeng didn't sleep all night, but she still looked full of energy, because she ran to watch anime after thinking about it.

On the one hand, it was the comic exhibition on the second day, and on the other hand, what the little "287" Lin Ringtong said before, Kitagawa Uimeng was in a state of energy all night.

It wasn't until this morning that Kitagawa Kaimu had just watched the last episode when he was dragged away by Kami Ryoko and the others to watch Ye Lin and the others practice.

"Hai Meng, why did you get up so early today to watch anime?"

"I didn't sleep at all! I'm so excited!"

Kobayashi Rgentan said angrily: "I hope you can be excited about the right things."

"The right thing? What on earth is it... But! Let me tell you, I found that the current love show is absolutely outrageous!"

"How to say?"

When talking about this, Kitagawa Kaimu became excited and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "You don't know, I wanted to complain when I was single!"

"The relationship between the male protagonist and the female protagonist was supposed to be confirmed in one episode, but they actually acted in more than ten episodes! And if there is a misunderstanding, they usually do various things and like to make up their own minds!"

"I originally thought that love might be so rough? Now that I have a lover, I look back and see that those love affairs were all crazy! Forced to make money, it's so ridiculous! If you write about love, then you are just to promote love. beautiful!"

"This crazy plot of yours is not a good one. You just force your wits down, but you also deliberately send out knives! Hair! And I am the hero!"

"It's all delivered to your door! The heroine's attitude is so clear! You have to pretend to be stupid! Why do you pretend to be a saint when it's time to hit the ball! How embarrassing is this for the heroine? Passers-by can't stand it anymore! Come on! You have no emotional intelligence at this time Without commerce, when you have misunderstandings and low self-esteem, a person can make up a drama of bitter love in five minutes! It’s nothing!”

"And how could the heroine get close to other boys just because she was angry? She's so crazy! I even wanted to punch her! The most outrageous thing! I kept waiting for the candy, and when I looked back, the season was over. Give me a hand-holding?! There are no male protagonists and female protagonists, and there are no male and female supporting roles! It’s nothing!”

Kobayashi Ringtong squinted his eyes and nodded, "Indeed, it's nothing."

"That's right! You said that before you two were dating, the heroine didn't do anything, and the hero didn't have the courage or emotional intelligence. Now that you're dating, the heroine has done nothing! The hero's emotional intelligence can even be negative! Gentleness is a good thing. , but after watching it too much, I feel like, this is called gentleness? It’s just a coward and no emotional intelligence! It’s nothing!”

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning and others nodded, but their eyes were silently looking at Kitagawa Uimeng. Kitagawa Uimeng also felt something was wrong and said doubtfully: "So, Sister Ryodan, your eyes seem to contain a lot. It means..."

Kobayashi Gendan said with a smile: "It's not interesting, it's just Hai Meng. Do you want to think about what you just said?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning also pushed up her glasses and said: "You don't need to recall every word, but the core idea is what you think about yourself, and you recall it yourself.

Erina and others also looked at Kitagawa Ummu with strange eyes. Kitagawa Ummu blinked and clasped his fingers and began to recall what he had said before.

After a long time, he raised his head and said, "Eh? Something seems not quite right?"

Qian Hao, Xia Ya and others who were watching the show also rolled their eyes. This fool finally came to his senses, but it didn't look like he had fully come to his senses...

In the end, Shizuka Hiratsuka, a leftover warrior who was single and was being crazily urged to get married, couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily: "I know that you replaced the heroine and hero with Ye Jun and yourself. Think again. Where are you going today?!"

"Eh? I'm going to Comic Con today...Eh? Eh?!"

Kitagawa Uimu immediately went down. Kobayashi Ryuden poked Kitagawa Uimuo's head and said: "I pinched your face yesterday, was it unfair?"

Kitagawa Uimeng shook her head blankly. She has realized it now. During this period, she even took a study tour to travel around. Although she knew that she was not single, she was still working hard for the future. She accidentally forgot to give her love more time. and space

Now think about it, Kobayashi Ryodan and the others gave her a chance. She had complained about Ryoko Kami for not cherishing the opportunity of two people in a world. She had complained about the plot of the anime just now, but when she looked back, Hanhan was actually herself?!

If she really just went to a comic exhibition today, she would cry to death when she came to her senses, but shopping? Just kidding, a rare world for two, shopping?!

Is she a little girl who has just fallen in love?! No! She has already half-stepped into the marriage hall! In other words, this is not a boyfriend and girlfriend, this is an unmarried couple! She needs to be more mature in thinking, and this is a rare moment for two In the human world, Hōjō Miyoko and Hiratsuka Shizu are here. 1.7 Kitagawa Haimu thought this way, and suddenly thought of the skills passed down from this generation by Mrs. Ye's family, a unique method.

Busujima Saeko said a little weirdly: "Hai Meng is down, is he stunned? Isn't that right? Didn't this girl upgrade the inner strength and mental skills that Ringtong began to spread?"

"Who knows, but this girl doesn't seem to need to say anything more, eh? Have you noticed that Zhan Zhan's ability to dodge and resist hits has improved a lot recently?"

"It really is!"

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