I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 146: Kitagawa Uimuo’S Surprise, The Determined Kitagawa Uimuo (Please Subscribe~)

Kitagawa Kaimu really made it official in the school, and Miyazono Kaoru and others naturally knew it. Kitagawa Kaimu did forget to tell Ye Mu, but there was one thing that she deliberately concealed.

That is, after Kitagawa Kaimu's official announcement, she had a chat with Miyazono Kaoru and the others.

"Mu, if you have time, come to school."

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and looked at Kitagawa Haimeng who was holding his arms and said with some confusion: "It's okay, but... why?"

Kitagawa Uimeng said with a smile: "Of course I have something to ask you for! Besides! If nothing happens, why don't you just come and pick me up?! I'm your fiancée!"


"Then you are not allowed to make a surprise attack. You have to tell me in advance when you come, otherwise I will... I will... no surprise attack is allowed anyway!"

Kitagawa Uimu must say what the crazy heroine in the anime said or else she will ignore you. Just kidding, this will only make men feel childish and unreasonable. The most important thing is, maybe it will really happen. Push people away or... torture yourself!

Kitagawa Hai dreamed for a while and said: "Actually...in addition to hoping that you can come to pick me up from school, there are three or four other purposes."

"tell me the story."

"I'll tell you half of it at most!"

Ye Mu sighed and said: "Half, I feel that this half should not be your real purpose."

"Young Master, although Mu you are the mastermind behind the scenes, I am not a villain. It sounds like I have many purposes. Do you listen?"

"tell me the story."

"Ahem...the first purpose...it's actually very simple. Although, you all know now that I have a fiancé, but...I still have those little self-awareness or small thoughts. There are a lot of love letters. Even if there are almost no love letters now, one will pop up from time to time, or someone inquires about my current situation or asks for my contact information々||.

"Mu! Do you know your mission?!"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said: "So...this is where to go..."

"That's right! Show! Grace! Love!"

"Pfft...how did you say this word so naturally?

Kitagawa Kaimu said angrily: "I have a fiancé so I can show my affection. How can I show it without me? Besides, it's not intentional, just be normal! The main thing is that you can be completely clean in this way." !”

"Okay, is there an appearance fee?"

Kitagawa Haimeng rolled her eyes at Ye Mu, stood up on tiptoes and gave her a good morning kiss and said, "Hey, is that enough?"


"Greedy! Hey... Well, then the second purpose, in fact, this can't be said to be a purpose... I mean, I hope, Mu, you can come and have a meal with me, don't forget it! Katagiri and Nanazai-san are here too! It’s just the two of us here, Katagiri, it’s so pitiful!”

As Kitagawa Haimeng spoke, he stared straight at Ye Mu. Ye Mu didn't say anything. Kitagawa Haimeng blinked and turned his head. When he looked back, he said with a pitiful look: "How pitiful!"

"Pfft...Okay, next time you perform, squeeze out some tears."

"Okay! However, I have already said two, so you can't trick me. The remaining two are surprises I left for you, do you know? Surprise! Surprises are very sudden, and you can't try to explore them. Ah, in this case, no matter whether I prepare carefully or you yourself, it will all be at a loss!"

Ye Mu said angrily: "Why do you think I want to trick you?"

"Because I definitely know my fiancé."

"Actually...if you really want to ask..."

As Ye Mu spoke, he put one hand around Kitagawa Haimeng's waist and held her in his arms. He pinched her chin with one hand, stared at Kitagawa Haimeng's red little face and whispered: "Haimeng, if you If you say... I will give you a surprise."

"I...I...Oh! No, no, no, no! I won't say it!"

Ye Mu smiled and said: "It's quite determined. It looks like it should be an interesting surprise. I'm looking forward to it."

"It must be a big surprise! Are you trying to fool me so easily into thinking I'm one of those crazy heroines in anime? Humph!"

Ye Mu is also a little helpless. After all, you are indeed not that kind of heroine, but in a sense, it is really easy to fool you.

Even though he said that, Ye Mu would definitely not really say it. Just like Ye Mu touched Erina's head before and felt like a golden retriever, Ye Mu would never say it.

Thinking of this, Ye Mu glanced at Kitagawa Haimeng, who also had blond hair. Kitagawa Haimeng was about to say something when he was stunned. He glanced up and saw Ye Mu putting a hand on his head.

"...Um...Mu, why are you touching my head all of a sudden?"



Ye Mu pondered for a while before he had an answer in his mind: "It feels a bit like a border collie...but more supple."

"Mu, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, let's go and have breakfast. Have you packed everything?"

"The makeup bag and everything are packed! Mu, I don't have a role today, so you don't need to bring a camera."

"Do you still remember?" (Okay)

"Of course! Just be responsible for accompanying me this time!"

"Okay, it feels a lot easier."

"Eh? I just realized that Sister Ringtong and the others left me alone again!"


"It's not just now...it's okay! Let's go, let's take it!"

On the other side, Xiaolin Gentian and others had already gone back to wash up. When Ye Mu and the others came back, Xiaolin Gentian directly said with his bag on his shoulder: "Honey, we have finished eating! Let's go now!"

"Ha?! Sister Gendan! You just left?!"

"Gentian! Ye Zi! I... eh eh eh! What's going on with you girls! Here again?! I'm here to have breakfast! Hey! Hey!"

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