I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 148 Social Master Hai Meng, Leonora Who Wants To Chat Alone (Please Subscribe~)

"Oh! Is this China's comic exhibition?! This is too lively!"

"What is your impression of Comic Con?"

"It's like a lot of COSER gathering together and having a parade or something like this, or a big exhibition hall similar to this one, but... I can feel that there are a lot less characters here."

"After all, Japanese anime is relatively famous, and light novels, comics, anime movies, etc. have a wider reach."

Looking at the comic exhibition that will only start for a while, Kitagawa Kaimu is still very excited. Although it is certainly not comparable to a place like a base camp like Akihabara, the venue is large, there are many people, and it is lively enough.

"Hey, Ye Zi, I'm sleepy."

"Well, for your comic exhibition, I lent you Hai Meng."

"Don't worry, we will definitely follow the rules, no overpayment, no change! Come with me, there are too many invited guests and dancers waiting for makeup today.

"Okay, Hai Meng, let's go. You have a lot of makeup to do today."


When they got to the backstage, there were a bunch of COSER who looked obviously much more professional than the scattered COSER outside. Kitagawa Ummu also nodded secretly, they all have experiences that can be learned.

Although many people have a one-sided understanding of cosplay, for those who have been in the industry for several years or even more than ten years, they are definitely very professional. Some people make their own props, edit and post-production by themselves, and even Making your own clothes can really turn your hobby into a career, and you can also make money.

When they saw Kitagawa Haimeng and Ye Mu, the surrounding COSER's eyes also lit up. They were really too exquisite. The man before said with a smile: "Everyone, this is Kitagawa Haimeng, and he is also a cosplayer. COSER, I will be one of the makeup artists today!"

"Okay!" xn

"Eh?! Mu, they look so excited! What did they say?"

"How should I put it... Is it because a pure Japanese suddenly came and was curious? Or is it because Hai Meng, you are a COSER from Japan? Or is it because you are now a makeup girl for them? Or is it because Hai Meng? Are you cuter? There should be many reasons for this.

Kitagawa Kaimu's face turned red and he said angrily: "Whatever is cuter, I don't usually see you complimenting me, huh!"


"No! I even forgot about it! Sisters! Please take care of me!"


The man on one side looked at Kitagawa Uimeng who was surrounded by a group of COSER and said with a smile: "Zi Zi, you are not worried about this girl at all.

"Hai Meng is a social expert. There are no boys here. Moreover, Hai Meng also likes two-dimensional culture and will have a great time chatting, even if the language is different."

"What the hell? I don't understand the language and you're telling me that we're having fun chatting? Are you really or not?! How can we talk like this?!"

"We'll find out later. By the way, go back and prepare..."


"Excuse me, what kind of sushi do you want to eat at Comic Con? Besides, Haimeng is from Japan, and I'm still here, sushi..."

"What are you preparing for?"

"Let's prepare some snacks, baked cold noodles, cakes, half-cooked cheese and so on.

"Huh? Real or fake?"

Ye Mu waved his hand and said: "Hai Meng likes snacks like this very much, and even goes out to eat at noon, but don't prepare too little, just two or three pieces of cake, and about two boxes of half-cooked cheese.

"No... didn't you go to eat at noon? Eat so many snacks?"

"Don't underestimate Hai Meng's appetite. Don't worry. My fiancée, I understand, go ahead."

"Okay, you two are quite a match."

After the man left, Ye Mu just sat on the sofa on one side and looked down at his phone. On the other side, Kitagawa Uimeng also gave full play to his social skills.

I put my phone aside, opened the translation software, and soon we started chatting. Japanese girls, especially cosplayers, are very good at makeup skills.

"Miss Kitagawa, are you a college student?"

"Uh...high school student."

“Is this a high school student’s figure really fake?!”

"Do you absorb nutrients well? But, having said that, many characters are very famous, and there are no unpopular characters.

"What character do you like?"


"Eh? I think I've heard of it...but I haven't seen it."

"I've seen it, I've seen it, it's a very unique character wearing a maid outfit, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

Ye Mu glanced at the surprised chatters and shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he underestimated Kitagawa Uimeng's excitement when he talked about his favorite topics.

"Is that boy your friend? He's so handsome!"

"He's my fiancé... He's from China."

"Ha?! What a talented man and beautiful woman! Is he also a COSER?"

"No, no, he can take pictures. He mainly does business and cooking. He is the first in the Tōtsuki Elite Ten."

"Huh?! Is that Tōtsuki from Tokyo?!"

"Yes, yes! Even that Tōtsuki can check the information directly!"

"Oh! That's amazing, isn't it? Tōtsuki's elimination rate is also very famous online, ranking first among the Elite Ten... So, does he usually take photos for you?"

"I have other things to do now, so everyone is very busy, huh? What is Mu doing...Why does it feel like she is chatting with someone..."

In fact, Ye Mu was really chatting, and the person chatting was not someone with an agenda, but Leonora. Ye Mu also felt quite strange, as if Leonora suddenly talked about many topics.

"Ye Jun, I will go to Tokyo in a while. If possible, can we chat alone?"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment. Madam, are you serious about what you said? Why does it feel like something is not right?

Although I think so, but...

Ye Mu: "Of course."

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