I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 151: The Late-Night Cook Who Is Ready For Action, A Refreshing Iron Pot Stew (Please Subscri

When it comes to Chinese food, the top ten famous Chinese dishes, the eight cuisines, etc. cannot be escaped, but there are only eight cuisines in China? If you really think that, then you are thinking too much.

In addition to these eight cuisines, there are Northeastern cuisine, Mongolian cuisine, etc., there are too many. Braised pork and spicy chicken will have different preparation methods in different provinces and even cities.

The main feature of Northeastern cuisine is bold, with a salty and spicy taste. Although it is not as spicy as Sichuan and Hunan regions, it can still be ranked in the middle and top. What kind of Northeastern cuisine does it include pot-wrapped pork, chicken stewed with mushrooms, and butchered pigs? Vegetables, blood sausage, rice sausage, iron pot stew, etc. are really eye-catching as soon as they are served.

Different from the bland southern cuisine, you can tell whether this dish is salty or spicy, sour or sweet as soon as you open the lid of the pot.

The strong taste means that the aroma of the dish is also particularly rich. This iron pot is stewed. This pot is full of ingredients, either ribs, tendons, goose, or oxtail and beef bones. There are too many .

Add in the long beans, stewed soft radish and potatoes, wide noodles, baby cabbage and rapeseed that have soaked up the soup. Just look at this pot, open the lid, and the hot steam mixed with the aroma will float up. At that moment, what followed was the sound of gurgling soup and sweat.

Needless to say, this dish is enough to be considered a big meal. You don’t even need rice when eating it in an iron pot. The corn tortillas stuck to the side of the pot have long absorbed the aroma of the soup, but they are stewed together in the soup. Small flower rolls or hand-rolled noodles after eating are all very good choices.

The corn tortillas are bigger than the palm of your hand, steaming hot, and the texture is natural. Just a bite of the unique sweetness of the corn flour and the aroma of the soup is enough to taste, not to mention that even if you pick up a piece of ingredients, it is served like this. When you put it in your mouth, you take a bite of ingredients and a bite of cake, and you can only understand the satisfaction and the boldness of Northeastern cuisine by actually eating it.

In addition, serve some soup and soak the pancake in the soup. The pancake is used as a plate to hold the ingredients, and the soup in the ingredients flows into the pot stickers. When you eat the pancake, the fragrance and satisfaction will be Another experience.

This is how Kitagawa Umume looks like at this time. It is a complete pleasure to eat. Although this pot full of meat does not contain any precious ingredients, the satisfaction brought by this simple pot of ingredients is no less than any other dish. .

Kitagawa Umume held a potsticker in one hand and chopsticks in the other and said vaguely: "Xian! This is so satisfying!"

"There is also hot sauce here, you can dip it in and it tastes good. Eat it slowly. If you can't eat it, you can take it away."

"Uh-huh! Eh? Mu, what is this? Chicken?"

Ye Mu shook his head and said: "No, this is a combination of Jintou Ba Nao and Big Goose. This is just the amount added to the small pot. If there are two more people, the medium pot will be almost enough.

"Eh?! Isn't this a cauldron?!"

"Of course not. If it's a big pot, if it's a fish pot, there will be several fish.

"This is too outrageous! By the way, I even forgot to take pictures. This is so amazing. I must record it."

Ye Mu said helplessly: "What's there to record? If you want to eat, there are many places to buy it, and the price is not expensive."

"It looks awesome!"

"You...where are you going this afternoon? Can't you just let me accompany you today?"

Kitagawa Uimeng suddenly froze, she knew something! She didn’t know where to go, or in other words, she didn’t know what to do next!

Although Kitagawa Kaimu's mind is now full of the internal skills passed down by Kobayashi Ryodan and others after they have been perfected individually, but... what should we do?!

"Um...that...eat first! Let's talk after you're full!"

After Kitagawa Haimeng finished speaking, he stopped taking pictures and went straight to the front door to concentrate on eating. Ye Mu didn't think there was anything wrong and had no idea what this girl Kitagawa Haimeng was thinking about right now.

A young man in a room on the other side said strangely: "What? This guy hasn't been released yet?"

"I heard that the other party withdrew the lawsuit after we agreed to keep it private, but then suddenly regretted it during the follow-up. It can't be released now, but... I heard that the Four Seasons Hotel invited Tōtsuki's first seat. If this guy can't go and communicate,"

The boy narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: ""The first seat of Tōtsuki...is that...Eishi Tsukasa?"

"Huh? Did your information stop at last year? The current number one position of Tōtsuki is a kid from the Celestial Dynasty. Legend has it that Tōtsuki is now the unshakable and well-deserved strongest

The boy was stunned for a moment and said: "Even that Eishi Tsukasa can't defeat him?"

"Based on the data... there is no way at all. Tōtsuki is the undisputed number one, and his whereabouts and personal information are impossible to investigate at all."

The young man narrowed his eyes and said softly: "The people from the Celestial Dynasty cannot investigate my information. It seems that this tenth seat is not just about strength...

"What are you going to do about it?"

"It doesn't matter. If he is really a bad guy, he won't go to Tōtsuki. A family that can cultivate such a guy is definitely more reliable than Tōtsuki. Continue to win over those with interesting You can just think of cooking late at night, and we can treat it as normal for now."


After the man left, the young man narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Did the white knight in front of the dinner table be completely defeated? Do you also have excellent powers..."

As he spoke, the young man took out his mobile phone and found a number to call. The call was answered in seconds. The young man said softly: "Come back first and wait for the announcement soon. An interesting person will come to the Four Seasons Hotel in a while. You go Investigate it.”

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