I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 153: Fujiwara Chikato Is Stupid, Outrageous Fujiwara Toyomi (Please Subscribe~)

"Eh? Where do you think that girl Hai Meng is now?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning sighed and said: "Sister Gendan, you have said it no less than twenty times today, why not make a phone call."

"No, no, Ning Ning, don't you understand Hai Meng? If that girl really wants to do something, your phone call will not encourage her, but will give her back!"

Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo said helplessly: "I know everything you said, but the crux of the problem is... you keep talking about her.'

Hearing this, Xiaolin Ringtong directly took Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's hand and said: "Ning Ning... I still remember that back then, you didn't let me and Xiao Taozi worry."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's face turned red and she said angrily: "Sister Long Dan, you dare to say this! You two [I didn't know what you were like until I was in the group later! It's so cheating" !”

"That's wrong, Ning Ning, think about it, this is the right guidance for us. Besides, what I said before is correct anyway."

"That's not the point! The point is that what you said was not about peace of mind at all! You two were just having fun!"

Akanekubo Momo whispered: "Xiao Taozi originally didn't want to participate, but Ningning, you really don't make people worry.~"

"Huh? Wait, why did the topic reach me? Also, why is Qianhua so silent today?"

Chika Fujiwara's eyes twitched and she said, "That's not it... I will be targeted even if I don't speak... I have a good time today - I'm learning Chinese."

Fujiwara Toyomi glanced at him and then said with a strange look on his face: "Oh my God, Qianhua, you are really studying... Couldn't you have been tricked?"

"Sister! Why can't I learn! I have to learn just to deal with Kiroli!"

"Well...that makes sense, but I still suspect that you are pretending..."

"Ha?! We've always been together! How could I be transferred?!"

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said: "I was suspecting that you were a fake. You asked me why you were transferred. How do I know? You can't really be a fake, can you...

"I'm not!"

"not real?"

"It's not fake!"

"What evidence do you have?"

Fujiwara Chika's eyes twitched, Kobayashi Ringtong and others also sighed. I don't know what Fujiwara Toyomi's divine brain circuit was thinking, but looking at Fujiwara Toyomi's indifferent look, Kobayashi Ringtong and others were not surprised. Interruption means.

"Ask a question..."

"Um...ask...what are you asking?"

Chika Fujiwara stared at Chika Fujiwara with calm eyes and said: "Ask a question, who are you most afraid of?"


"Hmm... Although there is a suspicion of being deceived, you answered the second question correctly. What do you think about when you are in a daze?"

Kobayashi Rgentan and others were stunned for a moment, huh? Why does it feel like Fujiwara Toyomi has some other purpose? Let’s take a look.

Fujiwara Chika's face turned red and she froze. Fujiwara Toyomi narrowed her eyes and said, "It must be some bad content. It's fake. Chika usually can't even see bad books and periodicals. Cut them off and destroy them." "

"No! It's not bad content! It's not, it's not! It's... it's..."

"You're still quibbling, so I'll destroy you."

"It's time to fall in love!"

Hearing this, Tianyu Zhanzhan, who had no intention of taking action and was quietly drinking milk tea and watching a movie, also raised his eyebrows. Although he knew that Fujiwara Chika was a person with a brain similar to that of a walnut kernel and a love brain, but this reaction ...Why doesn't something feel right?

Fujiwara Toyomi shook his head and said: "It's fake as soon as I hear it. It's better to destroy it."

"Why do you say it's false? It's true!"

"It's impossible, because although Qianhua is a love brain with no brains, she is not a nympho or an idiot. She doesn't usually have any male friends. It is absolutely impossible for Qianhua's IQ to dream up a false lover. In this case... ..You are just fake.”

"No! I...I have a fantasy object!"

Himuro Iris blinked, and it turned out that her IQ was not high, as if Fujiwara Toyomi was really blatantly trying to trick Chika Fujiwara.

.........Please give me flowers...

"It's impossible. Those people you know, your vision is not that low. Most of the characters you choose to play the game are not human beings, or they are girls... Wait... No way..."

Seeing Fujiwara Toyomi's rare expression of disgust, Fujiwara Chika was stunned for two seconds before quickly shouting: "No! Sister! Don't make up your mind! I'm thinking of Ye Jun!"


Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said: "I don't believe it.

"Huh?" xn

Kobayashi Ringtong and others were stunned. Sister, you don’t really think she is fake, do you? What kind of brain circuit do you have? Although Chika Fujiwara also said the same, it seems that this time she can be sure of many things.

"Impossible, Qianhua's love brain, if it was really Mu, would have gone straight to it. It is impossible to think about it for so long.

"I...I...I...I'm afraid that my mother will destroy me..."

Fujiwara Toyomi nodded and said: "That makes sense, um... ok, so if mom didn't say anything, you would have taken action?"

"Of course! Do you think I am Ryoko and the others?! Um...what are your looks..."

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said: "Eh? Qianhua, why are you looking like this? Let's go."

"Ha?! Sister! Do you believe me?!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Do you believe it or not? Are you dreaming?"

"Ha?!" xn

Even Himuro Iris was stunned. Sister, this is not hypnosis. This is a very new mode of pretending to be stupid. Are you really happy that you deceived your sister's conscience like this?!

"Sister Fengshi...that...Sister Qianhua's eyes seem to be empty..."

"Huh? Qianhua, are you...

"It's okay! I'm in high spirits! Let's go!"


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