I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 160 Kitagawa Uimeng: Thank You, You Have Brightened My Whole Life (Please Subscribe~)

"Huh... It feels so good. I feel like my whole body has relaxed. I feel really sharp."

Looking at Xiaolin Rgentan and others sitting aside with various salted fishes, Sister Su smiled and shook her head and said: "Now you know, I am a professional when it comes to enjoying life. w

"However, the silver eye wash was really uncomfortable, but it was different from crying normally. My eyes didn't hurt at all, and it was really relaxing. It was better than eye drops."

"It's not that bad, but it's just more relaxing. When I have time, I'll do a spa treatment, bone setting and so on. The absolute system will be updated to 2.0. Hey, Acorus, you guys will get a membership card soon. Let me tell you. Ah, there are a lot of people in this industry now, but we and Ye Zi have been acquainted with this one for a long time and it is also the best."

"You can come here from now on. If you want to relax or something, just come over. Usually there are not that many people in this large private room, so you can just come over. Of course, if she has time, you can make an appointment to come to her."

Kobayashi Ringtong's eyes were shining and he said: "This is great! However, during this time, I have already applied for two or three membership cards." 26

"Hey, that's wrong. Membership cards are not a bad thing. Besides, one is from the bookstore, and the other one is for Saeko and the others to find reference books. The other one is the membership card of that shopping mall. Every store can get discounts. Not to mention, the most important thing is that you can use the points for parking. If you come here, it’s the most cost-effective to park over there. Okay, don’t tell me that you won’t drive in the future.”

Erina thought for a moment and said: "I really didn't expect it, but will it be difficult to get a Chinese driver's license?"

"It's not bad. Just memorize the questions in the first subject. After that... you usually take time to touch the car, such as reversing into the garage, changing lanes, etc. You can learn all these, and then you can take the test. It's easy, let me tell you... When I was taking the driver's license test, I met an instructor with a bad temper. It was really..."

Tianyu Zhanzhan narrowed his eyes, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Sister Su say angrily: "You think you are a bad student in school, this is the capital of the Celestial Empire, and besides, if you have good understanding, you will not be said. I'll give you some gifts later, some cigarettes or something like that. It's more than two hundred yuan, and as long as it's not too shabby, I'll talk nicely.

"Oh...eh? Sister Su, have you been scolded?"

"That's not true. I have a good understanding. By the way, if you want to learn to drive, the premise is... you must first learn Chinese well. At the very least, you must be able to understand the traffic laws and answer questions."

Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji said helplessly: "That's too difficult... I haven't made much progress in Chinese so far. Chinese is so difficult..."

"Okay, okay, it's actually not that difficult. You should learn Pinyin first, and then find a dictionary. Only when you know how to spell it can you read it. Once you read it correctly, it will be easier to understand and search. You can practice writing it slowly."

"That's all we can do...But, it's been so long, it's already getting dark, let's go home! It feels right..."


Just when Kobayashi Ryodan and others were happily planning to go home after restarting the system, the manor on the other side seemed much quieter.

Ye Mu was looking at the phone quietly when he suddenly felt something strange in his arm. He turned his head and saw Kitagawa Uimeng, who was sleeping soundly on his arm, woke up at some point.

"You don't have to pretend when you wake up."

After Kitagawa Kaimeng opened his eyes and glanced at Ye Mu, he directly buried his head in Ye Mu's arms and said in a low voice: "Mu... what should I do! Sister Qianhua and the others all know! What should I do!"

Ye Mu gently stroked Kitagawa Haimeng's head and said with a smile: "But didn't you answer the phone yourself?"

"Well... Mu... you bully others..."

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Okay, okay, if any of them teases you later, I will stand up for you."

Kitagawa Kaimeng laughed, raised his head, kissed Ye Mu's cheek and said with a smile: "That's not bad! Hehe... I've surpassed many people at once!"

"so many people?"

"Hmph! Mu, I don't believe your emotional intelligence. You don't know how much Liangzi likes you, and there are so many more! Now I have to sit in the back row! Hey..."

Ye Mu said helplessly: "Ryoko... To be honest, I really don't know very much about Liangzi. After all, this girl is a bit too honest, but that guy Isshiki also said that Liangzi is usually a scheming person in Polar Star Dorm. Where’s the eldest sister?”

"Let's not talk about them anymore, Mu...well...I want to discuss something with you..."


Kitagawa Kaimeng propped up his arms and stared at Ye Mu and said: "Mu...can you...can you take some time to talk to my dad? Let's talk about it first. There won't be any bloody TV series. If you don't agree with me, you can only accept it. My father, after my argument, approves of you as my son-in-law, but he just wants to talk to you..." 927

Ye Mu smiled, hugged Kitagawa Haimeng and said with a smile: "Why do you look like you are begging? After all, I have kidnapped someone else's apple, so I have to say hello to my uncle no matter what. After all, No matter what, I need to be present at the wedding in the future."

Kitagawa Haimeng leaned on Ye Mu's chest and said softly: "Well... I will call dad when he is done with his work during this period. Thank you, Mu..."

"Huh? Why do you need to say thank you to me? Let's not mention that you are my fiancée. Isn't it normal to just meet my parents?"

Kitagawa Uimeng shook his head and said softly: "No, I am grateful that you appeared in my life, changed my life, and allowed me to do what I want to do more freely. You can stay with me and accommodate me." My hobby allows me to have a home of my own, a sound and warm family, and a future full of hope and expectation...

"Thank you... you have brightened and warmed my whole life... Let me say it again... Mu, I like you, my favorite..."

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