I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 162: People Joking With Each Other, Information About Kitagawa Uimuo (Please Subscribe~)

"Hey xn

Kitagawa Kaimu sat on the sofa and hugged his knees, completely ignoring Ritsuan Kobayashi and others who were smiling evilly, and just watched TV quietly, but looking at the reddish face, you could tell that he was not so calm.

"Hey, Hai Meng, where did you go today? Why did you come back so early?"

Kitagawa Kaimeng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Sister Rindan! That's enough for you!"

"Hey... don't worry, it seems like Hai Meng you really lived up to expectations. Tell me, how did you do it?"

"Ha?! Is this also allowed to be said?!"

"What's the point? They are all sisters. We usually chat more happily in the family counseling group. Don't look at Ning Ning and Zhan Zhan. They are not much better."

Kitagawa Kaimeng stared blankly at Tianyu Zhanzhan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning. He really didn't expect that the few reliable sisters in the family could be so unreliable?!

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning coughed lightly and said: "It's okay if we don't chat. If I don't join you, every next word you say will be behind @Me and Sister Zhanzhan, and I won't see Yan @Sister Dongmei... It’s so…cheating…”

Kobayashi Ryodan smiled and said: "Needless to say Sister Fuyumi, she is very reliable, 250 and what she said is true, Ning Ning and Zhan Zhan, if you two don't click on it, you will really keep diving!"

Tianyu Zhanzhan sighed and said: "You see for yourself what you guys talk about. I didn't even notice it. It's still Saezi... Sometimes when I read the news, everyone freezes up."

Erina whispered: "Because Hisako and I were suddenly discussed, Hisako immediately panicked and kept trying to explain. Then he went to a rare class and was asked a question by the teacher. Hisako didn't even listen to the class and didn't even know how to ask. of what.”

"It would be weird if I don't explain! Sister Ringtong and the others have been saying that my name is Ye Mu because I am too weird! I am not weird!"

"Then why do you call it that?"

"I...I...after all, Lord Ye Mu is Lord Ye Mu! There is no reason!"

"So, Hisako, if you marry Hinata in the future, you won't be called Hinata's husband, right?"

"This...this doesn't mean the same thing!"

Regardless of the people arguing here (cgcf), Kitagawa Uimu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she had escaped danger for now, but... before she could relax completely, she saw Akane Kubo Momo and Du Shima Saeko came over.

Sister Saeko...you and Sister Xiaotao don't know how to..."

Busujima Saeko sighed and said, "What are you thinking about? Don't curl up like that. Your back must be in terrible pain now."

Hearing this, Kitagawa Uimuo was stunned for a moment, then stared at Busujima Saeko with bright eyes and said pitifully: "Sure enough, Saeko-san, you and Xiaotao-san are the best... but it hurts.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning also sat over and nodded and said: "We understand you, sit tight and place this pillow on your lower back.

"Oh...Sister Ningning, you really know it very well..."

"At the beginning, Sister Ling Dan thought I would be much more relaxed if I had more, and then..."

"Then what?"

"Then the idea came all the way to you."


Busujima Saeko smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this for now. Umi, are you happy at the comic exhibition today?"

"Yeah! Of course! I made a lot of money! But... I didn't change it into Japanese yen because I had to move here in the future, so I just kept it like this and took the time to get a bank card.

"That's not a problem. Hey, Hai Meng, did anything special happen to you today? You won't really go home directly after the comic exhibition."

Kitagawa Hai dreamed for a while and said: "Although that is true, but... it is not entirely like this. I went to eat iron pot stew today!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was stunned for a moment and said: "It's the one with a big pot... It's indeed very special. I also had it when I went to Sichuan and Chongqing before, but it combined with the local characteristics, there are a lot of peppers, Is there any more?”

"And...Oh! Alice! Alice! What are you, an innocent girl, listening to? Come here quickly!"


Alice's face turned red and she said angrily: "The last sentence you said is superfluous, okay?! What's going on!"

"It's not a big deal...it was just that today at the Comic Exhibition, Mu received a message from Aunt Leonora...

Alice puffed up her face and said, "You're asking about Chinese again! I know! Huh! Wait until mom comes! I must have a good chat with her! I'm so angry!"

"Huh? No...it seems that Aunt Leonora said she wanted to talk to Mu alone when she comes to Tōtsuki later..."

"Oh...I thought it was something, that's it..."

After Alice finished speaking, she leaned against the back of the sofa with a nonchalant look on her face. Kobayashi Ryodan and others stopped joking with each other and just looked at Alice silently.

"Eh? Wait...Hai Meng, what did you just say? Sister wants to talk to Senior Ye alone? What to talk about?!"

Kitagawa Kaimeng shook his head and said: "I don't know...Senior Ye doesn't know either. It seems that Aunt Leonora didn't say it, but...I personally think that I just wanted to make some insinuations and help you say something, but Mu His EQ and IQ are both super high...you know..."

Alice said blankly: "If mom thinks she is helping me, and then makes insinuations and clichés... then it is equivalent to directly telling Senior Ye what I think?!"

"Absolutely... But, Ryoko, I want to tell you something, absolutely inside information. 17

"Ah? How can you have more inside information with me as your secretary?"

"It's about you... To be honest, Liangzi, I really feel that you have set a precedent.


PS: Prepare.

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