I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 172 Ye Mu’S Helplessness And Angry Everyone (Please Subscribe~)

It was still the same muggy afternoon, which made people feel a little restless, but the enthusiasm in various places still remained. However, in a few places, it felt like the temperature had suddenly dropped.

"Um... sous chef, what's wrong with godmother? Why do you look so ugly? It can't be a life problem..."

"What are you thinking? They are very affectionate, and the boy is also very responsible, but it seems that the boy did something very risky, and the chef felt scared, so..."

"Oh... But what has to happen to make my godmother act like this? This guy is really good.

"Don't look... She is contacting that guy right now. It's better to stay away. Fortunately, it's break time and there are no guests..."

Everyone looked at Inui Hinako, who was holding the phone with a dark face, hands trembling slightly, and a rare serious expression, and they all chose to sneak away silently.

On the other side of Restaurant F, Fuyumi Mizuhara is holding her forehead with one hand and holding her mobile phone with the other hand trembling slightly. Fuyumi Mizuhara, who has always been expressionless, has eyes full of anger, panic, and uncontrollable fear. .

"What's wrong with Chef 610?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. After you finish eating, go clean up the private room."

"Yes!" xn

In Katagiri's office, the teachers around him all looked weird. What was wrong with Shizuka Hiratsuka and Nana Totsugi? "They looked at their cell phones and both of them looked furious.

Not just in these places, in the HUB company's office, Qian Tao Zhihui postponed the meeting for a while. Both Yu Tao Zhihui and Qian Tao Xia Ya looked very angry.

The same is true for Minezaki Yaeko, who is discussing new land. The bodyguards around her are all frightened. Hasn't this eldest sister become a lot gentler after finding true love recently? Why is there a vague tendency to explode?

"You guys! Go ahead and continue talking! I'm going to make a phone call.

"Yes!" xn

"That... little sister Ai..."

"Miyoko, you don't need to say anything about this matter. My palms are all sweaty now and my back is cold. Lord Ye Mu must talk about it carefully! Miss."

"That's right (cgba)! Miyoko, I have to talk about this! It was a real gun! Three shots were fired in succession! If there is a mistake, I don't even think about it! Hayasaka! Call! Video! "

"Hmm! Miyoko, what are you going to do?"

Hōjō Miyoko, who was sitting aside and reading a cookbook, coughed slightly and said: "I want to say... I also want to tell Yaya-senpai... This is completely life-threatening.

"Well... it's connected... Ye..."

Before Hayasaka could say anything, she heard Yaeko Minesaki holding her cell phone and shouting with a dark face: "Dear! Please explain to me! Why are you participating in this game?! And you're shooting continuously?!"

"Have you ever thought about what you would do if you made a mistake?! Let's not talk about the impact! If you have a problem! What do you tell us to do! This family will collapse!"

"That's right! Darling! What you did went too far! We feel chills just thinking about it now! You know when we saw you shooting yourself three times in a row, I almost blacked out. Fainted! Orihe immediately collapsed on the sofa!" by Qian Tao Xia Ya

"Mu! You...you...there will definitely be no one on your side this time! Yes! You are absolutely sure of this! You may look handsome in the eyes of others! But we are not others! We are A family! We will only care about you! We care about our lover! If something happens to you, how will you let us live!" by Huji Nazhai

"Ye Jun, you are indeed a little too big. As a bystander, I feel scared. Even if you don't think about it so much, you still have a great time. Your own life is also a priceless treasure! You must take good care of yourself. Reflection and reflection" by Ping Jiajing

"Mu! That's too much! We don't care about your usual actions as a gangster, because we can't get involved, but this is the only thing we can't do! Because you are our lover! You are the head of the family! We can't get involved with you. Plan! But it’s up to you! In matters involving your lover! We have the absolute right to participate and know!” by Inui Hinako

"Indeed, this is not a movie. Others may think it is handsome, but we will only feel scared! We are just ordinary people, we just want to live our lives peacefully. You are really scary this time! You know us How did you feel when you saw it?! I still haven’t recovered from that feeling of fear! You are my everything, my entire future!" by Fuyumi Mizuhara

"Mu! It's so scary! It's so scary! Have you ever considered this family before you did this? Hayasaka and I have just gained freedom and got the life we ​​want, a real family, the family we like, and being able to marry To the person you like, if something happens to you! What do you want us to do?! Hayasaka almost didn’t buy a plane ticket and went to China to find you!” by Shinomiya Kaguya

"Master Ye Mu! It's just like what the eldest lady said! Although this is your plan, for us! We are just ordinary women. We just hope that our small family can be safe, Master Ye Mu! You have too much on your shoulders, no matter how confident you are, what if you make a mistake?! Sister Calamus also said that the probability is not 100%!"

"You behave like this! If there is a slight mistake! Not just this family! We will also collapse! So! Master Ye Mu! You must accept criticism! And reflect deeply!" xn

Hōjō Miyoko opened his mouth and said everything he needed to say, but Hōjō Miyoko also felt scared, so he coughed lightly and said: "That's right! Senior Ye! You must respond.

Listening to the people's voices of condemnation, Ye Mu just sighed and sat on the sofa. Xiaolin Ringtong and others didn't know if they were aroused, and they directly joined the team of admonitions.

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