I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 178: Happy Fuyumi Mizuhara, Unjust Erina (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Kobayashi Ringtong and others felt as if they were watching a swimsuit model show, although at first glance, Kaguya was the only one who was wealthy and had a private helipad.

In fact, Shinomiya Kaguya also noticed it. Although she carefully selected a swimsuit that she had never dared to think of before, but...it was a bit self-destructive...

Hōjō Miyoko was also a little uncomfortable, but she thought that except for Ye Mu, they were all girls, and the most important thing was that a large part of the reason why she chose so carefully was because Ye Mu was also there.

Qianhao Zhie and others are no longer autistic. Qianhao Zhie came to the camera and said with a smile: "Dear, my sister and I spent the whole afternoon picking. How did it go? Is it pretty~?"

Kobayashi Rgentan smiled and said: "Hey, hubby, why am I a little envious of you -?"

"Hahahaha!" xn

Ye Mu also said with some humor: "Have you read any strange comics recently? Hai Meng, did you find it for Gentian?"

"Mu! I don't read comics like this! And I don't even read youth love comics anymore!"

Akanekubo Momo was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh? Why? Haimeng, don't you like this kind of comics the most?"

Kitagawa Uimome nodded and said: "Yes, but that was before. In the past, it was because I didn't have anyone I liked, but I still felt that sweet love was very desirable. Who knew that most of them were nutritious and stomach-ache works? Now that I have a lover myself, reading comics like this makes no sense at all.

"The female protagonist has no sense of agency, and the male protagonist feels that it is too useless, and the plot is not interesting. How can real love be so bumpy? It's boring. Besides, even if it is really like this, it can't always be like this, right? I guess it’s the kind of people who have just entered the pit who are not tired and feel happy to have such a stomachache."

"Although those masterpieces also have a stomach ache, the conflicting youth movies are also very good, and the other characters and the places that should be sweet are also very good, so I am not interested anymore. I feel like watching such anime. The barrage is still interesting and the songs are okay, well, that’s about it.”

Ringtong Kobayashi and the others all had expressions on their faces as if they were worthy of you. Ringtong Kobayashi said angrily: "I haven't read the manga, it's just based on my feelings, okay, but then again,

Sister Dongmei, you usually like to wear very casual clothes, but I didn’t expect that the swimsuit you chose unexpectedly made you feel confident in winning. "

Fuyumi Mizuhara said with a serious face: "I don't wear it for others to see, but I must let it go for my husband. How about it, Mu? Isn't it a bit plain?"

"No, Fuyumi, you are very suitable for this style, but..."

"Huh? What?"

"Fuyumi, the clothes you usually wear make your legs look very long. If you look at it this way, the effect of your usual clothes is not very obvious.

Fuyumi Mizuhara raised the corner of her mouth and said: "I'm a rude person...but...there is one thing that I am really happy about."


Fuyumi Mizuhara didn't say anything, she just put her hands behind her back and looked at the screen with her head raised slightly. Akanekubo Momo said with a smile: "Fuyumi-san, it's true, it's really obvious."

"Yes, I didn't plan to buy this one when I went to pick it up. Although I also liked this one, I saw that it didn't fit, so I chose another one. As soon as I put it on, I felt all kinds of discomfort, so I borrowed it. I checked the meter stick and sure enough..."

Minezaki Yaeko smiled and said: "Yes, this is the first time I see Fuyumi with a clear smile outside. She is still happy when she comes home. It seems that Fuyumi cares about it too.

Fuyumi Mizuhara said angrily: "I will definitely care. Besides, I don't want my children to drink milk powder so early in the future. By the way, Mu, Dojima-senpai sent me this when I was still in the store just now. According to the news, according to previous years' arrangements, he will serve as a judge in the finals and semi-finals.

"Okay, I know what he means. I have special arrangements for this autumn election, but Fuyumi, Hinata, you two are still going to be judges. I will tell you the details in advance... .”

"Okay, Mu, you have to tell us two days in advance because we still have to deal with the appointment for the next day."

…Please give me flowers…

Just as Ye Mu was about to speak, Alice said nervously: "Um...Senior Ye, what exactly is going on...please reveal your plans first.

Ye Mu didn't say anything and just looked at Alice with a playful look on her face. Even Snake Mengzi and Qi Luoli vaguely felt some malice.

"Um...Senior Ye, if you don't want to say it, just don't say it. Staring at me like that makes my back feel cold..."

Ye Mu smiled and said with a smile: "I'm just looking forward to whether Alice will still be there when the special rules are really used."

"Ha? Ha?! Senior Ye! That's too much! I worked really hard! Why was I eliminated so early?!"

Hisako also said with some worry: "Master Ye Mu, did your special rule start from the qualifiers?"

"That's not true, but it has been implemented since the beginning of the official competition. To be honest, I am really looking forward to what the scene will be like."

Erina swallowed and patted Hisako on the shoulder and said: "Hisako, I can only cheer you up silently here. Please take care of yourself..."

"Eh?! Lady Erina!"

"Then there's nothing I can do... Come on, Ryoko, Miyoko, you two, too. Maybe you'll be relieved if you don't go to the main event. Anyway, it doesn't make any difference whether you three are Elite Ten or not."

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said: "I suddenly felt the same way, Senior Ye, you seem to be a bad person now..."

"Really? I just think that since the students in this class are very aggressive, they should fight more thoroughly."

"More thorough?"xn

"Let's not talk about it for now, let's eat quickly. After dinner, Kiroli, you all go to bed early, and Fuyumi, please also pay attention. Although it is summer and the weather is very hot, you should also be careful not to catch a cold.

"Yes!" xn

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