I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 200: Shinomiya Kaguya’S Plan, Karachi’S Thoughts (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Rgentan and others are very excited now. Although the main discussion is over, they are still planning their own affairs with great enthusiasm.

"The time is almost up. You can continue chatting. I will sort out these final decisions first and make it easier to deal with them then."

"Okay!" xn

Before leaving, Bai Yu turned his head and glanced at Kobayashi Rgentan and others who were chatting enthusiastically and said with some doubts: "Can you really handle dinner?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a bunch of pillows flying over. Erina clenched her fists and shouted with an unconvinced expression: "Mu! Don't underestimate people!"

"But... didn't you guys complain about your own food for so long at noon?"

"This is not the same thing!" xn

Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo pushed up his glasses and said in a deep voice: "Mu, please go quickly, dinner can be easily solved."

Ye Mu obviously looked a little uneasy, but after leaving, Chika Fujiwara said blankly: "Wow...Rentan, you are really underestimated."

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible to give your husband a chance to underestimate you! After preparing this dinner, you must take a photo to prove yourself!"

Sister Su, who was watching on the side, had a headache. These girls were really easy to fool, but she, a freeloader, must be hoping that they would be easier to fool now. After all, the more excited these girls are, the more sumptuous the dinner will be.

In the room on the other side, Shinomiya Kaguya said somewhat seriously: "Haasaka, do you think you should study human resources management? Or business law?"

"Miss, I personally think they are all good choices. For now, it is best to ensure that everyone in the family has different professional directions, but... there are actually so many majors needed, so... .Miss, we need to think from a longer-term perspective.

"for example?"

"For example, in addition to human resources, hotel management, economics, and business law, I personally think... tourism management and language are very important, as is computers. Tourism management can be responsible for the hotel's overall tourism services. , Of course, there is no need to say much about the language, various translations and explanations, and the computer can provide technical guidance and the like."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded thoughtfully and said: "It makes sense... In that case, advertising and the like should also be the work of the publicity department."

"That's right, Miss, so I think that in the coming year, our focus will be divided into four things.


"The first thing is of course that during this year, we must learn Chinese as well as possible, and learn as much as we can.

"Well, this is necessary. The second thing..."

"The second thing is that during this year, you need to prepare your own professional knowledge. You can't just rely on what you learned in college, because generally speaking, a lot of what you learn is useless."

"It makes sense, and then what? Then what?"

"Then in order to look good in a wedding dress and a red dress, I need to gain appropriate fat and get in shape during this year. Miss, you need to take action."

"But...I also have a fitness routine."

Miss, you are still a little thin. In order to look more beautiful and look more decent in a wedding dress, it is not okay to be too thin. "

"Oh...what's the last thing?"

Hayasaka Ai silently glanced at Hōjō Miyoko who was watching a movie with a bowl of fruit and said softly: "The last item, Miss, you can't not have time to cultivate feelings with Lord Ye Mu because of the above three items, the relationship between husband and wife First, you must cultivate your relationship and exercise your wifely power."

Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned red but she still nodded and said: "Yes, it suddenly became clear this year! Miyoko! You too, right?"

Hōjō Miyoko's eyes twitched. Sister, please tell me everything. Don't say that you have to fight for favor! (Sakaki Ryoko: P...)

Hōjō Miyoko coughed slightly and said: "Well, I will also learn Chinese well!"

"Hmm! Well... Hayasaka, I wanted to ask before, why did Fuyumi-san and the others suddenly buy a lot of things online, and they didn't even write down what they were...

"Cough cough cough!"

Hōjō Miyoko almost choked to death, and Hayasaka Ai was also a little embarrassed, but she still said seriously: "Miss, after Master Ye Mu comes back, you can ask Master Ye Mu about this, Master Ye Mu will definitely know, and Sister Dongmei and the others bought it, and they will definitely see it in the future, so don’t be too curious."

"...That makes sense...Hey, Miyoko, don't forget to pick up the hip-hugging skirt and business suit you ordered earlier."

"I can't forget it. I was told that I could pick it up the day after tomorrow...but...I really have to wear it."

"As you have seen, the Four Seasons Hotel is very famous. If you go with me then, you must not dress casually. If you go as a female companion, you have to wear a dress. If you go as a secretary, You must have hip-hugging skirts, small suits, and the like."

Hōjō Miyoko nodded. If it was Hayasaka Ai who said it, she might be wary, but if it was Shinomiya Kaguya, Hōjō Miyoko simply felt it made sense.

In the hotel on the other side, Clara said confidently while applying makeup in the mirror: "Declare, you don't need to remind me, how could I miss this opportunity to finally see the light of being single!" ( Zhao of Zhao) "That's what I say, but don't wear too much makeup, otherwise it will definitely have the opposite effect."

"I know, but I'm really not sure whether Mr. Ye will tell me something. If he could tell me... that would be interesting."

"The problem is, even if it is really related to that guy Nakamura Itsuki, it's useless if you know about it. The real person has already given the order."

"So it's...an internal rebellion."

"Huh?! Rebellion?!"

"Hey, let's just say, Mr. Ye is definitely not a bad person~"

"That's right... Hey, stop talking! Hurry up! You're almost late!"


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