Chapter 207 The whole family is tidy

   "It''s you..."

   "It really is that vicious woman Bibi Dong..."

  When Mo Bai appeared in front of Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang, who had no breath, instantly recognized Mo Bai, his eyes were full of resentment.

   "You are also worthy of mentioning my teacher?"


  Mo Bai stepped on Yu Xiaogang's chest, not daring to use any force, fearing that he would directly trample Yu Xiaogang to death.


  Even so, Yu Xiaogang still spat out a mouthful of blood.

   "You know? I used to be very jealous of you, but you were able to be liked by the teacher!"

   "It's a pity you don't know how to cherish!"

   "It's a good thing you don't know how to cherish, otherwise the teacher wouldn't be my woman!"

  Mo Bai looked down at Yu Xiaogang who was full of hatred but was unable to speak, and said to himself.

  When he heard Mo Bai's last words, Yu Xiaogang seemed to be stimulated again, and his eyes widened.

  Yu Xiaogang really didn't expect that Bibi Dong actually found a man, and it was her disciple.

  Mobai who was rejected by himself at the beginning.

   "You don't know how to cherish the teacher, that's your loss!"

   "Another thing to tell you, the teacher has given birth to a daughter for me!"

   "Our daughter has several levels of innate soul power since she was born. When she is 6 years old, it will definitely be no problem to reach the full level of innate soul power!"

   "Okay, I'll just tell you so much, it's pretty miserable looking at you now, you might as well die!"

   "I'll do my best for you!"

   Mo Bai looked at Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, then raised his foot, and then lowered it to Yu Xiaogang's heart again.


  This time, Mo Bai no longer controlled his strength, and stepped on it hard.



  Yu Xiaogang's entire chest was crushed by Mobai, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed from his mouth again.

   And Yu Xiaogang, also full of grief and indignation, swallowed his last breath thoroughly.

   Died with anguish and envy.

  He is jealous of Mo Bai, who actually has Bibi Dong.

  Although he hated Bibi Dong psychologically, he actually knew very well that he wanted Bibi Dong very much, but he was incompetent and couldn't get it.

   At the same time, she was also jealous that Mo Bai and Bibi Dong could give birth to a genius daughter, unlike him, who gave birth to a fool.

  In short, Yu Xiaogang died full of unwillingness.

   Glancing at Yu Xiaogang's body again, Mo Bai didn't choose to destroy the body and traces, turned around and left.

  He just wanted to let others know, provoke the fate of Wuhun Empire, and frighten those people.

   Right now, that is, the preparations for the Wuhun Empire are not enough, and it is difficult for the subordinates to control the entire continent. Otherwise, if there is a real fight, Mo Bai can assassinate all the high-level officials of other forces.

   "However, assassination is not good after all, it will damage the image of the empire, so let's fight in an upright manner!"

   "Anyway, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow that they are proud of, under my ink crossbow and ink cannon, are all chickens and dogs!"

   Laughing lightly, killing Yu Xiaogang, Mo Bai only felt refreshed.

  Finally killed Yu Xiaogang, whom Bibidong had liked for so many years, and this person would no longer exist.

   "After solving Yu Xiaogang, it's time to go to the capital of killing!"

  After leaving the Tang Sect, Mo Bai spotted the direction of the Slaughter Capital, and quickly rushed over.

  Tang San has already passed the **** test, he has to be in a hurry.


   After Mo Bai left, someone rushed over in less than a while, because the screams of the master just now alarmed some people in the Tang Sect.

   "It's not good, the master is dead!"

  Following the discovery of Yu Xiaogang's death, Tai Tan Niugao, the head of the fourth department, soon discovered the bodies of Liu Erlong's mother and son a little further away.

"How can it be…"

"who is it?"

   "Who the **** is he? He was able to kill Liu Erlong so quickly while being so close to our sect! We just heard the movement..."

   "This game is over, the master is dead!"

   "The suzerain is back, we can't explain it!"


   All three members of Yu Xiaogang's family were killed, Niugao Titan Yang Wudi and Baihe's four ministers all had very ugly faces.

  They were very clear about the relationship between Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, and now that Yu Xiaogang was assassinated like this, Tang San must be very sad and angry.

   "Everyone in the Ministry of Min, immediately conduct a survey around to see if there are any clues!"

  Bai He immediately asked the people from the Min Department to look around.

  I want to see if I can find out who the murderer is.

   As for catching the opponent, he didn't dare to think about it.

  The opponent was able to kill all three members of Yu Xiaogang's family so quickly, and his strength must be stronger than them.

  Of course, it’s best to find them. There are so many people in the Tang Sect, and they are also afraid of each other.

   It's just that he finds it difficult.

  The fact is also the same. After searching all around, the people from the Ministry of Min failed to find any clues.

  They didn't even know what attack caused Liu Erlong's head to explode directly. They had never seen such a destructive effect.

   As for bullets, it is even more impossible to find them.

  Mo Baidu's bullets were all condensed by using his martial soul, Blue Silver Emperor, and dissipated after he left.

   "It's the Spirit Empire!"

   "It must have been made by Spirit Empire!"

  But there is no need to find out, they immediately put the target of suspicion on Wuhun Empire.

  At this moment today, they couldn't think of anyone other than Wuhun Empire who would want Yu Xiaogang's life.

  Now those sect forces, the two empires, have reached a strategic alliance with Tang Sect in Yu Xiaogang's series, and cooperate closely.

  At a time like this, it is impossible for everyone to attack Yu Xiaogang.

  Only the Wuhun Empire, if what Yu Xiaogang did was discovered by the Wuhun Empire, the Wuhun Empire definitely has a reason to do something to Yu Xiaogang.

   "Too ruthless!"

   "Now, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is completely gone!"

   Bai He said with an ugly expression.

  The death of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong immediately made the main line of Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex extinct. Even if there are still a few remaining Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex people, the bloodline is also a collateral branch.

  One of the last three cases, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, no one can carry it anymore.

   This is really miserable.

  Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, at least the main line, is still alive.

  Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is completely over.

   "Will we be the next one to be wiped out?"

  Yu Xiaogang’s family, who witnessed the last of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, also died in front of them. The four ministers felt a little panic in their hearts.

  Fearing that the next family to be wiped out by the Wuhun Empire will be them.

"Will not!"

   "The last one to perish must be the Spirit Empire!"

  Niu Gao shook his head, cheering himself up.

   "I don't know when the suzerain will come back. I hope that when the suzerain comes back, he will not be too sad after knowing this!"

  Titan was rough but fine. He felt that they couldn't let them think about it, so he quickly changed the topic.


  (end of this chapter)

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